View Full Version : PLEASE HELP !!

04-16-2020, 09:10 PM
My friend ended up with some baby squirrels last week & wanted to know how to take care of them.. but then she just got this big head of “I wanna do it myself” & refused to listen to anything I tried to tell her to help properly take care of them.. I told her the babies were cold and she needed to get a heating pad before feeding them, but she tried anyways.. I told her to stop squeezing the bottle and not to feed them too much because they don’t know when they’re full so they don’t know when to stop on their own... but she continued to let them eat.. I told her there was NO NEED to cut the whole bigger in the nipple but she didn’t think it was coming out fast enough and proceeded to cut it anyways once I was forced to leave them in her care even though I didn’t want to.. by the next night I was able to be around them and of course my friend was gone before the night even ended so I was able to take matters into my own hands finally.. they were doing so good & one has even opened her eyes and was crawling everywhere squeaking and all.. i was so relieved to see that it was gonna be okay... but then I ran out of the formula she was using & when I sent them to get more they came back with petlac & now one of the squirrels (the one with eyes still closed) is almost to the point of paralyzed.. and the other is losing strength & appetite just as much.. With quarantine of covid-19 I have no way to any stores to get the right milk.. idk what to do and I don’t want them to die.. they’ve come so far already...

04-16-2020, 09:15 PM

04-16-2020, 10:07 PM
Have you tried to find a wildlife rehabilitator who is squirrel friendly? I don't mean any wildlife rehabilitator, but one who has squirrels on their website (if they have a website or facebook page) and who, when given an anonymous call from you, is willing to do their best to help the squirrels and not euthanize? If possible to find a great rehabber, that might be my first choice. I do not know your friend or anything about how reliable or unreliable they are about caring for squirrels. Supplies might best be found online or borrowed or found by careful shopping (please wear a face cover and keep a safe distance from others - I try to go during the middle of the day when crowds are at a minimum). I am a fan of this care guide for squirrels although I am not an expert, https://www.henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/

A picture of the squirrels, especially one next to a ruler or quarter or something that indicates size might help others on this thread to give accurate age-appropriate advice. There are recipes on this forum for baby formula, etc. that might be age specific. (I am not a rehabber/expert, just a fan of squirrels.) Thank you for helping them and for seeking us out.

04-17-2020, 01:47 AM
I dont know where you live but if you are close to sc my vet is squirrel friendly and will see them without you being a rehabber. P.m. me if this is something she's willing to do. I also would be willing to take them on to give them a chance as it sounds like the feeding technique will cause aspiration pneumonia if it already hasnt. Sometimes if you love something enough, amd want the best for it; it's best chance may be somewhere else. Either way keep trying to help them.

Mary R