View Full Version : Mineral stones and rodent blocks

06-02-2020, 03:27 PM
Hi, my baby squirrels are now about 5 1/2 - 6 weeks old i think, i upgraded them to a 10 gallon tank with half heated and half not. They have a water bottle, mazuri rodent blocks and a mineral stone in with them. The entire tank has blankets.

Is this an appropriate set up? Also i will attach pictures of the mineral stone i am currently using and another one i bought for birds. Are they both safe?

With mazuri rat and mouse blocks be appropriate the entire time i'm caring for them or do they need the blocks from henrys healthy pets? I already have mazuri on hand at all times as i have pet mice, so if i can stick to that that would be ideal.

At what point should i upgrade them to a bigger cage? I have an intermediate sized cage for when they're too old for the tank and too young for the final cage set up. This is the cage i have , https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074FH47MQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
My hamster is currently living in it and she is a little smaller than them at this point so id she can't escape they wont be able to, i was planning on moving her to a tank so they could borrow it until they're old enough for the big cage, which is a large multilevel bird cage.

Also, as of yesterday they dont seem to want to eat as much. I'm assuming it's because they started eating the rodent blocks, but i just wanted to make sure that was okay. They're very active now.

Thank you!
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06-02-2020, 10:14 PM
These babies need to be on formula until 10 or 12 weeks old.

You need fox valley 20/50. You can use a temp. formula of goats milk with heavy cream and yogurt until you can obtain the fv 20/50 from Henry's Healthy Pets.

Here is a link to caring for a baby squirrel. 6 pages long. Click next in upper corner of page.

06-03-2020, 01:31 PM
I am still giving the 20/50 4 times a day, at 6% of their body weight. Sorry I didn't make that clear.

I just thought I was supposed to be introducing solid food at this time to have with them to start chewing on.

Since I made this post they've been eating fine again, the time they didnt eat i had fed them later than usual so I'm wondering if that might actually have been the problem.

06-03-2020, 08:30 PM
Give them the 20/50 as long as they will take it. The rodent blocks should be fine if they will eat them while they are still on formula. If they wean at 10-12 weeks they may need HHB's. HHb's have the essentials for healthy diet. I'm not sure about the rodent blocks. Plus they will need introduced to veggies a little later. They tend to love avocado and sugar snap peas, broccoli, etc.

06-06-2020, 10:35 AM
It is my understanding that once squirrels wean off formula which has the vitamins and minerals they need to keep them free of MBD, they need Henrys Blocks, but not to be fed any more than one or two a day. Rat block can then fill in the rest of their desire for block per day along with veggies and a little fruit etc.

I believe that the Henry's block are not meant to be a staple in the diet, or a substitute for rat block, but a way to make sure the squirrels get the proper nutrition to keep them from MBD. Will rat block and no HHB's be okay, this I do not have enough knowledge on. I raised mine with 1-2 HHB's a day and they never got MBD, that is the extent of my understanding.

06-28-2020, 06:20 PM
Thanks everyone!