View Full Version : 11 week old siblings fighting after day outside

05-14-2020, 08:09 PM
I have two 11 week eastern gray squirrels I took in after they were found by a friend on the ground at about 4 weeks old - about 6 days before their eyes opened. They have been doing great, and I've been taking them out to spend time in the yard every day for about two weeks. I just take them out, let them do whatever they like while watching where they go (mostly just sticking to two big ol' choke cherry trees in our yard) and then when they come down I offer them a cookie in a small aquarium and they hop in and take a ride back inside for the night. Well tonight I brought them both in like we have been doing and Juno is acting like she absolutely hates Kipo. She is in their nest box we made them and acting insanely territorial about it. Kipo looks so sad. Juno has always been the smaller less dominant one so I'm super confused about this behavior. If I didn't know any better I'd think I brought in the wrong squirrel - but she's acting perfectly normal around me, shes just super ticked with her sister. It's so weird. If Kipo comes near her she starts to chatter and yell. Any insight would be appreciated. They were like two peas in a pod until tonight and I was taking comfort in knowing they'd soon be released together.

05-14-2020, 08:20 PM
For the record I said cookie - but that is what we call the Henry's Healthy Blocks. Not literal people cookies.

05-14-2020, 09:04 PM
First off, it is VERY risky taking 11 week old squirrels outside without a cage. One, or both, is liable to release itself by climbing a VERY tall tree and not coming down, regardless of how many cookies you offer. We always recommend a slow release process by placing them in a suitable cage outside for several weeks so they can get used to the sights, sounds and smells of the outdoors. When they are about 16 weeks you open the door, but continue to place food inside the cage and allow them to return to eat or sleep until they no longer want to.

Juno could be annoyed that she is back inside and taking it out on her sister. This could be a wake up call for you that if you continue taking her outside like you have been she may just not come back.

If I were you I’d stop the outdoor treks and instead get them into a release cage so they can have an opportunity to be buddies again before you release them. It’s always nice for squirrels to be released with a sibling or buddy.

05-14-2020, 09:12 PM
Taking them out completely free by day this way is very risky for babies so young. Up here in the northeast the ights csan still get cold, near freezing at times even, and if they escaped this coud prove fatalfor ten. At their age, and without a mom to teach them, they know nothing of predators, of how to provide for themselves etc. I strongly suggest that you do not put them out this way any more but instead - although I'd wait another week at least - I would put them in a release cage, setting them for pre-release. It is usually better to release them only around 14 weeks of age at least so they can have a chance to compete with adults and adjust to the wild.

What this young one is doing is normal. Once released they will each choose their nesting arrangement. Some will settle in together, others prefer to have a nest of their own. You might want to put another nest then in their cage, so the poor little guy can have his own.