View Full Version : Baby Squirrel pee

04-19-2020, 06:48 PM
Hello everyone I'm new here and I've had my baby square for about 3 weeks now. I have gotten a lot of good information for him here. I do have a question though, everything I read says that they don't like to pee in their beds. He has been peeing in every bed I've had for him and wakes up wet. We wipe him off and wash his fleece bed because we're afraid that it could cause him to get sores. Is this just a baby stage or am I going about something wrong. Thanks in advance HDBreakout.

04-19-2020, 07:01 PM
Why didn't I ever get one of these deluxe non-bed peeing baby squirrels? I think that they are likely speaking of adults. Babies pee wherever they are when they need to pee. As they become adolescents that begins to subside (though my first boy, Mister P, was named that to shorten his name from Mister Peepants once he FINALLY stopped! I prepared a ton of fleece cut up into small squares and would dump the smelly into the washing machine and replace with the clean multiple times a day. And yes, you need to keep him clean and wiped down for exactly the reason you describe.

Look at the bright side. You don't have to use your tongue to clean up like mama squirrel does.

And yes, "formula" pee STINKS!

It will pass though.

04-20-2020, 06:52 AM
You don’t say what the approximate age is of your squirrel. Are the eyes open? Are you feeding formula? Young squirrels have to be stimulated to urinate with each feeding. This helps keep the bedding cleaner. They don’t usually urinate in their beds, but they can if they’re young.

He could also have a UTI, if this is an older squirrel. Do you have access to any antibiotics? You would need just one pill and someone on here can help you dose it if necessary.

Squirrels have been known to use a litter box with a little training, but generally they just urinate wherever they want.

Edit: I see from your other post with pics that your squirrel isn’t a baby. I would suspect a UTI. I hope others will give their opinion.

04-20-2020, 10:00 AM
I think hes about 7 weeks old. When we found him his eyes were open but still didn't have all his belly fur. Ive had him for 3 weeks now. I haven't seen his back teeth yet but I think he was cutting them last week because he didn't want to eat as much and kept rubbing his mouth on the limbs and me. So hes still very young.

04-20-2020, 11:02 AM
Are you feeding formula? Which one? How much and often?

04-20-2020, 12:37 PM
Why didn't I ever get one of these deluxe non-bed peeing baby squirrels? I think that they are likely speaking of adults. Babies pee wherever they are when they need to pee. As they become adolescents that begins to subside (though my first boy, Mister P, was named that to shorten his name from Mister Peepants once he FINALLY stopped! I prepared a ton of fleece cut up into small squares and would dump the smelly into the washing machine and replace with the clean multiple times a day. And yes, you need to keep him clean and wiped down for exactly the reason you describe.

Look at the bright side. You don't have to use your tongue to clean up like mama squirrel does.

And yes, "formula" pee STINKS!

It will pass though.

I guess I got super lucky with this litter of three....6 weeks old and using the potty box I made! I tried with last years babies and they never used it but this time they will crawl right to it and pee before going back to their little hide nest. I would just put them in it after feeding and guess they figured it out!

04-20-2020, 03:51 PM
Thanks crittermom for your help and information. I just want to make sure he's getting what he needs and that we're not doing anything that might cause him problems. Just gave him his first carrot last night. He had to bury it in his fleece then ran to the other side of his bed crawled into it and hid to chew it up, does his pellets the same. He is a spaz jumping and climbing up and down us. We just go about what we have to do and he hangs on us climbing like it just doesn't bother him.

04-20-2020, 04:13 PM
Little boy squirrels can really be PIGS. I have never heard of girl squirrels doing this.

At about 10 weeks old, P had turned his wooden nest box into a sewer. I am a bit of a neat freak and I would wipe it and scrub it but nothing helped, and by 10 weeks, when I walked into the house the smell would nearly drive me to my knees. I replaced his box and realized that he stunk as bad as his house did. So I girded my loins and proceeded to bathe him. It was the end of September and blasting hot when I dragged a space heater into the living room (didn't want my delicate flower to get a chill in the oven-like temps) and filled a big bin with warm water, put on my double layer squirrel suit, sat down in front of the heater with him, and proceeded to give him a bath. It didn't go well. The third or fourth time he climbed my face he managed to split my lower lip deeply enough that there is an indentation in it still, nearly 11 years later, which I tell myself looks like Angelina Jolie's lower lip. I finally got him de-stunk, staunched all of the bleeding, and put him to bed in his new box. Apparently the ordeal was as traumatic for him as it was for me - he DID end up with my blood on him after all, poor little guy, and HE NEVER PEED IN HIS BED AGAIN. I kid you not, it stopped that fast. Likely he just outgrew it and the timing was coincidental. Regardless, I don't recommend my method. Unless you want Angelina Jolie's lower lip...

Don't let him have a wooden box. Get him a fabric cube that you can throw in the washer!

04-20-2020, 06:36 PM
Lol my wife already has her a double squirrel suit. You still have to watch tho he will run up under your shirt. And I look like I've run through a briar patch. Lol but he's a good little guy and is funny to watch the way he does things. No momma squirrel to learn from but he already knows and acts like a outdoors squirrel.