05-16-2020, 07:19 PM
We live in a small city in Mexico, where houses are right next to each other so there's no patios or backyards. There are wild squirrels running around the block, usually in trees and they move around by walking on the power cables. We don't really know where they live, we just see them around. We have a hibiscus tree in the front of our house and they always come and eat the flowers.
Two days ago we found a squirrel under the tree on it's belly, not really being able to move much. We brought it in because it was right in the curb so if anyone parked in front of our house they could run it over, plus there were fire ants around and they were probably attacking the squirrel.
We have no idea what kind of squirrel it is. Don't know if it's male or female or how old it is (but doesn't seem to be a baby). Seems to have a problem with balance and it's face is always tilted to the side and is kind of squinting her right eye. We don't know if it's blind or deaf because doesn't really respond to us moving or to noises.
We put it in a wood crate with cardboard on the bottom and on the top kind of as a lid so it wouldn't escape. We tried feeding it a couple of pecans, ignored them. Pistachios, ignored them. Filled a small container with water, tipped it over multiple times. It just seemed annoyed by us and was just scratching around trying to escape which we understand, so we left it alone in case we were the cause of stress (which we probably are). Came back a couple of hours later, it had escaped and we found it on it's belly again, inside our garage. We put it back in the crate.
Still moving around trying to escape, we tried giving it some water with a pipette and it worked a bit but not much, still number one priority was escaping. We tried releasing it to a tree because it seemed very stressed. The second we put it out a cat came over and was ready to take it. We shooed the cat away, put the squirrel back in the crate. We left it alone for the night.
Yesterday morning we found it on the floor again. It ate the bottom of the crate and escaped, but still is not able to walk around too much. We decided to create a temporary cage out of an old window AC box so there was more light and air coming in and it had more space to move. We put a tuna can as a bowl of water. Tried to give it a small piece of apple pear. Ignored it. One of the flowers from the tree, ignored it. It was just jumping around the new "cage" trying to escape. Because it has some vents on the sides, it grabs on to those to try to find an escape. We noticed there that it still has problems with balance, kind of has it's head tilted to the side, and tumbles a lot. The only good part about this was that sometimes it would find the water while throwing itself around the cage and drank a little bit, but we didn't like how it was constantly throwing itself around the cage.
I was worried about it injuring itself with the cage, so we put it back in the crate so we could make some mods to the cage so it wouldn't hurt itself. While it was back in the crate, I fed it an apple and it started eating! It ate about a 4th of a granny smith apple while inside the crate. When we were done we put it back in the "cage" and noticed it kind of jumped a bit, which it hadn't done before. We assume the apple gave it an energy boost but it turned out counterproductive as it started trying to escape more. Kind of throwing itself around the cage more, grabbing on to the sides, very stressed out trying to escape. Then I started seeing blood. It appears it hurt it's left hand and was bleeding a bit. So we put it back in the crate where it seems to be more calm, then put it inside the cage in case it escaped. Tried to give it more water with a pipette but it's not taking it. We put the tuna can with water inside again anyway. Left a few more pieces of apple, a carrot, and left it alone for the night.
This morning it seemed more calm, it's still eating the apple but didn't touch the carrot. The hand seems better, it uses it to grab the apple and doesn't look bloody anymore. The first part of the day was a bit calm just sitting there or taking naps not doing much kind of depressed. After midday it was escape time again. It's very desperately eating away the wood crate. It now has bold spots on the top of the head and also hear the nose. The ones on the head I believe happened yesterday while on the AC cage, the one on the nose happened today while trying to eat the wood crate away because they weren't there this morning. Because of this anxiety, we're thinking about releasing it again, but we're worried it's not ready yet.
There's no animal control here, or rehabilitators or anything. We tried calling the local animal health center in the city but they turned us away saying they only help cats and dogs, so we're on our own here.
What's wrong with it? How can we help? Is the apple okay? Should we feed it something else?
Two days ago we found a squirrel under the tree on it's belly, not really being able to move much. We brought it in because it was right in the curb so if anyone parked in front of our house they could run it over, plus there were fire ants around and they were probably attacking the squirrel.
We have no idea what kind of squirrel it is. Don't know if it's male or female or how old it is (but doesn't seem to be a baby). Seems to have a problem with balance and it's face is always tilted to the side and is kind of squinting her right eye. We don't know if it's blind or deaf because doesn't really respond to us moving or to noises.
We put it in a wood crate with cardboard on the bottom and on the top kind of as a lid so it wouldn't escape. We tried feeding it a couple of pecans, ignored them. Pistachios, ignored them. Filled a small container with water, tipped it over multiple times. It just seemed annoyed by us and was just scratching around trying to escape which we understand, so we left it alone in case we were the cause of stress (which we probably are). Came back a couple of hours later, it had escaped and we found it on it's belly again, inside our garage. We put it back in the crate.
Still moving around trying to escape, we tried giving it some water with a pipette and it worked a bit but not much, still number one priority was escaping. We tried releasing it to a tree because it seemed very stressed. The second we put it out a cat came over and was ready to take it. We shooed the cat away, put the squirrel back in the crate. We left it alone for the night.
Yesterday morning we found it on the floor again. It ate the bottom of the crate and escaped, but still is not able to walk around too much. We decided to create a temporary cage out of an old window AC box so there was more light and air coming in and it had more space to move. We put a tuna can as a bowl of water. Tried to give it a small piece of apple pear. Ignored it. One of the flowers from the tree, ignored it. It was just jumping around the new "cage" trying to escape. Because it has some vents on the sides, it grabs on to those to try to find an escape. We noticed there that it still has problems with balance, kind of has it's head tilted to the side, and tumbles a lot. The only good part about this was that sometimes it would find the water while throwing itself around the cage and drank a little bit, but we didn't like how it was constantly throwing itself around the cage.
I was worried about it injuring itself with the cage, so we put it back in the crate so we could make some mods to the cage so it wouldn't hurt itself. While it was back in the crate, I fed it an apple and it started eating! It ate about a 4th of a granny smith apple while inside the crate. When we were done we put it back in the "cage" and noticed it kind of jumped a bit, which it hadn't done before. We assume the apple gave it an energy boost but it turned out counterproductive as it started trying to escape more. Kind of throwing itself around the cage more, grabbing on to the sides, very stressed out trying to escape. Then I started seeing blood. It appears it hurt it's left hand and was bleeding a bit. So we put it back in the crate where it seems to be more calm, then put it inside the cage in case it escaped. Tried to give it more water with a pipette but it's not taking it. We put the tuna can with water inside again anyway. Left a few more pieces of apple, a carrot, and left it alone for the night.
This morning it seemed more calm, it's still eating the apple but didn't touch the carrot. The hand seems better, it uses it to grab the apple and doesn't look bloody anymore. The first part of the day was a bit calm just sitting there or taking naps not doing much kind of depressed. After midday it was escape time again. It's very desperately eating away the wood crate. It now has bold spots on the top of the head and also hear the nose. The ones on the head I believe happened yesterday while on the AC cage, the one on the nose happened today while trying to eat the wood crate away because they weren't there this morning. Because of this anxiety, we're thinking about releasing it again, but we're worried it's not ready yet.
There's no animal control here, or rehabilitators or anything. We tried calling the local animal health center in the city but they turned us away saying they only help cats and dogs, so we're on our own here.
What's wrong with it? How can we help? Is the apple okay? Should we feed it something else?