View Full Version : bite on squirrel....not sure what it is...

04-27-2020, 01:40 PM
Hello, Not sure if I uploaded picture correctly....My Rozey who is now wild and free came with this wound today. I can't tell if it's a cat bite or a squirrel bite, it looks kind of small to be a cat bite and I have also seen her being chased by other squirrels quite a bit in this area. She will not let me hold her anymore....this is the best picture I could get. My mentor couldn't tell she said if it was a cat bite she would need antibiotics but if it's a squirrel bite it should be ok and just keep an eye on it. Thank you in advance.

04-27-2020, 01:42 PM
she seems ok by the way, not really hindered by it. There was one time when she climbed onto the container pictured here where it seemed like her arm was a little sore but a few other attempts were made normally.

04-27-2020, 02:58 PM
Can't be sure either, but I would think that if it was a cat bite there would be other marks. I would say looks more like a squirrel bite and I'd ust keep my eyes open for any sign of trouble.

04-27-2020, 03:16 PM
Can't be sure either, but I would think that if it was a cat bite there would be other marks. I would say looks more like a squirrel bite and I'd ust keep my eyes open for any sign of trouble. Thank you so much! I will do that! It makes me feel better to have someone with experience to just reaffirm what I thought. I'm sorry about your babies, your tribute to them at the end of your message made me cry. They really are magical little creatures who change your life forever.

04-27-2020, 09:40 PM
Might want to have ab's on hand just in case it gets worse. Doesn't look inflamed to me.

04-28-2020, 07:32 AM
Might want to have ab's on hand just in case it gets worse. Doesn't look inflamed to me.Thank you Rocky, I tried but no vet here would give me any without seeing her.....

04-28-2020, 08:48 PM
FYI. In case they are needed , some human ab's can be used if you or a friend or family member may have a pill or two left over.

If so be sure to list strength, squirrels weight here so it can be properly dosed.

04-29-2020, 07:37 AM
FYI. In case they are needed , some human ab's can be used if you or a friend or family member may have a pill or two left over.

If so be sure to list strength, squirrels weight here so it can be properly dosed.OK, thank you. The only thing I have is some cipro (500 mg) from 2014...but I'll see if I can find something else. The last time I was able to weigh her she was 504 grams, that was about a month ago....she's been eating great and seems to have gained weight. I've tried to weigh her since (many attempts in many different weighs) she was having none of it.