View Full Version : Need help with newly released grey squirrel aggression

06-12-2020, 04:54 PM
Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer.

I am seeking help with our newly released male, grey squirrel named Remy. He has become quite aggressive since his release and is beginning to be a mischievous terror.

To back up a bit... He was found last Labor Day. We determined that he was approx 5 weeks of age and hand fed him until he weaned himself during the month of October. We kept him in the house at first, of course, in a large aquarium then moved him to a larger cage out on our porch in early October. At that point we feared for his ability to winter over and keep away from predators, and so to ensure his survival, we opted to winter him over in a soft release cage. I built a nest box for him and hung it in an old hoop house pen I had from raising ducks and turkeys. I put a barrel of fallen leaves in it for him and some pieces of fleece and he immediately made a cozy nest in the box. We fed him and cared for him all winter. He did exceptionally well despite the cold and snow. The hoop house is about 8' x 6' or so and he played, climbed all over his branches and perches, and was very affectionate. We anxiously awaited spring and planned to release him as soon as the trees fully leafed out. We released him early on Saturday morning Memorial Day weekend. He was elated. We watched him for hours exploring, climbing trees, etc. We left his pen open that night and subsequent nights in case he wanted to return - which he did the first night. He was then gone for the next few days and returned to visit us. Then gone for a whole week with no sign of him. We still left food out just in case. After he returned from his week away, he was different. Cautious. A bit nervous around us all of a sudden. He seemed conflicted. He jumped on me and perched, but when I went to pet him he bit me. Hard. Blood everywhere! He did the same to my husband. His claws are super razor sharp now, too. Well since then, I have been fearful of the little guy. He has taken to watching the house. He will come to the kitchen windows overlooking our porch and hang on the screens to see if we are in there in the morning at times, but mostly at supper. If we go outside he immediately comes running and jumps on us. He will be very aggressive if he thinks/hopes we have food for him. I cannot let my elderly mom (who lives with us) sit out on the porch as I fear for her safety. Remy has even chewed through our patio light strings somehow not electrocuting himself!!! 😳Thank God. 🤦*♀️ And he was even seen running away with a few of the light bulbs before I could shut the power off and get out there to take the lights down!

Last evening, I went out with some food and Remy made a bee line for me from literally out of nowhere. He immediately jumped on me, looked in my hoodie pocket and stole the food. He then jumped on my head and scratched my scalp. Ouch! I had fireplace gloves on so he couldn't bite my hands again. Can you please, please advise me? I want to do what is right by him. We really don't have many squirrels around for him to socialize with though one would occasionally visit him during the late winter when he was in the hoop house still. I hate that I feel like a prisoner in my own home, afraid to go out for fear he will appear out of nowhere and hurt me or one of my family members.
This morning I held a broom out to keep him at bay while providing cover for my daughter so she could get to her car for work. People laugh when they hear this, but of course, it's not really funny. I have been told this can occur with males. Is that true? Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
