View Full Version : Will decoy crows scare squirrels?

04-17-2020, 04:43 PM
My main backyard squirrel ("Mama Squirrel") had 4 babies emerge about 2 weeks ago. She built a new nest for this event in my large (60-70 ft) Spruce tree, about 30 feet up. The babies are cute and healthy and run up and down the tree all day. All is well except that all this action has attracted a hawk (or several, I'm not sure). I've seen it/them land in the tree 3 times in the past week and I've had to run it off each time. I'm trying to figure out the best deterrent options as I can only spend so much time nervously guarding the tree.

I've read everything there is to read about hawk deterrents and my current thinking is that attracting crows is the best thing. I had some CDs and shiny tape up in places but took that stuff down thinking it would scare away the crows. I will work on feeding the crows daily and get that whole program going.

In the meantime, what about decoy crows? I had a couple laying around so last night I attached one with wings expanded to the end of a 20 foot pole and set that upright into the Spruce branches such that the decoy hovered about where the hawk was entering the tree. I thought this was pretty ingenious and was planning to multiply this by 5 or 6 in the coming days but now I'm starting to second guess it for fear that I might be freaking out the squees.

Of the baby squirrels, one has been curious about the decoy and done some investigative sniffing but doesn't necessarily seem freaked out. The others haven't seemed to notice.

I haven't seen Mama directly confront the decoy but I found her a few minutes ago sitting above it just kind of pensively staring at it (I think). That worried me, so I took the decoy down. Also, she hasn't been herself today. She has been acting nervous/skittish and is scared to come near me. Typically she's very comfortable with me due to daily feedings, etc. For example just a few minutes ago she came over to her regular feed station but as soon as I went out there to accommodate, she backed away and didn't come back even after I left. Usually she's plenty happy to see me come out with the goods and eat while I watch and say nonsense things to her. Or sometimes will even follow me around the yard.

Otherwise, it is the day after a big snowstorm and pretty warm, so large snowbombs are dropping off the trees. It's a little unnerving for humans let alone small animals, so I could see that being the problem as well. Or it could be a million things. Maybe she got in a fight and got the short end of it, who knows.

Sorry so longwinded. I guess my questions are:

1- what might sudden matriarchal skittish behavior indicate?
2- is my decoy crow plan bueno or bunk?

thanks for your help

04-17-2020, 06:04 PM
2- is my decoy crow plan bueno or bunk?

I am betting this might be a bit controversial and you'll hear both sides.

Personally I have a murder of crows I feed regularly. They have been around for years... and I like to think they are "trained". They will run off any hawks that come around... then return to my house, sit outside my office and demand to be rewarded (with food). They are good look outs and alarms for other predators as well.

However, they will not mess with the eagles... eagles are capable of catching other birds on the wing, so the crows leave them alone. I live on a lake and the eagles are for the most part interested in fish... but they fly along the shore and the squirrels will raise the alarm. The exception are the juvenile eagles which do show interest. These juveniles are not very stealthy and huge compared to a hawk (it's like a Yugo landing in the trees!) so they do not go unnoticed very easily... and there are lots of squirrels here in Sandy's Sanctuary to raise the alarm.

The downside is that crows are a risk and a danger to baby squirrels.

The crows will also follow the squirrels as they bury their nuts and dig them up to eat them. This can be pretty humorous as the squirrels get irritated and start chasing the crows.

04-17-2020, 06:58 PM
Yes, crows are a two edged sword. They will hassle the heck out of hawks, but they will also kill and eat the baby squirrels...

04-17-2020, 09:36 PM
Yes, crows are a two edged sword. They will hassle the heck out of hawks, but they will also kill and eat the baby squirrels...

Whoa, really? Ugh, I have so many questions.

1. Will crows kill newborns only or rowdy juveniles too?

2. Will Jays chase off hawks?

3. Don't hawks hunt Jays?

4. What's the deal with Crows vs Jays? Do they get along? Which is dominant?

5. If I wanted Jays around but not crows, what's the feeding plan to make that happen?

6. And per the OP, are crow decoys effective against hawks, and 7. Do squees dislike crows/crow decoys?

thanks :)