View Full Version : Mange? I hope not, but what is it??

05-22-2020, 06:00 PM
It seems that this is not mange, but does anyone know what this is? Worms or fleas? An injury? Note the grey discoloration on the skin. He seems to chew at this area a lot in the last couple days. What should I do? This is an indoor squirrel, in case that is any help. Thanks!!

05-22-2020, 06:31 PM
Strange... Would seem to me that if it was fleas you'd see some elsewhere on his body. The are easy to see usually.
I wonder if maybe that was a bite from some bug or such - ant, spider... ??? A bite would/might be itchy, hence the chewing at it? I would put some Polysporin on it, to help prevent the infection - if he licks that it won't harm him - and I'd keep an eye on it to see if any swelling develops or signs or infection.

05-22-2020, 06:52 PM
Well, the good news is that the gray you see isn't discoloration - it is new fur growing in. Go to the drug store and buy a bottle of 10% povidone iodine - the brand name is Betadyne but buy whatever the store brand is and save a little money. Put 20 drops in 1/4 cup of water and use a cotton ball or a little piece of washrag to wipe the area down 2 or 3 times a day. Just wipe it to get it wet and leave it to dry on its own. It doesn't sting, and is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral so you cover a LOT of bases here. What I like about this vs. using creams and ointments is that squirrels fuss with things that gunk their fur up and can make the area worse. This stuff dries just like water - no residue.

Use it for ANYTHING that happens on the skin. It is great for staph infections, scrapes, cuts, rashes, etc. It has become my "go to" for anything on the skin - animal or human (really good for hot spots on dogs). I discovered that wearing a face mask causes my skin to break out - and at 62 I am too darned old for that. So after I wash my face I wipe it down with this same diluted solution and it makes everything disappear in no time! Betadyne should PAY me!

05-22-2020, 09:44 PM
Thank you both! So happy it doesn't seem to be something serious :grin2. I happen to have betadyne around the house so I'll use that for now and hope for the best. And WOW didn't know it had so many uses for us humans too! :laugh2