View Full Version : Puss coming from closed eye

06-14-2020, 12:39 PM
I’ve got a two week old eyes closed racoon. 275g this morning. Noticed a little puss in the inner corner Of closed eye. Gently pressed and got about 5/6 of these puss “balls”. All about the same size. Still leaking a bit. The eye was not noticeably larger than the other and didn’t protrude before this. Nothing to alert me that there was an issue. These are the meds I have on hand:

Clindamycin 150mg-5 capsules
Metronidazole 250mg-1 pill
Enrofloxacin 136mg-3 pills
Cephalexin 500mg- several
Amoxicillin 500mg-3 capsules

Not even sure if all of those are actually ABs. Can someone tell me what if any I can use for him and the dosage?


06-14-2020, 02:36 PM
Oh wow. I would put warm compresses on that eye several times a day. Maybe the eye will open early. Is there any chance you could get antibiotic eye drops from a friend or family? If pus can come out, an antibiotic drop would penetrate the lid to get directly at the infection.

I wish you had Clavamox (Augmentin) or SMZ-TMP (Septra). These would be better to cover a broader spectrum. I’m afraid the Baytril is too narrow but we can certainly try it. We can also stack it with the Clindamycin.

Let me calculate the dosing.

06-14-2020, 02:56 PM
Dosing sent.