View Full Version : PYOMETRA

05-11-2020, 04:04 PM
I posted this in "Other" but decided to post it here. Rosie was diagnosed this past Thursday with pyometra. She is around 9 to 10 months old and came into her first heat almost a month ago. I became concerned when the swelling of her vagina didn't go back to normal and took her in to be checked.

The vet put her on .05mg of baytril bid. Rosie would not tolerate taking the meds due to the extreme bitterness though between Friday morning and Saturday evening I managedvto get 2 doses in her. I called the vet and was told to discontinue the meds.

The vets recommendation from the start has been to spay Rosie because what she has us fatal. So, she is going to have this done ASAP. Rosie otherwise seems to be in good health as she has tons of energy and a good appitite. I don't want to hold the soaying off until she begins to slow down as I feel it would put her at greater risk.

My questions would be home care after surgery. Should she be put in a small cage to keep her from climbing or jumping? Is there anything I need to rub on her incision so it doesn't dry out and pull at her skin? Do I increase her calcium intake and if so what is recommended daily? Is there any helpful information you think needs to be passed onto the vet? Thanks

05-11-2020, 05:18 PM
I always use a flavored solution when compounding bitter meds, especially Baytril. Did you try that? Your vet should have this mixture.

If you go forward with the surgery, I would certainly restrict her activity as she initially heals. You may need a collar to prevent her from messing with the surgical site. Make sure you get her on a pain med, for some reason vets sometime overlook this. If the incision causes her pain, she is more likely to mess with it. There are various options like straight forward pain relievers (Tramadol) to meds that can reduce pain and decrease the desire to mess with the incision like Gabapentin.

You vet should provide aftercare directions but generally try to keep the incision clean and dry. Your vet might give you a topical AB ointment to use on the incision and you will of course want to keep an eye on it for possible infection. You can also wipe the incision area down daily with a dilute 10% betadine solution which will cleanse the incision and reduce inflammation.

05-11-2020, 07:21 PM
They gave me a liquid oral Baytril I don't believe they mixed it with anything I took a dab of it and put it on my tongue and it was just straight Baytril. I plan on asking them for the Tramadol I don't know that they will give any to her but I will ask because she is very active normally and that will cause her more pain. I know they will give her medicham and that's good but that's only like every 12 hours and she maynneed a break through pain medicine. I don't know what antibiotic if any they will give for her. I do have clavamoxicin. If I had known about pyometra prior to this I would have had Rosie spayed before she had a chance to come into first heat. I will keep everyone posted on how she does.