View Full Version : New baby has cold? Pneumonia?

04-15-2020, 09:56 AM
I just saved this little guy late last night from someone who said he crawled up to him while eating dinner with his mom outside. He provided water, cheese, cat food, celery and graham crackers. So you see why I immediately had to get him. Btw, I was supposed to be trained to be a rehabber on the 24th of this month, and then..... the Rona.

So I gave him some electrolyte solution (from Henry’s) and some 20/50 milk. He drank 3 ml of each. He was tired and sick. His nose is wet and snotty. He sneezes I think, wheezes and gasps. I have some videos I’ll post. He weighs 195 grams. Not sure how old, but I’m guessing 7 weeks? Teeth erupting a little, tail has fur, not bushy. I have is Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg capsules with powder inside. Can you help? Hopefully I can get pictures and videos on here.




04-15-2020, 10:48 AM
Is there any sign that the area is injured? Swelling, blood, bruising? They normally fall head first because their heads are so big and heavy.

04-15-2020, 11:10 AM
I was not told if he had fallen on his head. He is acting completely normal. The one video of him sleeping shows him kind of gasping as he is breathing and his nose is snotty and wet. He is blowing snot bubbles at one point. Reminds me of a baby who has a cold. We just had some super super windy weather and it was raining really hard. I could see him having blown out of the nest, been out in the cold and wet, and here is the result. He is warm and dry, getting food and water. Just need to get rid of the snot and know he's breathing better.

Nancy in New York
04-15-2020, 11:29 AM
I just sent dosing for Doxycycline 100 mg.

04-15-2020, 11:45 AM
Thank you! I do have questions. Tap water or distilled, or does it matter? Follow black font or red? The only probiotic I have is what I have for me and I have enclosed a picture. How long do I give it for?

04-15-2020, 11:47 AM
Make certain the Doxycycline is not expired before using... unlike most medications, expired doxy can be dangerous. :thumbsup

04-15-2020, 11:57 AM
It was filled on November 2019 and says to discard after November 2020, so that's good, I guess, right? I hope, fingers crossed!

04-15-2020, 12:00 PM
It was filled on November 2019 and says to discard after November 2020, so that's good, I guess, right? I hope, fingers crossed!

It's good! :great

04-15-2020, 12:58 PM
Be sure to discard the doxy come November. Unlike most meds that simply have a decrease in potency (efficacy), doxycycline (and tetracycline) actual degrade and become toxic.

04-15-2020, 01:16 PM
Nancy in NY said to also give him probiotics. I gave him the dose of doxy she told me and fed him. I want to make sure he gets his probiotics too. I posted a pic of what I have. Is that good? If so, how do I do it?

04-15-2020, 02:03 PM
Nancy in NY said to also give him probiotics. I gave him the dose of doxy she told me and fed him. I want to make sure he gets his probiotics too. I posted a pic of what I have. Is that good? If so, how do I do it?

Dump one of the probiotic capsules out in a little container. You just want the tiniest pinch of the powder. It is sort of sweet tasting so you can usually sprinkle it on anything they normally eat, or if syringing it is easier, add a little water to it and do that.

Note - you want as many hours between your dosages of the antibiotic and the probiotic as possible. Antibiotics KILL the beneficial bacteria in probiotics so giving them together is like not giving the probiotics at all. Give it at least 3 or 4 hours before you administer them.

Nancy in New York
04-15-2020, 03:11 PM
Thank you! I do have questions. Tap water or distilled, or does it matter? Follow black font or red? The only probiotic I have is what I have for me and I have enclosed a picture. How long do I give it for?

Follow the red font.
I wrote in the black font the instructions from the Wild Mammal Babies book.
I tried to cover my bases because sometimes a member will repeat what I told
them to dose, HOWEVER if someone is just reading, they don't know that I changed
the strength so that the med. can be dosed at a lower or higher volume.
In this case, I changed the strength to 10mg/ml so that you give only half the volume,
of what the book suggests.
Do you follow this? I'm even confusing myself now. :)
I use tap water.
I would dose the doxy for minimum of 7 days. See how the little one is, and we may increase the duration.

04-15-2020, 03:18 PM
I did do what was in the red font and I used tap. I gave the dose for once a day because it was the easiest to read on the syringe. He took it with not problem and then took the milk too. He is only eating about 6 - 8 ml at one sitting. I wake him up and feed every four hours. Is that ok? He pushes away the milk after that and I don't want to force him, but I don't know if he's having trouble breathing while drinking. Can you tell how old he is by the one video with his tail and his little tiny teeth? I will keep the antibiotic for 7 days.

My other question I'm going to send through a PM

Nancy in New York
04-15-2020, 03:30 PM
I did do what was in the red font and I used tap. I gave the dose for once a day because it was the easiest to read on the syringe. He took it with not problem and then took the milk too. He is only eating about 6 - 8 ml at one sitting. I wake him up and feed every four hours. Is that ok? He pushes away the milk after that and I don't want to force him, but I don't know if he's having trouble breathing while drinking. Can you tell how old he is by the one video with his tail and his little tiny teeth? I will keep the antibiotic for 7 days.

My other question I'm going to send through a PM

I'm glad he took it with no problem.
I suspect that you are feeding too closely. Try spreading out the feedings to every 6 hours.
There is no need to wake him to feed, but that's nice of you to do that. They typically let us
know when it's time. Yeah, I'm glad you aren't forcing him.:w00t
Here's a chart that will help you with the amount to feed.
I will look again at the pictures and I'll also try to find a picture that may help you determine his age.

Nancy in New York
04-15-2020, 03:44 PM
See if this helps:


04-15-2020, 08:05 PM
I’m still going to stick with my original idea of 7 weeks. That looks like him most. I haven’t seen him sit at all.i just received some rodent block so I’ll put that in his cage and see what he does with it. I want to video him next time I go to feed him. The last two times he’s been startled almost aggressive even though he’s looking right at me, I’m talking to him and the light is on. He does settle down but it’s just so different from Jimmy. Maybe because I found jimmy at 3 weeks and healthy, and this little guy at 7 weeks and sick.I really appreciate all your help

Nancy in New York
04-16-2020, 05:32 AM
I’m still going to stick with my original idea of 7 weeks. That looks like him most. I haven’t seen him sit at all.i just received some rodent block so I’ll put that in his cage and see what he does with it. I want to video him next time I go to feed him. The last two times he’s been startled almost aggressive even though he’s looking right at me, I’m talking to him and the light is on. He does settle down but it’s just so different from Jimmy. Maybe because I found jimmy at 3 weeks and healthy, and this little guy at 7 weeks and sick.I really appreciate all your help

This little one just lost his whole world/life as he knew it. He crawled up to a person because he was looking for help.
We see that all the time on the board. His Mom either got killed, or he got lost while exploring at an age MUCH
too young to be on his own.
If you still have contact with the people who found him, tell them to watch and listen for siblings. If the mom is
no longer around, there may be others looking for help.
This is what the sound of a squirrel in distress sounds like.
If you know these people, send this to them so they know what to listen for.

It will take time to gain his trust. I know that seems crazy since he crawled up on someone, but after they
are "safe" their instincts creep in again and they are on guard/scared.
When you go to feed, move slowly. Let him smell your hand. Try covering his head with a blanket
so that he can't see you. After he eats and you put him back in his container, talk softly to him while
stroking his back. Many little squirrels love when you lightly scratch the corner of their mouth, going up
in the direction of their ear. They give what we lovingly call armage where their little arm streches out because it
feels so good.
Remember we are here to help, so ask any questions you may have.
It may not get answered right away, but keep checking back, because it will eventually get answered.
I'm glad this little peanut found his way to you!

04-16-2020, 08:29 AM
I just sent that link to the people who found him and we will see what happens. I have a video of Klinger being a grumpy Gus this morning. It may be because he went almost 12 hours without eating. I fed him at 8ish and I didn't wake him, and he didn't wake me. I also think that the antibiotic is already working because he is feisty and his nose looks dry. I have to look at his breathing, but he's acting more squirrelly. I will have to put him in a bigger cage I'm guessing. I also am having a very hard time finding a heating pad that does NOT have an auto shut off. I would prefer not Amazon because they are so backed up.

I also sent you a PM about the antibiotics.


04-16-2020, 08:51 AM
Please also give me the link to the thread about doing a soft release. I had read it before, and I want to do it with Klinger. He's young enough and wild enough. I have everything to build the outside cage, including the labor - 18 and 20 yo boys in quarantine. It will get them off the dang video games. :grin2

04-16-2020, 09:02 AM
I just sent that link to the people who found him and we will see what happens. I have a video of Klinger being a grumpy Gus this morning. It may be because he went almost 12 hours without eating. I fed him at 8ish and I didn't wake him, and he didn't wake me. I also think that the antibiotic is already working because he is feisty and his nose looks dry. I have to look at his breathing, but he's acting more squirrelly. I will have to put him in a bigger cage I'm guessing. I also am having a very hard time finding a heating pad that does NOT have an auto shut off. I would prefer not Amazon because they are so backed up.

I also sent you a PM about the antibiotics.


Try CVS. They sell the no auto shutoff pads and might have shorter times. Also, if you have a multi-on/off lamp timer, like people use to appear to be home when they are on vacation, you can use it to trick the pad. If it shuts off at 2 hours, set the time to run for 1.5 hours on and .5 hour off. It will just be getting cold when the timer will click it back on again.

04-16-2020, 09:28 AM

I am in love! What a feisty little guy! :Love_Icon

04-16-2020, 03:19 PM
After Klinger's lunch, I was thinking of something. I haven't seen any pee or poops. I've had him as of tonight for 48 hours. At 7-8 weeks, I think he's old enough where I don't need to stimulate him. Could it be that he just needs to get his insides moving again? I hope I see something by this weekend. I also spent a good 15 minutes with a warm wet washcloth removing the thick crust over his nose. He complained a little because I think he lost some of his fur it was so thick. But I washed his face kind of like his mom would, not just his nose. Seemed to calm him. I think he can now breathe much easier but still is wheezing slightly. Nowhere near what he was when I first wrote, so thank you all again. I don't know if the pictures will post sideways again, but how do you prevent that?