View Full Version : Six week squirrel hard stomach from top to penis

05-11-2020, 06:54 PM
Nugget is peralized he was thrown by a dog I have been feeding him esbolac he pooped a total of eight times yesterday his stumick was wet he had to of peed cuz I feel his stumick when it looks wet and feels damp I woke up this morning fed him not even one ml of his esbolac then remembered to check his belly when I noticed he wanted nothing to do with his banana mush that he loves so I checked he has a hard ball above his left side of his belly above his penis but now it's all kinda hard lil bloated looking and I'm not sure what to do I don't want to push on his belly and hurt him if someone messages me I can give u my number if u can help if anyone lives Hesperia contact me amediately please also I just picked up kaytee Timothy biscuits baked with Apple under it it says horneado con manzana I assume same thing I said in English did I get the right rodent block?

05-11-2020, 09:33 PM
Sorry about your baby!

I'm not sure what to tell you.

Are you still feeding Esbilac? We've had problems for the past year or so with it.

Can you order Fox Valley 20/50 from HENRY'S? Here is a link to squirrel care...

05-11-2020, 10:05 PM
Yes I have what should I do in the mean time until I get the other stuff
He was perky yesterday and even walked a lil dragging his poor hind legs and now todag he's completely weak and could barely lift his head to drink a drop of water

island rehabber
05-12-2020, 07:39 AM
Nugg then remembered to check his belly when I noticed he wanted nothing to do with his banana mush that he loves so I checked he has a hard ball above his left side of his belly above his penis but now it's all kinda hard lil bloated looking

I am wondering if this is a hernia, caused by the dog throwing him. Not an unusual occurance in these cases. A vet would know whether it can be safely pushed back in place.....do you have any access to a vet who would see him? If not, can you post a pic of his tummy?