View Full Version : Some first solid foods you tried

06-14-2020, 03:38 PM
I’m wondering what are some first solid foods you guys introduced or tried? Is it always the blocks first then try other things? I will receive my Henry’s hi protein blocks tomorrow but was wondering what other things people have tried first. I have a baby flyer. Shes always hungry it seems and she’s been getting 5% of her body weight in formula every time. She’s around 5-6weeks old. Also when did you guys start giving them sticks, and antlers to chew on. Thanks

06-24-2020, 10:43 PM
Along with blocks, avocado and peeled grapes are always popular. I usually start giving them a little of everything to nibble on, but those two are easy first foods to eat and they love 'em. Mushrooms, sugar snaps, sweet potato are usually popular early foods too.