View Full Version : THANK YOU

05-20-2020, 07:57 AM
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to EVERYONE!

This is my first squirrel. Found him frozen in March. I thought he was dead, but I warmed him up and BAM! There he was!

I had no idea what to do next, so I started researching and luckily found The Squirrel Board.

I learned everything from the page. The basics from the heating pad and food, weighing him, 5-7% rule, the fleece, which formula, etc.

More importantly, this page has saved him over and over with the problems I had. He had a very severe suckling problem (entire penis was a scab). Again, came here to find out others had the issue also and how to correct it (the warm water baths to remove the scab, keeping it clean, etc).

Then he had bloody urine. Again did some research on the page. Assuming he had a UTI a senior member helped me with trx. And again, he is better!

I am just so happy and grateful for everyone and this page! Especially since a lot of vets will not see squirrels, this forum is literally a life saver!

So thanks again everyone, you guys are awesome!

05-20-2020, 08:20 AM
Thanks for your compassion and perseverance. This little one had a very small chance to survive--and YOU were that opportunity. TSB has saved soooo many squees...and your little fuzz-head is just another example.

05-20-2020, 08:37 AM
Glad the TSB was able to help out but pat yourself on the back too, it takes a lot of hard work, time and blood, sweat and tears to raise a squirrel without any prior experience!:w00t

island rehabber
05-20-2020, 01:25 PM
This is the kind of post that makes us smile and smile...it's why TSB exists and why we love to be here!

How about some pix of your little guy? We never have enough pix.