View Full Version : Thank you TSB

05-25-2020, 06:50 AM
Just a quick one...

I just wanted to thank you to all of you who have helped me with our little boy Berry without you I don't think he would have made it

I managed to find a rehab centre in the UK on Saturday that would take him in as they held the licence to do so as sad as I am to see him go (found an old bit of monkey nut that he had eaten earlier and started to cry haha!) I'm so happy that he will get the proper environment to be a squirrel now and get to be with others his age

But you guys do an amazing job and like I say I don't think Berry would have been able to make it to that rehab without me finding this website

So from me and Berry


island rehabber
05-25-2020, 07:05 AM
You had some of our best and brightest here helping, Nutella -- SO glad things are going well with your little guy.
Oh, yeah -- the finding a piece of nut or toy somewhere long after they've gone. That's a heart-wrencher most of us have experienced, for sure. Mine was a whole pecan in a winter boot 6 months later....cried like a baby. :)

05-25-2020, 07:18 AM
I’m glad to hear things have worked out. I will pass the info on to the other folks that were trying to help.