View Full Version : Squirrel feed , don't have access to buy supplements to cow milk? Causes for gas?

04-27-2020, 01:06 PM
I have got two probably 4 or 5 week old Indian palm squirrles. One had a bloated look yesterday and wasn't moving much but the belly was not rock solid either. Gave a few drops of gripe water instead of feed. And stimulated the baby, he farted and went some loose poo and also urinated a little. With continued stimulation every feed then on the belly looks much better but I still feel he has gas in his stomach. The last feed was at 10:30pm Overnight what is the likely max duration to stay without give food?

04-27-2020, 01:08 PM
At 4 - 5 weeks I would not go more than 6 hours overnight, and only if they are really healthy.

Can you get Gas-X drops (simethicone)? This will help with the bloat.

What formula are you feeding?


04-27-2020, 01:47 PM
Baby squirrels simply CAN'T digest cows milk, and yes, it is what is causing bloat. Can you get goat's milk, yogurt, and heavy cream? You can make a formula from that which will not make him ill and eventually kill him like the cow's milk will.

04-28-2020, 08:51 PM
With the lockdown going on I have absolutely no access to anything else.
The bloat is gone now but they keep squeaking post the meal and often need to be stimulated to pee.314638

04-30-2020, 07:29 AM
You really need to find a way to get goats milk, yogurt and heavy cream to make the proper formula for these guys. Are you not even allowed to go to grocery stores (markets) in India? How do you feed yourself if you run out of food?

Stimulating to urinate and defecate is normal until they are older. Continue to stimulate them that way you can monitor their output.