View Full Version : Does she need antibiotics?

06-15-2020, 09:34 PM
Hi all 🌼 So Petunia’s lady parts are inflamed and swollen. I have been noticing a small scab every time I express her bladder. No foul odor present. She has been swollen for a couple of weeks, 315265but associated this with possible estrus. For the past 3 days I have noticed the scab. I have begun cleaning her with saline wipes and applying triple antibiotic (a change from water and A&D ointment). Do you think she needs a round of antibiotics? Thank you in advance for your input/advice.💜🐿☮️

06-16-2020, 12:38 PM
How old is petunia?
From the fur in the photo it looks like she is more than 7 weeks.. why does her bladder need to be expressed?

06-17-2020, 10:51 AM
She is 2 in august. Her back end is paralyzed. I am very concerned because she continues to have a small scab every time I express her. Also swollen. No malodor. I don’t want this to get ahead me. I am thinking antibiotic, but not the expert like so many here. I do have a vet that will write a script for me. What are your thoughts? Thank you!!💜🐿☮️