View Full Version : Couple questions...sneezing/new bump

05-03-2020, 07:47 PM
Hey. So I am currently taking care of 3 baby squirrels around 8 weeks old.
I’ve had them for almost 2 weeks now. Starting about 2 days ago one of them started sneezing. No change in appetite or activity. No discharge from the noise. I have tried children’s Benadryl with no avail.

Also at this evenings feeding I noticed another one of my squirrels paws had a red raised bump. He is still using it. Does not seem to hurt him. Wondering if I should do anything for it.

05-03-2020, 07:57 PM
Check and compare their teeth first.
If the they are not grinding their teeth down properly they will touch the roof of the mouth and cause sneezing.
Do they have sticks and bones to chew on?

05-03-2020, 08:45 PM
Check and compare their teeth first.
If the they are not grinding their teeth down properly they will touch the roof of the mouth and cause sneezing.
Do they have sticks and bones to chew on?

They both chewing blocks and wood to chew on.

05-04-2020, 06:02 AM
How is the mark on his paw today? Better or worse?

And the sneezing?

05-06-2020, 09:18 PM
How is the mark on his paw today? Better or worse?

And the sneezing?

The sneezing has all but stopped. She was the only one not chewing on the items in her cage. She has started since I posted this.

The bump seems almost larger. It feels like a mole. It’s less red.

05-07-2020, 01:54 PM
Does it seem uncomfortable to her for you to touch it?

05-17-2020, 07:53 PM
He lets me touch it no problems. He’ll run around using it but there are times that he is standing and he’ll have that paw up like he doesn’t want to use it

05-18-2020, 12:44 PM
So the lump isn’t getting better? Have you treated it with any topical medications?

Can you post a current picture?