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06-14-2020, 03:33 PM
Hello, i have 2 concerns. One, my girl, Ally, has watery diarrhea. It's yellow. And her belly is rather roundish too. It's not hard. Which is weird.
Two, i believe that Ally is 8 weeks but due to her lack of fur, i am unsure to how old she actually is.
She has opened her eyes and her top teeth are growing too. Also, her skin is very dry. Is their anything i can do for it?

06-14-2020, 04:13 PM
What is ally's diet. Diet could be everything.

06-14-2020, 04:17 PM
What is ally's diet. Diet could be everything.

About a week ago i switched her to the Fox valley formula and ultraboost so she can gain weight. Before that, she was on Esbiliac

06-14-2020, 06:39 PM
How much does this precious little girl weigh?

How often and how much is she eating each feeding? And is she eating anything other than formula at this point?

06-14-2020, 11:15 PM
How much does this precious little girl weigh?

How often and how much is she eating each feeding? And is she eating anything other than formula at this point?

I haven't checked today since i went to work. She was under the care of my grandma
. She eats about 3 mL.
I feed her every 5 hours.
When she gets like this i lower the amount.
And i bought her some rodent block.
I give her sweet potato here and there.
I think she was just bloated because she's sorta better.

06-15-2020, 07:54 AM
I haven't checked today since i went to work. She was under the care of my grandma
. She eats about 3 mL.
I feed her every 5 hours.
When she gets like this i lower the amount.
And i bought her some rodent block.
I give her sweet potato here and there.
I think she was just bloated because she's sorta better.

3ml is the minimum for a 60gram squirrel... a 60 gram squirrel is usually eyes closed, about 3 weeks old. Most of my babies are over 100grams when they open their eyes (around 5 weeks old) and southern greys are smaller than your northern (PA) greys. I worry she might have some nutritional deficiencies... this is reinforced by not only how small she is but the condition of her fur. The health of their fur and tail tells the tale of their overall health. She reminds me of a little guy I got a few years back (Squirt) who grew up to be a healthy boy that still comes visits me... his thread / story is her on the board. He was 44 grams and eyes open when he arrived here...

I see she is eating some solids... the block should be the first and only solids. Offer other healthy veggies only after you know she is eating her block well. After veggies, some fruit can be added. But you really need her to be eating (not simply chewing up) the block before starting things like sweet taters.

Let's focus on her diet. First and most important is to know how much she weighs.

When mixing up the Fox Valley (is this the 20/50?) are you mixing it up and letting it sit in the fridge for a few hours (overnight ideally) to allow it to be dissolved as mush as possible? This helps with digestion. How much Ultraboost are you adding to the FV formula?

What is the brand of rodent block you are feeding her?

Nancy in New York
06-15-2020, 08:51 AM
Is your little girl a red squirrel?
How long have you had her?

06-15-2020, 09:41 AM
3ml is the minimum for a 60gram squirrel... a 60 gram squirrel is usually eyes closed, about 3 weeks old. Most of my babies are over 100grams when they open their eyes (around 5 weeks old) and southern greys are smaller than your northern (PA) greys. I worry she might have some nutritional deficiencies... this is reinforced by not only how small she is but the condition of her fur. The health of their fur and tail tells the tale of their overall health. She reminds me of a little guy I got a few years back (Squirt) who grew up to be a healthy boy that still comes visits me... his thread / story is her on the board. He was 44 grams and eyes open when he arrived here...

I see she is eating some solids... the block should be the first and only solids. Offer other healthy veggies only after you know she is eating her block well. After veggies, some fruit can be added. But you really need her to be eating (not simply chewing up) the block before starting things like sweet taters.

Let's focus on her diet. First and most important is to know how much she weighs.

When mixing up the Fox Valley (is this the 20/50?) are you mixing it up and letting it sit in the fridge for a few hours (overnight ideally) to allow it to be dissolved as mush as possible? This helps with digestion. How much Ultraboost are you adding to the FV formula?

What is the brand of rodent block you are feeding her?

Yea, it's the 20/50. I mix it up and let it sit in the fridge. I add 1 tsp and a half. For the regular formula i add 2 tsp. I use Henry's healthy blocks. I order the one with high protein. My girl likes it.

06-15-2020, 09:42 AM
Is your little girl a red squirrel?
How long have you had her?

Ive had her since she was 2 weeks. She looks grayish.

06-15-2020, 05:52 PM
Yea, it's the 20/50. I mix it up and let it sit in the fridge. I add 1 tsp and a half. For the regular formula i add 2 tsp. I use Henry's healthy blocks. I order the one with high protein. My girl likes it.

When you say you use 1 tsp and a half and for the regular formula you use 2 tsp, what does that mean? If you’re using Ultraboost you substitute 25% of the amount of powdered formula with Ultraboost. The formula will easily keep 24 hrs in the fridge once mixed. So, you should mix up what would be a day or a little more’s worth of formula at a time. I’d suggest mixing 3 teaspoons of Fox Valley and 1 teaspoon of Ultraboost then 8 teaspoons of hot water. As she grows she will probably want to eat more than the 5-7% rule. You just have to do any increases gradually.

06-16-2020, 09:30 AM
When you say you use 1 tsp and a half and for the regular formula you use 2 tsp, what does that mean? If you’re using Ultraboost you substitute 25% of the amount of powdered formula with Ultraboost. The formula will easily keep 24 hrs in the fridge once mixed. So, you should mix up what would be a day or a little more’s worth of formula at a time. I’d suggest mixing 3 teaspoons of Fox Valley and 1 teaspoon of Ultraboost then 8 teaspoons of hot water. As she grows she will probably want to eat more than the 5-7% rule. You just have to do any increases gradually.

Okay thank you. I really appreciate your help 😊

06-19-2020, 02:41 PM
Just a note, when my little guy was in the range of 120 grams and on formula, he got diarrhea, watery orange. I stopped feeding him sweet potato and the diarrhea cleared up in a 24 hour period. Then I gave a little more sweet potato, then the diarrhea came back. I stopped the sweet potato until he was a bit older, now all is fine, he can eat sweet potato.

I'm not saying this is the case with you, I just wanted to mention it. I've had other baby squirrels that never had any issues with sweet potatoes, so I found this curious.