View Full Version : Can someone confirm I'm Giving the right Amount of Medicine?

04-26-2020, 07:56 AM
Hello, I have a 4/5 eek old with upper respiratory issues from The person who found them. A few days ago I lost their system but based on what I’ve read on the board I started him and his siblings on baytril 20 after their sister passed but one isn’t getting better so I read I should start them on clavamox 50 as well. So I’m wondering what amount I should be giving them at their weight (approx 70g) with the strength of medication I’ve gotten.
I’ve looked at the medicine sheet posted and I still struggle with the numbers and honestly I just need someone to do the math for me because I just don’t want to mess it up. Also is the duration 7 days they should be on it.
what I got was

Baytril 20

2 x a day, .015 for a total of .030 daily

Clavamox 50

2x a day .006 for a total of .012 daily

Is this correct?

Thank you for your time

04-26-2020, 08:07 AM
I can help you but I’m juggling two things right now so you will have to bear with me.

History... are the babies clicking?
What is the mg of the Baytril you have?
Do you have more pills available? We need to adjust the concentration so the volume is increased.
Your volumes aren’t really measurable with crude tools (syringe) like we use.

If the dosing is correct, you shouldn’t need 2 antibiotics for pneumonia.

04-26-2020, 08:31 AM

04-26-2020, 08:45 AM
History... are the babies clicking?
No Clicking.. just more like weezing, but not all the time.

What is the mg of the Baytril you have?

Do you have more pills available? We need to adjust the concentration so the volume is increased.
I do not. I have amoxil pills but I was given the baytril and clavamox in liquid form

Your volumes aren’t really measurable with crude tools (syringe) like we use.
yeah, the smallest syringe I have it .5

Additional information..

Their sister passed a few days ago from clicking, these guys have Snifflings/sneezing/rattling sometimes when they breath. Some are better than others. One of the babies had it quite bad the morning before yesterday, when I started them on baytril, Between that and the nasal bulb he seems have gotten better, but in the mean time another sibling yesterday started to sound more congested, it flared up late last night when I was about to feed him because maybe he was excited. I ended up not feeding him and staying up with him using the Nasel bulb to get any excess. he seemed to quiet down but I work up to a weird nose to take him out and find a bunch of mucus around his nose, I cleared that and then an hour later he had a couple 'sneezes' and more mucus came up. It seems to have settled down, but worried it will flare back up.. wondering if my dosage of baytil is enough? or I need to change or add? I have some experience rehabbing but most have been healthy squirrels and havent dealt with mucus coming out the nose.

Thank you.

04-26-2020, 08:57 AM
Thanks for the history. That is helpful. When we hear respiratory issues in babies we automatically think aspiration pneumonia. This is not aspiration pneumonia. Mucous is not typical for AP. This sounds more like Bordetella. I can dose the other antibiotics for you but I wonder is there any chance you could get doxycycline or a tetracycline class drug.

Give me a few minutes to dose this. I have to step away for about 10 minutes but will be back.

Another pertinent question is what are you feeding? Due to formula problems it is important to discuss it.

04-26-2020, 09:06 AM
unforunately all I have is Baytril/ clavamox and Amoxil.

Currently feeding them 3/4 Zoologic 33/40 with a 1/4 fox valley ultra boost with 1 1/2 cups of water.
They came in SUPER skinny from lady who had fed them for 4 days prior to me getting them, which I think is when the girl had aspirated.
I feed them approx every 3.5 - 4 hours around 3 ccs.
I've had them for 5 days, they have gained ~10g in that time.

If there is a place online you can recommend I can order doxycycline or tetracycline, I'm more than happy too. not sure if I need a prescription for it.

Like right now they are sleeping totally quiet, no sniffles or weezing.

04-26-2020, 09:37 AM
I’m going to send a PM with dosing for the Baytril and Clavamox.

Let me look around, I think you can get the doxycycline.

04-26-2020, 09:39 AM
copy that! I'll wait for you message.
Thank you for all your help!

04-26-2020, 09:52 AM
Dosing sent.