View Full Version : Hello, my name is Deon

04-24-2020, 09:06 AM
Hi. I raise pigeons. It seems one of the neighborhood squirrels noticed how much the pigeons trust me and worked up the courage to approach me. Within a couple days it was eating from my hand. I've decided to look out for it. It is a fox squirrel btw.

It spends a lot of time eating from my neighbors bird feeder. She also leaves corn for the squirrels. I know this isn't really healthy so I'm trying to figure out how to make it more healthy.

I put up a nesting box yesterday. I also have some squirrel veggie squares to boost calcium intake. Hopefully it'll eat more at my house from now on. It's hard though cuz birdseed is apparently more delicious than healthy stuff 😅 here's a picture

04-24-2020, 12:56 PM
Too cute. It's a slippery slope from that one squirrel to suddenly "taming" all the neighborhood wildlife. And it's also the best feeling in the world. I have a particular "call" and some days I get cornered and surrounded. They also all know my voice and rush to meet me on my back patio when I walk out the door. Most eat from my hand.

04-24-2020, 01:17 PM
Yeah, they are a lot like kids. "Who wants sauteed brussels sprouts in a honey-balsamic reduction?" Crickets. "Who wants a hot fudge sundae? Hey - everyone stop pushing!"

You may want to try "garbaging up" your veggie squares with a little peanut butter - it isn't awful in small amounts but the smell really gets them.

04-24-2020, 06:36 PM
Hello Deon and :Welcome Feeding the wilds or a special squirrel healthy food is always a challenge. There are a few things you can do to provide better nutrition.

You can make boo balls from ground up rodent block, mixed with powdered squirrel formula, veggie and fruit baby food combos and coconut or avocado oil to hold it all together. My wilds get a bowl of these with chunks of avocado (no skin or pit), chunks of fresh coconut and some fresh corn dusted with calcium powder.

You can purchase some Wild Bites from Henrys Pets online. They aren’t quite as expensive as their other blocks and they’re full of vitamins. Your buddy could have a couple a day and you’d know that he’s getting some quality food.

You can buy hard extruded rodent block, drizzle it with a little avocado oil, zap it in the microwave for a minute, then stir in some crunchy peanut butter and zap it again for a couple of minutes. The peanut butter entices them to eat the rodent block which is nutritionally complete.

04-25-2020, 07:12 AM
Aww that's awesome deon. I have tried to get my wild to eat from my hand .

No luck. They say the wild birds dont eat from your hand lol

I have had luck with primate monkey chow and picky formula on henerys healthy blocks from henerys healthy pets web page.

Very seldom, once in 2 weeks do they get a few pnuts as they wont eat the healthy wild food if they have easy access. It's like a drug to them. They need the wild nutrtion. Boo balls are awesome on the recipie is on the internet . It may be here also. Never looked.

They must know u r an animal lover

04-28-2020, 12:22 PM
Interestingly enough after some tests, she appears to prefer hazelnuts to peanuts. Also she does eat the veggie squares. I just want to see if I can get her to eat even better. Birds do eat out of my hand tho. I'm pretty sure that's the secret to earning their trust. It only took a couple of days for her to get brave enough to take it.