View Full Version : Threw up after feeding
04-16-2020, 12:30 AM
I was giving him his late night milk with the 75 esbilac 25 fv and he even when aggressively to the nipple but i gave it to him to the same speed and super slow like always. After that he as always got frozen and poop and pee but before moving like normal he threw up this amount of milk and i can see little threads of mango he was eating earlier. Is that something I should be really worry about it. Did i do something wrong? Is that normal sometimes? Could had him aspired formula even if i took like 2 minutes for 2 ml. Sorry im asking to many question but right now im scared. ��
Ps the wet napkin is urine not part of the milk he threw up
5 weeks old flying squirrel male taking esbilac transition to fv weight 28g provided 2 ml of formula. Eaten before (was on his box and saw him eating mango and orange). 314420
04-16-2020, 01:23 AM
How old is he?
04-16-2020, 01:27 AM
5 weeks and few days
04-16-2020, 05:53 AM
It is unusual for squirrels to throw up. At 5 weeks why is he eating mango and orange? Did the mango have the skin on it? Mango skin is toxic. While you are transitioning him to a new formula he shouldn’t have anything else to eat but formula. The whole idea of transitioning slowly is to not cause any upper or lower digestive issues by introducing a new formula. Eliminate all other foods from his diet until you get him transitioned 100% to the new formula and he’s been on it for a few days. After that the first solid food you want him to eat is a rodent block. I’m not sure if someone advised you in another thread, but Henrys Pets Picky Eater or Hazelnut blocks are well liked by my flyer. He does not like the high protein ones that are made for flyers. Henrys blocks are ordered online.
Watch him closely to see if there is any more vomiting.
04-16-2020, 07:56 AM
Hi, thank you for the clarification. The mango had the skin but was laying down on the skin and he just like licked it and bite it a little bit but didn’t eat it all. Good to know that, I wasn’t aware. He is really active and he es already gaining little weight l. Thank you for the clarification on the throwing situation. I qas supper scare.
It is unusual for squirrels to throw up. At 5 weeks why is he eating mango and orange? Did the mango have the skin on it? Mango skin is toxic. While you are transitioning him to a new formula he shouldn’t have anything else to eat but formula. The whole idea of transitioning slowly is to not cause any upper or lower digestive issues by introducing a new formula. Eliminate all other foods from his diet until you get him transitioned 100% to the new formula and he’s been on it for a few days. After that the first solid food you want him to eat is a rodent block. I’m not sure if someone advised you in another thread, but Henrys Pets Picky Eater or Hazelnut blocks are well liked by my flyer. He does not like the high protein ones that are made for flyers. Henrys blocks are ordered online.
Watch him closely to see if there is any more vomiting.
04-16-2020, 08:06 AM
The first solids foods should be rodent block and only rodent block. After he is eating the block well you can begin to introduce veggies... and after he's eating veggies you can introduce fruit followed by protein (insects, egg... I like the Pure Bites freeze dried chicken (dog treats)).
It is important they eat their block as this will be the foundation of their diet since we are not really capable of providing a proper diet with simply veggies, fruit and what not.
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