View Full Version : Help for a bloated squirrel
09-04-2007, 10:53 AM
a friend of mine recently found a squirrel estimated to be 4-5 weeks old. his eyes are closed but he is blinking more and more. His tail is getting slightly bushier but the hair is still quite short. My friend has been feed him esbilac full strength. she did read that this was the best milk supplement but the site said nothing about dilution. The little guy has been bloated for 2 days now and his bowel movements have basically stopped. He had one yesterday, very little, and soft but that is it. He was straining this morning as she was stimulating him as required. He does urinate quite a bit but the formula is too rich and he has not been digesting it as the bloating indicates. It barely goes down between feedings, if at all. He does have a voracious appetite still. What needs to be done to reduce the bloating, get his stools going again? Thanks for any help you can give him.
09-04-2007, 11:23 AM
Is he urinating regularly?
09-04-2007, 11:27 AM
First of all, how much formula is she feeding at each meal time? If she's giving too much, this can cause bloating!
I would have started him on a 25/75 mix of formula to water and gradually worked up to 50/50, then 75/25, then 100% formula.
Im not sure about his bowel movement....I will leave that up to the experts on here!
Good luck!:thumbsup
09-04-2007, 11:28 AM
everytime he is fed, sometimes only after, but mostly both before and after. He is fed about 4 times a day due to my friend's work schedule. I understand that he is fed first thing in the morning around 7 am, then about 3:30pm, then 8 pm, then about 10:30/11pm. He does urinate at that time.
09-04-2007, 11:32 AM
How much is she feeding him at a time?
09-04-2007, 11:33 AM
It would be best for her to weigh him and use the 5% rule, i.e: if he weighs 100g, she should give him half of that which is 50, but take off the 0, which then becomes 5 (mls).
09-04-2007, 11:34 AM
It sounds like he is just getting too much to eat. Perhaps you are feeding him too much at once or feeding him too often. A baby squirrel at that age should be fed 5-6 times a day and should get 5% of it's body weight at each feeding. So, if the baby weighs 100 grams, it gets 5 cc per feeding for example. If the baby is eating the right amount, adding pedialyte feedings in between the milk feedings may help. If the bloating continues, take the baby off milk for 3 feedings and just give pedialyte to see if that clears his system.
Momma Squirrel
09-04-2007, 11:36 AM
Just an observation, is there anyway that your friend can get a more regular schedule? I am no expert but I wouldn't think that going 8 1/2 hours without being fed would be good for a baby, is there anyway a lunch time feeding could be squeezed in there??
09-04-2007, 11:39 AM
As for the amount, I have seen her give him 2 seringes (about 3 cc seringe) at a time. From everything I have read by now, I think it is too much but these little ones are so good at acting absolutely famished. Right now, she is holding off feeding him any esbilac until we (since I am pitching in now) we get some guidance from the experts.
09-04-2007, 11:41 AM
By bloating do you mean distended and hard or a little puffy and soft like a balloon?
09-04-2007, 11:42 AM
I agree with MS!
The chances are that she's leaving too long a gap between feedings...that can cause gas to develop in the the bloated look.
He may also be taking too much at each feed due to his hunger, again, because he's going too long without a feed!
09-04-2007, 11:47 AM
What is she using to feed him? A 1 cc or 3 cc (since he is older) is recommended. If she is using a bottle, the baby will swallow air.
09-04-2007, 11:47 AM
puffy and soft like a balloon. He does not appear to be in pain but the fact that he does not have a bowel movement worries us. As stated earlier, he has not had a bowel movement since yesterday and it was really small.
09-04-2007, 11:50 AM
I have to go to class now but I will be back in abuot 80 minutes. please continue giving us advice. We need all the help we can receive from the experts to help the little one. I will answer your questions when I return.
09-04-2007, 11:51 AM
The next important question is how long she's had the squirrel and the condition under which he was found. If the squirrel came in dehydrated and was feed only the Esbilac 4 times a day, it will need to be hydrated now.
09-04-2007, 11:52 AM
A 3 cc seringe was used until yesterday when we bought a little bottle. We had decided to switch back to the seringe as we did not like the bottle at all. But the bowel problems seem to have begun before that. How often is he supposed to defecate?
09-04-2007, 11:54 AM
What do we need to use to hydrate him?
We have had him for about a week and he seemed ok, just hungry. It seems the bloating began when the bottle was used. Sorry need to go to class. will be back in about 80 minutes. thanks for all your help.
09-04-2007, 11:55 AM
It is possible to care for a squirrel and work full time when the squirrel is that age. I have taken care of countless squirrels that size and left them go eight and a half hours and then fed them every 3-4 hours even through the night. I feed them at 5:00 AM, 3:00 PM, 6:00 PM, 10:00 PM, 1:00 AM and then start a new day with the 5:00 feeding again. This system has worked excellent for me and I have never had any problem with bloat. It is like switching their nights and days on them because at that age they are able to sleep through the night without any feedings. I think it is often too many feedings that cause bloating. If the baby doesn't have enough time to digest the milk between feedings it builds up and then they get bloated. I don't think 6 cc is too much milk, but 5 cc is probably more like ideal for a baby at that age. Maybe you could try going with 5 and seeing how it goes.
09-04-2007, 11:56 AM
Pedialyte, unflavored is best but any will do. I'll continue you when you get back from teaching class.
09-04-2007, 11:57 AM
The bottle may very well be the problem. You should always use a syringe to feed them then you are in control of the feeding. He is probably drinking too much when he uses the bottle. Pooping once a day is normal and ideal.
09-04-2007, 01:42 PM
I have just returned from class and have read your posts. first, thank you so much for helping. He really is a sweetheart and we want to do it right. We will discontinue the bottle as we had already decided and will use only the seringe from now on, a 3cc I believe. To address the frequency of feeding, we both go to the same school about 1 hour away from home for either of us so it is difficult to return home for a noon feeding. We are considering bringing him here in his shoebox to address this issue. However, we cannot keep in inside due to the AC which I have no control over in my office. the weather is warm so I could keep him in my vehicle with tinted windows, in the shade, and windows rolled down a bit and I can check on him every hour or so. If this is not a good thing--I do not want him to get too hot--then any suggestions? Right now, the issue is the bloating and the lack of bowel movements. We will discontinue the bottle as we had already decided. What do you suggest next to relieve the bloating and get his little bowels going again. If you think he was overfed or ate too fast because he was hungry, then should we start with pedialyte unsweetened to hydrate him and hold off on the esbilac formula (what ratio?) and so for how long?
09-04-2007, 01:50 PM
As far as your problem goes with not being able to feed him for so many hours, and/or having to take him along and keeping him in a car you cant control the temp in.
For the babies best interest I would find him a rehabber.
09-04-2007, 01:53 PM
If you get a heating pad (not auto shut off) on low and place it under 1/2 of the squirrels box, it can get the warmth it needs or go to the other side if it's hot. If the box is thin, you will need to place a towel between the heating pad and box. You would be better off controlling the temp with the heating pad in your office than in the car. Once the baby opens it eyes, it will be able to self regulate it's temp better and start climbing. Make sure you place a blanket in the box no terrycloth, no towels because they can get their nails caught in the loops.
What are your plans for this squirrel? Do you plan to raise and release him, keep him or would you like us to find you a rehabber to take it to?
I'll address the other question in a minute.
09-04-2007, 02:03 PM
Use pedialyte only for the next 2 or 3 feedings. When he starts defecating normally the plan will be to restart Esbilac. If you can weigh the squirrel on a gram scale it would be easier to figure the quantity needed for each feeding. Let's start with 5 mL for now. To rehydrate the feedings need to be increased up to 6 times a day, including one during the night. This schedule will be needed for 2 to 3 days. Bloat can kill a squirrel quickly so this needs to be resolved fast.
Two other thing that can help are abdominal massage and simethicone.
To massage: Soak the baby's lower half in warm water while massaging it's tummy gently. Small circles in a clock-wise motion. Do this for 5 minutes then dry the squirrel off and let it rest in a warm spot for approximately 15 minutes then do it again.
Get some simethicone (brand name is Gas X) infant gas relief drops. Give approx 0.15 mL as needed at least 4 hours apart.
09-04-2007, 02:06 PM
Great idea about the heating pad! I cannot believe I did not think about this but it will work great. I have all I need right outside my office including a refrigerator and a microwave plus a lot of freedom to do what I need to do to care for this little one. My friend has access to my office so she can care for him to. As far as bedding, he is sleeping in a t-shirt and really seems to like it.
09-04-2007, 02:07 PM
I would NOT keep the baby in the car. If you have a heating pad, the air conditioning will be no trouble. Just put the heating pad under half his cardboard box and he will be plenty warm enough.
09-04-2007, 02:13 PM
Thank you so much. Will follow your advice with great care. I will be leaving soon to get the items you suggested and will keep you updated. As for a rehabber, we live in the southeastern portion of illinois about one hour north of Evansville, IN. The closest place I found was the University of Illinois, the vet school, which is quite a few hours away. Although I am willing to drive the little one there, I would not be able to go until this week end as it would be the case for any rehabber unless they are really close so right now, it is up to us with your help as the problem needs to be addressed right now. Again, millions of thanks to all of you out there who posted advice. I am only sorry we did not discover your site sooner! Will let you know how things go tomorrow!
09-04-2007, 02:13 PM
Could you post a picture of the bloated stomach?? I have cared for several squirrels none have ever yet come into my care with bloat. Their stomachs do become rounder when they are fed?
09-04-2007, 02:16 PM
And by the way I had no idea there were so many people out there who loved squirrels. Although I had seen them run around my yard--we have lots of trees right around the house, live close to a forest, and really live in the middle of nowhere--I had no idea they could be so endearing. Thanks again for your precious advice.
09-04-2007, 02:26 PM
I cannot post a picture right now as I am at the university. I might be able to later but the stomach is neither hard nor really huge. It is pudgy, soft but bigger than we feel it was before and the lack of bowel movement is worrying us.
09-04-2007, 02:29 PM
The Esbilac can be difficult to stir into a smooth mixture without creating air bubbles. Once you draw the formula into the syringe, you will need to get all the air bubbles out by tapping the syringe while holding it vertical with tip up. The bubbles will rise to the top. Push the plunger until all the bubbles are through and only formula is coming out the tip. You may need to repeat this 2 or 3 times.
The belly should feel like a partially deflated balloon after eating. It should go down before the next feeding or there is a problem.
It would help us to tell you what to do later if you know your plans for the squirrel.
09-04-2007, 02:41 PM
Most people use a nipple on the end of the syringe to avoid aspiration. It is very easy to aspirate a baby squirrel. Here are two great articles on baby squirrels. There are pictures of feeding supplies and feeding technique.
I need to go for now. Please take a look at both of these links and if you have questions there are other more experienced people on the board that will be along to help you.
09-04-2007, 02:43 PM
Hi again!
Pardon me for butting in here, but just thought....Hazel is a vet tech/rehabber and lives in Illinois. She may be able to help you with rehabbing, if thats what you choose to do!
You can find her on this forum, even send her a private msg if you want!
Hope everything goes well for you both!:thumbsup
One more question. How are you mixing the esbilac? How much powder and how much water are you using?
09-04-2007, 07:49 PM
Has the lil baby pooped yet? has it pooped at all since she found him?
is he bloated or constipated? :dono
09-04-2007, 07:51 PM
NG the little tyke pooped yesterday. It is just not pooping as often and they are worried. I think it is normal though!
09-04-2007, 07:57 PM
NG the little tyke pooped yesterday. It is just not pooping as often and they are worried. I think it is normal though!
thanks I was confused. :) so you think he has bloat?
09-04-2007, 09:23 PM
I am not sure. I don't think so though. I think with the pedialyte feedings, everything should be cleared up in no time!
09-04-2007, 09:32 PM
I am not sure. I don't think so though. I think with the pedialyte feedings, everything should be cleared up in no time!
whew. *thanks* sometimes its hard to see the full picture b/c allt of the help is given in pm. :bowdown
09-06-2007, 02:42 PM
Hello. Just wanted to thank you for all your help. The little one was no longer bloated when we got home. It seems that using the bottle was the problem as he was probably drinking too fast and getting air at the same time. We have been bringing him to school and using your advice with the heating pad, we have been able to feed him more frequently and regularly. He has started having bowel movements again and his eyes opened yesterday. Sooooooo much energy. He is doing very well! Thank you all again, and a special thank you to LynninIN. This board is invaluable.
09-06-2007, 02:50 PM
Lynn is a great lady and you have done a great job!! Stay here and keep up with the developmental stages. They are constantly changing! Good work!
09-06-2007, 03:04 PM
Just trying to post a picture of the little one. Hope it works.
09-06-2007, 03:09 PM
Sorry trying again with the picture! Thanks for your words of support and encouragement.
09-06-2007, 03:17 PM
Great Job Lynn :thumbsup
I see the little guy in your avitar spot. He is very cute. A beautiful baby foxer!
01-12-2008, 02:33 PM
Hi ,I 've already posted some posts about my chippie..
maybe Im gettin' little anoying with all those questions:bricks , but what can you do...
I really dont know if shes bloated or pregnant!its the big question...
I tried to find some vets in my town but it looks like they are not really specced with rodents:dono
her tummy is big!! I have sent an e-mail to a vet in other town(which is pritty far away) and she recomended me to use some
medicines for her.. like
santalina N6 for tummy problems,versale-lagas pro-digest and opti-vit for rodents , ...
I heard some pritty interesting stuff for bloatin squirrels in this thread(if she is bloated!?)
so Im trying to figure if shes pregnant or just bloated :shakehead ...
and her strange hicuping!!
Im givin' her every day out of cage in the dining room(no plants,closed door and all...)when out no hiccups she just stops ,seems like shes doin it on purpose:crazy
shes peeing normaly,but her poop is not hard as it has to be ...
so it maybe a bit anoying to go on discuse about this thing all over again ,but I really want to know whats with her :)
heres one pic from earlier(posted it sometimes)
01-12-2008, 02:48 PM
I think your chipmunk is neither bloated or pregnant. She looks like she is in general overweight. It looks like the extra chunkiness is not just in the stomach but all over. It is hard for us to help without asking lots of questions. If that were my chipmunk I would reduce the amount of nuts and sunflower seeds she was getting and if she is still really hungry, give her some fruits and veggies instead.
01-12-2008, 02:52 PM
I stoped givin her nuts and sunflower seed 2 weeks ago ... and givin' her fruits,veggies, cuttle fish bone (she adores em), etc.
01-12-2008, 03:04 PM
;) :wave
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