View Full Version : Nugget: excoriated skin inside r hind leg

04-30-2020, 09:09 AM
My nugget has paresis in hind legs, R>>L and when he runs around the r limb slides under and he continues to scoot just fine. I have been monitoring his skin due to his bony prominences prone to breakdown. He has worn off the hair but the outside of r limb good but he has developed excoriated area on inside of r hind limb. Due to probably urine burn and friction of leg against his scrotum. The moisture and friction I believe are the problem. I am cleaning the area with a warm damp cotton ball and trying to keep the area dry. I am hoping that skin scars up and toughens up. Does anybody have a squirrel with similiar issues with weakness in their hind legs? He is roughly 10 months old and not sure if I should consider neutering him to eliminate the friction? He has not displayed any aggression, so did not want to do that unless necessary. Would love any insight anybody might have.

04-30-2020, 09:51 AM
Salex11, there are several on the board that have squirrels like yours. There is a section of the board specifically about their needs. We have a member that has several. She makes a sack-like silk togo that they wear to prevent drag sores. Her name is Chickenlegs. You could send her a Private Message and she could help you with the design.

Silvadene would be a good treatment for the wounds. Let me get a link to the site where you can purchase it.

If the scrotum becomes a problem with wounds there is a wonderful vet that could do that for you. She is in Port Orange FL. Her name is Alicia Emerson DVM. She has a lot of experience with squirrels.

04-30-2020, 09:57 AM
Here is the link: https://www.mountainside-medical.com/pages/search-results-page?q=silver+sulfadiazine

Any of the first 9 items - they are just different sizes of the same med.

04-30-2020, 12:52 PM
Thank you!!