View Full Version : Cannot figure out this little one's actual age to save my life!

05-09-2020, 12:21 PM
Hello all! Didn't think I would be back after I lost Autumn but here I am. SO, I am moderately experienced at raising orphaned gray squirrels. I raised two when I was a teenager and one a couple of years ago. My last baby had to be put down bc she kept having seizures and, in the end, had one so severe that it wouldn't stop. She had neurological damage from when the branch her nest was on fell out of the tree.

Anyway, I found another orphaned squirrel on April 15th (2020). Her eyes were still closed but I thought she maybe looked a bit older than she should have to still have closed eyes. She ended up opening them the day after I got her. She seems to be completely healthy. She gets Fox Valley 20/50 formula, about 10 cc's a few times a day (sometimes she only wants milk once or twice a day) and the wild squirrel blocks from Henry's since I'm hoping to release her one day.

The only thing is, I cannot figure out exactly how old she is! She looks to be about 10-11 weeks old but, if that's the case, it means she opened her eyes pretty late so I am worried about her possibly having developmental issues. I want to be able to release her when she is ready but I definitely want to be sure she can be released safely.

She is EXTREMELY attached to me. Has some pretty bad separation anxiety if she can't see me for any extended period of time, so I'm also a bit concerned about that. She climbs well but seems to be afraid to jump; she tends to climb rather than jump, even for short distances. Sometimes she bounces around her cage a bit but she never jumps to get to anything or when she is let out to run around the room. She actually seems afraid to jump. She'll stretch her little paws out towards where she wants to go and make little grabbing motions, like she can use the Force to get there or something. It's super cute!

So, as usual, I rambled lol. Basically, I am just looking for opinions on how old you guys think she might be. I can usually figure it out but her appearance just doesn't seem to match up with when she opened her eyes. I'm posting some pictures so you guys can see what she looked like when I found her and what she looks like today. Thank you in advance for any advice or opinions! Happy tails!314787314787

05-09-2020, 01:30 PM
Forgot to mention she is also already communicating with her tail and acting territorial over her "stash" lol. And her name is Luna. :)

05-09-2020, 09:22 PM
My guess would be some 8 to 8.5 weeks. And she's adorable! :Love_Icon

05-09-2020, 11:50 PM
I agree with Scooterzmom. If she opened her eyes on the sixteenth, that's 5 weeks old, then add 3 weeks and two days til now. 8 weeks, 2 days +-....
And she is adorable!

05-11-2020, 01:59 PM
Thanks guys! I just wasn't 100% sure because Luna is literally already a miniature of an adult squirrel, in every way (other than the jumping), so I thought maybe she was a couple of weeks older than the math. It'll be a relief to not have to worry that she may have opened her eyes late anymore!

Now I just have to worry about whether she will be too tame to release. None of the other squirrels I have rehabbed have imprinted on me like this. It'll be insanely hard to let her go when the time comes, if she ever reaches the point where she can be safely released.