View Full Version : Paralyzed squirrel hind legs
Found injured squirrel today think dog mauled it .
Brought it in after warming up it eats and drinks feeding walnuts had in freezer .
Don't know what to do if it is paralyzed permanently need help doing the right thing I can't keep the poor thing really don't want to put to sleep .
Any help suggestions appreciated.
04-15-2020, 09:41 PM
Is it a baby or adult?
Think it's a young adult male. Will try pictures later when possible.
04-16-2020, 05:59 AM
There are a couple of vets in Indiana that see squirrels. Arbor view Animal Hospital, Dr. Janice Bell, Valparaiso 219-762-7267 and Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic, Dr. Angela Lennox, 317-879-8633, Indianapolis. Thank you for helping this little one.
So I really need a local solution I don't drive and no one really seems to care about a squirrel that is injured.
I've called dnr no response yet with offices shutdown answering machine only.
Called a couple near by on the rehabilitation list no contact yet either.
Feel bad about not being able to care for it more than a few days I'm just not qualified to do so and make it happy
04-16-2020, 05:54 PM
I hope someone near you sees this soon. Poor baby!
Thank you for caring!
Can you post a pic or two?
04-16-2020, 06:14 PM
There is a national wildlife rehabber list. Did you try any of them? I will say that most rehab organizations do not have the time or inclination to help a squirrel with hind end paralysis. You may be his only hope. We can help you if you want to try to help him. His best possibility of recovery is to be given prednisone. If you can locate some someone on here can dose it for you.
In the meantime are you providing him a quiet place with food and water? Have you noticed him urinating and defecating? Sometimes with rear end paralysis they can’t void and may need help expressing his bladder otherwise it could rupture.
04-16-2020, 06:47 PM
If you can find any prednisone (or dexamethasone or prednisolone) we'll need a weight on the squirrel to dose.
Minimally a picture of the squirrel next to something that would help for context / reference in estimating weight (though we'd much rather have a weight rather than having to estimate).
The pictures would still help for assessment of injuries.
04-30-2020, 07:46 PM
I cared for a paralyzed squirrel for a year. His name was MILAGRO. He was a Costa Rican Tree squirrel. Paralyzed from a fall from a tall tree as a young adult.- he got daily baths because he had no control of his bladder.-----------I see there has been no activity on this thread for 2 weeks---PLEASE post an update. Good or bad...we want to know how he made out. Thank you for caring enough to try and help.
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