04-27-2020, 06:29 AM
quick disclaimer: the squirrel i have with me is a Plantain Squirrel, and rather different from the typical squirrels found in the US and other places.
About 1 and a half months ago, a baby squirrel fell from a tree in my backyard as my dad was doing yard work and cutting down overgrown branches. Mom didnt come back, and no rehabilitators or sanctuaries around my area. Travel was also banned. 2 days later the baby opened its eyes, and today its getting even bigger, weighing about 35-40g.
Ive started weaning him off of milk, introducing semi solid foods such as mashed bananas and papayas. However, a few days ago, i think he choked(?) or aspirated some of the banana. He kept coughing, wheezing and having a hard time breathing for about 10 minutes, maybe 15. He then spat or sneezed it out, and everything was okay for approx. 1-2 days. However, recently, i have noticed that he started sneezing. Hes never really had a problem with sneezing before. Its getting worse day by day, becoming more frequent and overall just worse. Recently he started to become leas active. Im really worried. Is he sick? Did he get some sort of infection or pneumonia? Do i step in and do something or let it pass? If i step in, what should i do?
The only antibiotics i have at home with me right now is doxycycline hyclate (2mg per 1ml) from my other pets. Any other medicine would have to be ordered online and take many days, maybe 2 weeks to get here. Should i wait or give him the doxycycline? At what dosage? How many times a day?
Im very lost and worried. Please help!
About 1 and a half months ago, a baby squirrel fell from a tree in my backyard as my dad was doing yard work and cutting down overgrown branches. Mom didnt come back, and no rehabilitators or sanctuaries around my area. Travel was also banned. 2 days later the baby opened its eyes, and today its getting even bigger, weighing about 35-40g.
Ive started weaning him off of milk, introducing semi solid foods such as mashed bananas and papayas. However, a few days ago, i think he choked(?) or aspirated some of the banana. He kept coughing, wheezing and having a hard time breathing for about 10 minutes, maybe 15. He then spat or sneezed it out, and everything was okay for approx. 1-2 days. However, recently, i have noticed that he started sneezing. Hes never really had a problem with sneezing before. Its getting worse day by day, becoming more frequent and overall just worse. Recently he started to become leas active. Im really worried. Is he sick? Did he get some sort of infection or pneumonia? Do i step in and do something or let it pass? If i step in, what should i do?
The only antibiotics i have at home with me right now is doxycycline hyclate (2mg per 1ml) from my other pets. Any other medicine would have to be ordered online and take many days, maybe 2 weeks to get here. Should i wait or give him the doxycycline? At what dosage? How many times a day?
Im very lost and worried. Please help!