View Full Version : First time posting but now new here!

05-29-2020, 09:38 AM
I have been a member and peruser of TSB for some time. I am on squirrel #34 in my rehab experience. I am not licensed myself yet (though I have my application ready to submit) but have been mentored and worked with a licensed rehabber in Florida.

My current baby is really making me work and fight. He has been a fighter and as long as he fights, I will too!

My journey started Spring of 2017 and I have no intention of quitting. Extremely thankful for this forum and the vast experience!

In South Florida
Momma Bear and Squirrel Whisperer with
Squirrel Angel

05-29-2020, 11:56 AM
:Welcome mommabear64

We’re glad to have you and now that you’ve ‘outed’ yourself we would love to hear about any special ones that you raised. :grin2 It sounds like the license process will be a mere technicality. I’m sure you can pass the test with ease and the inspection will be a breeze as you have everything in place and know the ropes.

I’m thrilled to hear that you’re in South FL. As wide spread as TSB is, we don’t have many members in SF.

05-30-2020, 07:04 AM
Thanks for the welcome. I’ll put together some stories when I get a moment. My current baby is something!