View Full Version : 4 week old baby flyer not pooping

06-09-2020, 07:35 PM
Hi! My baby flying squirrel is around 4 weeks old, I’m assuming she was around a week old when I found her. Her eyes just opened a day or two ago. Anyways she hasn’t pooped since a tiny bit yesterday morning. I’ve tried warm water soaks and massages, watered down apple juice, full strength apple juice, rubbed coconut oil on her bum, gas drops when her belly got a little bloated, making sure to stimulize for a few minutes and not too short. She was constipated a few days ago for 2 days too but then had a really big poo, then a couple smaller ones and now this again. She’s been on esbilac formula with cream since I got her over 3 weeks and 3 days ago and was doing great until now. I’ve gathered I should switch to FV 20/50 and am ordering it, and yes I feed her 5% of her weight. I just want to know if any one has any suggestions on how to get her to poo. She pees just fine and it’s a light yellow to clear, and I don’t think she’s dehydrated because of her pee and her skin falls right back down in skin pinch test. Please if anyone has any suggestions I’m willing to try! Also it’s the newer esbilac with the whey protein and probiotics and probiotics

06-09-2020, 09:42 PM
I'd definitely switch formulas, the Esbilac is a problem. You can use the the Goat;s Milk Formula until the FV arrives.

3 parts Goat's Milk

3 parts plain yogurt

2 parts heavy cream

Sounds like you have tried most of the suggestions for constipation. You can try mushed banana (make sure they are ripe or very ripe, green bananas cause constipation) or canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix, just plain pumpkin.

And hydration.. continue to give as much water as she will take without getting bloated.

06-09-2020, 11:00 PM
Thank you! I will get goats milk ASAP and some canned pumpkin just in case. I just feel bad in the mean time. She’s still very active , and very hungry . I have some bananas so I can try that tonight, should I mix anything with it ? Like water it down a bit since she’s not on solids? And when I thought she bloated a little before it’s not where her tummy is it’s down right in between her back legs.

06-09-2020, 11:58 PM
A couple of things. First, definitely get that Fox Valley formula as soon as you possibly can. In the meantime, the goats' milk, vanilla yogurt (no artificial sweetners,) and heavy cream combination will get you through. Be sure to make a new batch every 48 hours.

At 4 weeks old, it might be a little optimistic to be looking for large stools. Keep in mind it comes out as tiny, regular looking poop and quickly dries to black specks. It is possible that the poop is there but is just getting lost in the mix.

Last, "And when I thought she bloated a little before it’s not where her tummy is it’s down right in between her back legs." Are you certain she is not a he? I've also noticed with our many (many!) babies, fur grows more thickly in some areas than others. A combination extra thick fur and well hydrated skin down there could look like bloating, I suppose.

Diet is critical. Get this right and you are well past half way to happy, healthy kids. Get this wrong and you and your flyers will have no end of grief. In fact, you can bring them to miserable, painful deaths if you get this too far wrong. Fortunately, the "formula" is simple, easy, and inexpensive.

Good Luck!

Jamie, Pam, Louie, and the Tomahawk Flyers

06-10-2020, 01:04 PM
Thank you! I ordered the FV and will definitely do the goats milk until it comes. I was worried because there was mainly nothing for 2 days. I was able to get a little to come out this morning and any amount makes me happy. I say little because it’s way less than her old poops, but maybe she just had large poo then lol and I’m pretty sure it’s a girl. I am going to try and add a picture to get your guys opinion. :grin2 otherwise she’s very active and doing great!

06-10-2020, 02:48 PM
What a beautiful little kid! From the photos, I do not see any bloating. I do see something between the back legs - zooming close enough to get a good look, it blurs. So, not certainly, but it looks as if that is male plumbing. Somebody help out here. Girl? Boy?


06-11-2020, 01:09 AM
I know it’s so hard for me to tell when they are this young ! There’s barely any space between the urine hole and the bum that’s why I was guessing girl, but I haven’t named it yet since I’m not 100% sure and yes no bloating anywhere at this time, and she/he pooped wonderfully earlier!!

06-11-2020, 02:08 PM
Cute, tiny little girl...

06-11-2020, 07:03 PM
Thank you! That’s what I thought! Now to come up with a name ...