View Full Version : The storm left me with three baby squirrels. NEED HELP. NEW AT THIS.
Hello all,
Great forum, first of all. Many thanks in advance for your help and care.
During the enormous storm of yesterday's afternoon, a sycamore tree fell on our street and left completely exposed a next with three babies. No mummy in sight.
They were put inside a big fleece hat on top of a warming pad and shortly after had a warm bath to get rid of the fleas! They cozied up together for a while and were examined and measured (I don't have a kitchen scale). The smallest kitten (looks like the ugly duckling of the bunch, btw) was just a tad over 6 inches (body only). I deducted that they were between 5 to 6 weeks old and proceeded by feeding them pure goats milk (no cream or yogurt) which they took super well with the syringe (around 8cc/ml). I repeated every 5 hours or so. All was going well, the poops looked and smelled good, no bloated bellies until tonight at 8:30pm. The smallest kitten had one of those yellow diarrheas. I understand that it's a common occurrence: transition from mummy milk to goat, overfeeding, etc...but still...your input/help/support/advice is greatly appreciated. My plan is to skip a feeding session for that kitten and feed him pedialyte instead. I have ordered FV 20/50 and a better feeding syringe but at the moment, I only have access to pedialyte and pure goats milk.
Would love to hear from you!
04-14-2020, 09:47 PM
Thanks for helping these little ones!
The goats milk is milk from goats...not milk for goats.
It needs to be mixed with heavy whipping cream and yogurt and egg yoke.
I'll post the recipe here.
Meanwhile, are you keeping them warm on a non shut off heating pad?
Are their eyes open?
Go here on steps to get you started.
6 pages of help. Click "next" at top right corner
Can you post a pic or a video of the babies?
04-14-2020, 09:53 PM
Hello all,
Great forum, first of all. Many thanks in advance for your help and care.
During the enormous storm of yesterday's afternoon, a sycamore tree fell on our street and left completely exposed a next with three babies. No mummy in sight.
They were put inside a big fleece hat on top of a warming pad and shortly after had a warm bath to get rid of the fleas! They cozied up together for a while and were examined and measured (I don't have a kitchen scale). The smallest kitten (looks like the ugly duckling of the bunch, btw) was just a tad over 6 inches (body only). I deducted that they were between 5 to 6 weeks old and proceeded by feeding them pure goats milk (no cream or yogurt) which they took super well with the syringe (around 8cc/ml). I repeated every 5 hours or so. All was going well, the poops looked and smelled good, no bloated bellies until tonight at 8:30pm. The smallest kitten had one of those yellow diarrheas. I understand that it's a common occurrence: transition from mummy milk to goat, overfeeding, etc...but still...your input/help/support/advice is greatly appreciated. My plan is to skip a feeding session for that kitten and feed him pedialyte instead. I have ordered FV 20/50 and a better feeding syringe but at the moment, I only have access to pedialyte and pure goats milk.
Would love to hear from you!
Transitioning to the goat's milk is a possibility, overfeeding could be another.
Having a scale/Knowing their weight is important for both feeding as well as
medicating if that were to become necessary.
Babies are fed by 5-7% their body weight which represents the capacity of
their stomachs. Overfeeding leads to diarrhea.
I'm attaching a link to baby squirrel care, it can be a big help.
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.
04-14-2020, 09:54 PM
I just took in a 6 week old singleton. She was lethargic with diarrhea while on the temporary formula. But as soon as she started the fox valley she really blossomed. She 10 weeks now and doing great.
When will your fv 20/50 arrive?
04-15-2020, 04:59 AM
Thank for helping the 3 from the sycamore tree. We had a tornado right down the road in the small city by mine in sc. I went around checked downed trees for babies that needed to be reunited with mom, but didnt find any. Kiss those cute bellies and noses. They are adorable. Were they reds or easteren greys.
Hello all,
Thank you for your many great advices. It was a life-saver for the kittens! They are all very healthy and well. I just moved them into a 5 feet tall cage that I built. The box was getting a little too small! I am offering them Henry's healthy blocks, cauliflower and broccoli florets, fresh branches of Maple and oak from the garden and fox valley 20/50. Can someone point me to a method for weaning off the milk? Cheers, Alex
04-28-2020, 11:36 PM
They will wean themselves. Keep offering formula. They will probably start to take larger amounts less often, until as they eat more food the formula becomes supplemental. They'll probably eventually get down to once a day, and then just lose interest. And it could vary. One or more may decide they're done with it first, or will take it gladly for a loooong time. But you have almost 2 months before that happens if they're six weeks now. Pics would help the experts age them.
You kinda don't want them to wean too quickly. As long as they'll take formula you know they're getting all the nutrients they need. It's when they transition to other food that the worries about "are they getting enough/the right thing/etc start. The main food other than formula should be the Henry's. Once they're eating that well then the veggies can be introduced. But if you've already started giving the things you listed and they are definitely eating the Henry's then you may be okay. The experts will tell you best.
One thing to check frequently is that they're EATING the Henry's and not stashing them. If they eat a block they hid somewhere it can make them sick.
04-28-2020, 11:42 PM
Oops, I just realized they were six weeks when you GOT them, and Mercy! that's already two weeks ago, so you're closer than I realized, but even so you don't wean them, they wean themselves.
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