View Full Version : Chipmunk formula questions

06-06-2020, 01:54 PM
With the recent events of the Esbilac formula change (fixed) and the FV 32/40 having issues, what do you all use for chipmunks? I’ve heard so many different adaptations to formula. The main one is Esbilac goat, and some say add heavy cream, and some say mix it with other formulas. I know there are many methods and not one formula is king, but what is safest?

What formulas do you use for before eyes open? And after eyes open?
Feeding at 5% body weight, and other husbandry much like squirrels I assume. Any other tips are welcome!
Thank you.

06-07-2020, 06:45 AM
Until someone experienced with chipmunks contact u I'll give u my best advice. First make sure they r warm before u feed. Next get the downloadable page on caring for baby squirrels. It's in the fornum under emergency care. Second if u have a scale weigh it in grams so u can get the file on how much to feed per weight calculation. Next use the homemade formula recipie if the baby is warm amd not dehydrated. Theres also a file on how to tell if dehydrated. If dehydrated use the homemade electrolyte formula cause in my opinion pedialyte isnt good. I have seen a necropsy of kidneys after someone gave pedialyte. Just my observation. Necropsy contributed to that death. Next feed the baby in the proper position and proper syringe angle explained in the 6 page emergency care sheets. That tecnique is an important key cause aspiration pneumonia is a quick killer amd causes more drama. Mryacle nipples amd syringes r best but until u can order these from henery healthy pets their r other options that r safe. Definately no kitten bottles or baby bottles. Definately dont cut holes in any nipples thinking it needs to be down. One gulp in the wrong way amd pneumonia is quick and often not found in time cause early symptoms are hard 2 notice. I can give u the lady's ph number from henerys if u want. Let me know by a p.message. I have her permission. Some one with exoeriance with chipmunks will wrote ya. I tried to keep this short amd quick. That's why it probably sounds a little stand offish.

U might can put in chipmunks in the search box amd someone may have gitton advice on chipmunks before. These post can go way back.
Mary r.

06-07-2020, 07:45 AM
I’ve never raised a chipmunk. Others on here have though. Check under the breed specific section and see if there’s any info. If not, I’d assume the homemade goats milk recipe is good. I’m not sure how the goats milk Esbilac situation is. Some folks say if the Esbilac can has an expiration date of oct. 2021 it seems to be fine. That may also apply to the Goatsmilk Esbilac.

06-07-2020, 10:38 AM
U might can put in chipmunks in the search box amd someone may have gitton advice on chipmunks before. These post can go way back.
Mary r.

Great info! I am experienced in rehabbing squirrels, I didn’t know if there were any key differences between the two. I also did a search for ‘chipmunk formula’ and some other variations but it kept giving me the same search results. Nothing newer of help because I am concerned with the current formula problems in the back of my mind. But the little chipmunk is doing good so far with some of the help I have received. Thanks for replying!

06-07-2020, 10:41 AM
I’ve never raised a chipmunk. Others on here have though. Check under the breed specific section and see if there’s any info. If not, I’d assume the homemade goats milk recipe is good. I’m not sure how the goats milk Esbilac situation is. Some folks say if the Esbilac can has an expiration date of oct. 2021 it seems to be fine. That may also apply to the Goatsmilk Esbilac.

I didn’t know there was a breed section, I looked around, maybe my phone hides some
Sub-forums. I’ll check again. Goats milk Esbilac seems to be the most recommended, but it sounds like everyone prepares the additives a little different. Which can be confusing. Thanks for the reply!

06-07-2020, 12:26 PM
Seems like goats milk Esbilac with either a little heavy cream or full fat vanilla yogurt would work.

Yes, under the section section titled General the third sub forum is Breed Specific.