View Full Version : Emergency help! From the Uk
04-23-2020, 03:30 PM
Hi please can someone help me. My mum was taking out a bowl of scolding hot water to wash down the paving of bird poop when a baby squirrel fell out of the nest into it . Was 6 hours ago now. I have helped her to try and find somewhere to take him but they just want to put him to sleep as the laws here say they are vermin. He has got burns on his legs. And has not aspirated . We have given him the hydration mix as suggested by a thread on here . He is in a plastic tub with a hot water bottle over half . And a fleece blanket. I have a fresh aloe Vera plant so have put that on his burns and mum is keeping him hydrated and warm. We have some metacam 0.5 oral suspension left over from my daughters pet rat. Still in date , can I give him this and what would the dose be . He weighs 78 grams. I am not sure what else I can do for this baby. I am trying to get him some veterinary assistants but am not having much joy. Please can someone help 😭😭
04-23-2020, 04:22 PM
How bad are the burns? Are you seeing blisters or just red patches? I am trying to get you help with the metacam dosing as well.
How old is he? Eyes open or closed? Does he have fur? Are his ears fully away from his head yet or still sort of attached?
Hydrating him is VERY important right now so you are doing that part right. You will have a very hard time getting any sort of assistance for him in the UK unfortunately so you guys are likely going to have to do this yourself.
He will need to eat eventually. There is a very good milk replacer available in the UK called Royal Canin Babydog milk - it is made for puppies. Cann your pet stores to see if anyone has it. A temporary formula can be made from goats milk, yogurt and heavy cows cream - we can help you with that if you can get the ingredients, but the Royal Canin would be better.
Be VERY careful feeding him, it is easy to aspirate them. Idea would be a 1cc syringe, which you will need to dose the metacam anyway. He should be held either upright, like a little man standing up in your hand, or on his tummy, and the tip of the syringe should be pointed UP toward the roof of the mouth. People want to hold them on their back and shoot the formula down the throat like a human infant and that is the best way to aspirate them.
A heating pad is better than a hot water bottle, because if the water gets cool it will chill them. Best is to place it UNDER the container they are in, on low. Make sure he has many layers of soft material between him and the heat source, especially since he has been burned.
04-23-2020, 04:22 PM
Hi please can someone help me. My mum was taking out a bowl of scolding hot water to wash down the paving of bird poop when a baby squirrel fell out of the nest into it . Was 6 hours ago now. I have helped her to try and find somewhere to take him but they just want to put him to sleep as the laws here say they are vermin. He has got burns on his legs. And has not aspirated . We have given him the hydration mix as suggested by a thread on here . He is in a plastic tub with a hot water bottle over half . And a fleece blanket. I have a fresh aloe Vera plant so have put that on his burns and mum is keeping him hydrated and warm. We have some metacam 0.5 oral suspension left over from my daughters pet rat. Still in date , can I give him this and what would the dose be . He weighs 78 grams. I am not sure what else I can do for this baby. I am trying to get him some veterinary assistants but am not having much joy. Please can someone help
Was mistaken he is holding on. But can't get any fluids in him now.
04-23-2020, 04:33 PM
How bad are the burns? Are you seeing blisters or just red patches? I am trying to get you help with the metacam dosing as well.
How old is he? Eyes open or closed? Does he have fur? Are his ears fully away from his head yet or still sort of attached?
Hydrating him is VERY important right now so you are doing that part right. You will have a very hard time getting any sort of assistance for him in the UK unfortunately so you guys are likely going to have to do this yourself.
He will need to eat eventually. There is a very good milk replacer available in the UK called Royal Canin Babydog milk - it is made for puppies. Cann your pet stores to see if anyone has it. A temporary formula can be made from goats milk, yogurt and heavy cows cream - we can help you with that if you can get the ingredients, but the Royal Canin would be better.
Be VERY careful feeding him, it is easy to aspirate them. Idea would be a 1cc syringe, which you will need to dose the metacam anyway. He should be held either upright, like a little man standing up in your hand, or on his tummy, and the tip of the syringe should be pointed UP toward the roof of the mouth. People want to hold them on their back and shoot the formula down the throat like a human infant and that is the best way to aspirate them.
A heating pad is better than a hot water bottle, because if the water gets cool it will chill them. Best is to place it UNDER the container they are in, on low. Make sure he has many layers of soft material between him and the heat source, especially since he has been burned.
He has all his fur eyes open ears away from his body. I have made the mix of goats milk yoghurt and double cream as I had seen on here. And do have the Canin in order as I had read that as well. I have hand reared puppies and kittens before so knew how to feed. And was able to show my mum all this as well. I will try and get a heating pad but all I have right now is a hot water bottle which I change every 2 hours to keep the heat. His little mouth is swollen so much its getting hard to give him fluids. There is no blisters but is extremely sore and red
Not sure if I am answering in the right place have never used a forum before.
04-23-2020, 04:34 PM
Was mistaken he is holding on. But can't get any fluids in him now.
How much have you given him? He needs small amounts but multiple times.
You say you gave the metacam to a rat. How does this guy compare in size to your rat? Bigger? Smaller? If they are the same size, the dose would be the same...
04-23-2020, 04:39 PM
Can you clarify the meloxicam concentration and we'll help with dosing.. "We have some metacam 0.5 oral suspension" This is usually 1.5mg/ml.
04-23-2020, 04:45 PM
How bad are the burns? Are you seeing blisters or just red patches? I am trying to get you help with the metacam dosing as well.
How old is he? Eyes open or closed? Does he have fur? Are his ears fully away from his head yet or still sort of attached?
Hydrating him is VERY important right now so you are doing that part right. You will have a very hard time getting any sort of assistance for him in the UK unfortunately so you guys are likely going to have to do this yourself.
He will need to eat eventually. There is a very good milk replacer available in the UK called Royal Canin Babydog milk - it is made for puppies. Cann your pet stores to see if anyone has it. A temporary formula can be made from goats milk, yogurt and heavy cows cream - we can help you with that if you can get the ingredients, but the Royal Canin would be better.
Be VERY careful feeding him, it is easy to aspirate them. Idea would be a 1cc syringe, which you will need to dose the metacam anyway. He should be held either upright, like a little man standing up in your hand, or on his tummy, and the tip of the syringe should be pointed UP toward the roof of the mouth. People want to hold them on their back and shoot the formula down the throat like a human infant and that is the best way to aspirate them.
A heating pad is better than a hot water bottle, because if the water gets cool it will chill them. Best is to place it UNDER the container they are in, on low. Make sure he has many layers of soft material between him and the heat source, especially since he has been burned.
How much have you given him? He needs small amounts but multiple times.
You say you gave the metacam to a rat. How does this guy compare in size to your rat? Bigger? Smaller? If they are the same size, the dose would be the same...
We have been able to give him about 6 cc on total of fluid a little every 45 minutes or so. He is much smaller than the rat.
04-23-2020, 04:49 PM
Can you clarify the meloxicam concentration and we'll help with dosing.. "We have some metacam 0.5 oral suspension" This is usually 1.5mg/ml.
The bottle says metacam 0.5mg/ml oral suspension Meloxicam 3ml he is very weak and unresponsive now..
04-23-2020, 05:01 PM
Dosing sent in a PM.
04-23-2020, 05:07 PM
Thank you, Spanky!!
Give him the meds and let him rest for a bit - he is likely in a lot of pain right now. He has had enough hydration for now. If he perks up once the meds are in I would try some warmed formula. Start with 3 parts goats milk, 1 part yogurt and 1/2 part heavy cream.
04-23-2020, 05:19 PM
Thank you, Spanky!!
Give him the meds and let him rest for a bit - he is likely in a lot of pain right now. He has had enough hydration for now. If he perks up once the meds are in I would try some warmed formula. Start with 3 parts goats milk, 1 part yogurt and 1/2 part heavy cream.
Thank you I have given the dose now. And ha s done a nice hot water bottle and covered with the foe fur from my coat. And put layers of baby fleece washcloths on it also. I will check on him in an hour or so. I am praying he pulls through. Thank you again. Will update in an hour
04-23-2020, 05:26 PM
Thanks - he has lots of people pulling for him.
04-23-2020, 06:34 PM
He is still fighting everyone. He is sleeping . He is a bit restless from time to time.We have given him a name he is mighty Milo . When should I next offer him some fluids and should I still put the aloe Vera on his burns ? Prayers for our little m n m xxx <3<3
04-23-2020, 07:03 PM
I know it is pretty late there. It would be nice if he could sleep another couple hours though - sleep is so restorative. You are going to have to keep an eye on his hot water bottle, too. At that point I would see if he will drink any formula. 4 to 5cc would be great - no more though, don't want to overfeed him. Make it quite warm - not hot, but 42-43 celsius would be good. He may balk at it - it isn't mama's after all, but if he is getting hungry he may take it. At that point I would let him settle down and let him sleep the night.
The aloe vera won't hurt and it is likely soothing so I would say to go ahead.
The extra hydration in addition to the formula shouldn't be needed if his burns don't blister and begin to "weep" fluid. So it would just be formula feedings after that.
If you can get a pic of him it would help us to figure out his age and how far apart you want the feedings. The amount is based on 5-7% of his body weight so it will of course increase as he ages. I am guessing he is at least 6 weeks old based on the open eyes and "sprung" ears.
04-23-2020, 08:24 PM
I know it is pretty late there. It would be nice if he could sleep another couple hours though - sleep is so restorative. You are going to have to keep an eye on his hot water bottle, too. At that point I would see if he will drink any formula. 4 to 5cc would be great - no more though, don't want to overfeed him. Make it quite warm - not hot, but 42-43 celsius would be good. He may balk at it - it isn't mama's after all, but if he is getting hungry he may take it. At that point I would let him settle down and let him sleep the night.
The aloe vera won't hurt and it is likely soothing so I would say to go ahead.
The extra hydration in addition to the formula shouldn't be needed if his burns don't blister and begin to "weep" fluid. So it would just be formula feedings after that.
If you can get a pic of him it would help us to figure out his age and how far apart you want the feedings. The amount is based on 5-7% of his body weight so it will of course increase as he ages. I am guessing he is at least 6 weeks old based on the open eyes and "sprung" ears.
Didn’t get the chance to offer the formula as he passed away. Absolutely devastated that this baby had to go through this. Thanks for all your help )-:
04-23-2020, 08:32 PM
Godspeed little squirrel!
Mom if you could he could still use a name!
04-23-2020, 08:56 PM
Mighty Milo
I’m so sorry for your loss. What a tragic accident. :sadness
Thank you for helping this poor baby.
04-23-2020, 09:21 PM
Oh. I am so sorry. I so hoped he could make it through this. :grouphug:grouphug
04-23-2020, 10:45 PM
Godspeed little squirrel!
Mom if you could he could still use a name!
We did name him mighty milo our little m n m for short
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