View Full Version : Red ant attacked........!!!

05-17-2020, 12:38 PM
i found a fully grown one about 10.am in the morning laying on the ground covered with red ants (folic acid) on eyes, ears, mouth, paws. barley moving paws. i think little fellow on his first voyage and ended at a red ants colony.

i keep him warm and apply soframycin skin cream which contains Framycelin, Mythyl, Propyl on eye lid, ears, paws.

After 10 hours he starts move so i wish to know the next step. he looks not dehydrated. but make no sound. moves a bit. looks still sleepy. shall i feed him with dry food

05-17-2020, 01:21 PM
By red ants, do you mean Fire Ants? You can give him Benadryl to help with allergic response. Do you have a weight on him? I can send dosing directions if you have weight. I would try to get him hydrated ASAP.

05-17-2020, 07:12 PM
By red ants, do you mean Fire Ants? You can give him Benadryl to help with allergic response. Do you have a weight on him? I can send dosing directions if you have weight. I would try to get him hydrated ASAP.

No these are Asian Red Ants belly full of frolic acid. image attached,

just above 1.5 ounce (1.67 O).

i can still see his other fellow running on tree branches with his mothers guidance

05-17-2020, 07:31 PM
1.67oz is equal to 47g. What kind of squirrel is this? A 47g should not be running anywhere, it's eyes should be closed.

No these are Asian Red Ants belly full of frolic acid. image attached,

just above 1.5 ounce (1.67 O).

i can still see his other fellow running on tree branches with his mothers guidance

05-18-2020, 12:25 AM
1.67oz is equal to 47g. What kind of squirrel is this? A 47g should not be running anywhere, it's eyes should be closed.

same kind of a one on my Avatar.
Ref : i can still see his other fellow running on tree branches with his mothers guidance.

Now i have a doubt of my micro -scale...:tap

05-18-2020, 02:14 AM
same kind of a one on my Avatar.
Ref : i can still see his other fellow running on tree branches with his mothers guidance.

Now i have a doubt of my micro -scale...:tap

:grouphug Guys Please noted he had pass load of urine just now

05-18-2020, 09:16 AM
same kind of a one on my Avatar.
Ref : i can still see his other fellow running on tree branches with his mothers guidance.

Now i have a doubt of my micro -scale...:tap

i corrected it. about 44/45 grams

05-18-2020, 09:41 AM
Keep trying to get him hydrated/ If you have Children's Benadryl (it should say 22.5mg/5ml strength on the bottle) you can give 0.04cc (0.04ml) up to 3x per day (morning/afternoon/evening). That should help with pain, irritation and reduce inflammation somewhat.

05-18-2020, 10:39 PM
Keep trying to get him hydrated/ If you have Children's Benadryl (it should say 22.5mg/5ml strength on the bottle) you can give 0.04cc (0.04ml) up to 3x per day (morning/afternoon/evening). That should help with pain, irritation and reduce inflammation somewhat.

ok i did children-benadryl for one day, do you recommend for more than one day.
he refuses to drink GMF but eats banana, and piece of mango and coconut meats

his eyes lids closed tightly. what do you recommend for this.
No bacteria infection visible.

he is active, other than eyes.
advice me when will i release him

05-21-2020, 12:31 AM
dear friends...! good news for today..!
Last evening with some warm water i rubbed her eye lids gently, slowly then opened. he is very active and so tired by trying to escape.
this morning under the warm sun, i set him free.


05-21-2020, 07:58 AM
Glad he was able to recover, thanks for helping him.