View Full Version : new baby squirrel has diarrhea. Help

04-10-2020, 12:03 PM
We have raised baby squirrels in the past. Recently we acquired a new baby squirrel . At first her stool was firm and somewhat normal looking, but shortly after starting on fox valley 20/50 she started having diarrhea and a few days later still is. She is as active and hungry. Her weight is 100 grams today. I am guessing her at about 6 weeks?? She gets fed 5ccs 4 times daily. She is in the correct habitat. Help with diarrhea??:sadness:sadness:sadness

04-10-2020, 12:23 PM
She is a sweet baby!

Are you keeping her warm?
Are you mixing formula 2 water per 1 powder? With warm water a day ahead to let powder dissolve completely?
Is she getting any fruits or veggies?

You may try hydration in place of a feeding.

She looks good. I hope it's something simple that will correct itself.

Please stay tuned for help from more knowledgeable people.

04-10-2020, 07:27 PM
She is a sweet baby!

Are you keeping her warm?
Are you mixing formula 2 water per 1 powder? With warm water a day ahead to let powder dissolve completely?
Is she getting any fruits or veggies?

You may try hydration in place of a feeding.

She looks good. I hope it's something simple that will correct itself.

Please stay tuned for help from more knowledgeable people.

Thanks. No we have not tried any solids yet. I don't think she is old enough. Yes we are doing the formula correctly. I too am hoping for more responses as diarrhea has not changed.

04-10-2020, 07:43 PM
You can give her a drop of pepto bismal to help with the diarrhea. As it goes through her system it will turn her stool black, don’t be alarmed. Offer warmed water in between feedings to help rehydrate if the diarrhea continues. You could also try adding a little full fat (or low fat) vanilla yogurt to her formula. Nothing with artificial sweeteners. The probiotics may help her loose stool.

She is old enough for solids. When their eyes open we recommend putting a rodent block in with them, so they can begin to get used to it. Most squirrels take well to squirrel blocks from Henrys Pets, which must be ordered online. The picky eater or hazelnut blocks are good choices. Once she is eating the block very well then you can add vegetables from the healthy squirrel diet. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

04-10-2020, 08:15 PM
Sounds like you had the Fox Valley 20/50 on hand already. If so, was it an already opened bag and was it stored in the freezer? Formula can become rancid rather quickly.... I learned recently that a fair amount of the store brand stuff on the shelf (kitten, puppy, etc.) is rancid as a result of shipping and storage conditions.

04-10-2020, 11:06 PM
Sounds like you had the Fox Valley 20/50 on hand already. If so, was it an already opened bag and was it stored in the freezer? Formula can become rancid rather quickly.... I learned recently that a fair amount of the store brand stuff on the shelf (kitten, puppy, etc.) is rancid as a result of shipping and storage conditions.

I just checked and the fox valley 20/50 powdered formula expired 10/31/2019. Until I can get some fresh product I have opened my other 20/50 bag that expired 2/28/2020. What do you think about what mel said about the pepto? Thanks.

04-10-2020, 11:08 PM
You can give her a drop of pepto bismal to help with the diarrhea. As it goes through her system it will turn her stool black, don’t be alarmed. Offer warmed water in between feedings to help rehydrate if the diarrhea continues. You could also try adding a little full fat (or low fat) vanilla yogurt to her formula. Nothing with artificial sweeteners. The probiotics may help her loose stool.

She is old enough for solids. When their eyes open we recommend putting a rodent block in with them, so they can begin to get used to it. Most squirrels take well to squirrel blocks from Henrys Pets, which must be ordered online. The picky eater or hazelnut blocks are good choices. Once she is eating the block very well then you can add vegetables from the healthy squirrel diet. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

Thanks mel for your suggestion. I am also getting fresher formula

04-10-2020, 11:10 PM
How many hours apart are you feeding?

If your still having problems with diarrhea I would suggest
giving her the Brat diet until it resolves.
Once resolved slowly decrease the brat mixture until you
are just going with straight formula 2-1

3 tablespoons (already) mixed formula 2-1 (w/ nothing else added)
1/2 tsp baby rice powered cereal
1/2 tsp banana baby food.

04-11-2020, 12:54 AM
You can give her a drop of pepto bismal to help with the diarrhea. As it goes through her system it will turn her stool black, don’t be alarmed. Offer warmed water in between feedings to help rehydrate if the diarrhea continues. You could also try adding a little full fat (or low fat) vanilla yogurt to her formula. Nothing with artificial sweeteners. The probiotics may help her loose st

She is old enough for solids. When their eyes open we recommend putting a rodent block in with them, so they can begin to get used to it. Most squirrels take well to squirrel blocks from Henrys Pets, which must be ordered online. The picky eater or hazelnut blocks are good choices. Once she is eating the block very well then you can add vegetables from the healthy squirrel diet. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

How many hours apart are you feeding?

If your still having problems with diarrhea I would suggest
giving her the Brat diet until it resolves.
Once resolved slowly decrease the brat mixture until you
are just going with straight formula 2-1

3 tablespoons (already) mixed formula 2-1 (w/ nothing else added)
1/2 tsp baby rice powered cereal
1/2 tsp banana baby food.

Okay I will try that at the next feeding. She is fed 4x times daily. Not at night. And she is 98 grams. She is getting 4.7 cc and per feeding of fox valley 20/50. She is fed at approximately
6 pm

What should my feeding schedule be?

04-11-2020, 02:22 AM
At 98 grams I would also be doing a 6am feeding.

Make sure you are offering her electrolytes (like pedialyte, not water) between feedings.
She is losing a lot of fluids with the diarrhea, which could reduce appetite and lead to possibly fatal complications.

04-11-2020, 05:07 AM
At 98 grams I would also be doing a 6am feeding.

Make sure you are offering her electrolytes (like pedialyte, not water) between feedings.
She is losing a lot of fluids with the diarrhea, which could reduce appetite and lead to possibly fatal complications.

When you say make sure you are offering electrolytes... does this mean ....

Homemade Rehydration fluid:
1 cup warm water1 tablespoon sugar or molasses1 pinch salt

If I dont have pedialyte?
I will do a 6am feeding this am with the brat diet.

Nancy in New York
04-11-2020, 05:28 AM
When you say make sure you are offering electrolytes... does this mean ....

Homemade Rehydration fluid:
1 cup warm water1 tablespoon sugar or molasses1 pinch salt

If I dont have pedialyte?
I will do a 6am feeding this am with the brat diet.

Yes, you can use the homemade rehaydration fluid between feedings. Some prefer
that as there are too many preservatives in Pedialyte.
Once the diarrhea has subsided, stop.

04-11-2020, 05:42 AM
Yes, you can use the homemade rehaydration fluid between feedings. Some prefer
that as there are too many preservatives in Pedialyte.
Once the diarrhea has subsided, stop.

Sorry for all the questions...
But if she is 100 g today.. I haven't woken her up today.. should I give her 1cc of hydration fluid between feedings or how much? I am kind of lost on that. Also, a previous poster said to put a Henry's healthy block in her container ... but I have to order some.. is it okay to get adult healthy blocks as opposed to the hi protein ones? She's an eastern gray squirrel.

04-11-2020, 05:52 AM
When you order the blocks get the Picky eater or Hazelnut ones. Both are more liked than the hi protein or adult. I have never had a squirrel eat the hi protein blocks. :tap Henrys also has Fox Valley 20/50 as well as miracle nipples and syringes, if needed. There’s one flat shipping charge so it’s worthwhile to get everything you may need at one time. Fox Valley also sells a product called Ultraboost. It provides additional fat, as well as nutrients, to the diet. I like to use it and keep it on hand.

You mentioned that you had a second bag of Fox Valley that has a different expiration date that you are going to use I wanted to ask where the formula has been kept. If both bags have been stored in the freezer since you got them then the expiration date is irrelevant. I keep all my formula in the freezer until I need it to keep it fresh.

04-11-2020, 05:54 AM
You can see how much hydration fluid she’ll take. Don’t let her have more than what she would consume in formula for a feeding. I doubt she’ll take that much anyway.

04-11-2020, 07:36 AM
What do you think about what mel said about the pepto? Thanks.

Pepto is fine to give for diarrhea... the BRAT diet is good suggestion as well if you have the ingredients. Once the formula is switched I would expect things to improve./

At 98 grams I would also be doing a 6am feeding.

I agree adding a 5th feeding each day for a baby this age. Going 6 - 7 hours overnight is okay but 12 hours is a bit of a stretch for this age and weight. The hydration (1ml - 2ml is probably all you will be able to get her to take) is always suggested with diarrhea.

04-11-2020, 08:45 PM
When you order the blocks get the Picky eater or Hazelnut ones. Both are more liked than the hi protein or adult. I have never had a squirrel eat the hi protein blocks. :tap Henrys also has Fox Valley 20/50 as well as miracle nipples and syringes, if needed. There’s one flat shipping charge so it’s worthwhile to get everything you may need at one time. Fox Valley also sells a product called Ultraboost. It provides additional fat, as well as nutrients, to the diet. I like to use it and keep it on hand.

You mentioned that you had a second bag of Fox Valley that has a different expiration date that you are going to use I wanted to ask where the formula has been kept. If both bags have been stored in the freezer since you got them then the expiration date is irrelevant. I keep all my formula in the freezer until I need it to keep it fresh.

Thanks for all that. I will place my order pretty soon. We started the brac diet this am. I keep the fox valley 20/50 on the kitchen table. I will start putting it in the freezer.

04-11-2020, 08:51 PM
Pepto is fine to give for diarrhea... the BRAT diet is good suggestion as well if you have the ingredients. Once the formula is switched I would expect things to improve./

I agree adding a 5th feeding each day for a baby this age. Going 6 - 7 hours overnight is okay but 12 hours is a bit of a stretch for this age and weight. The hydration (1ml - 2ml is probably all you will be able to get her to take) is always suggested with diarrhea.

Thanks I have adjusted the feeding. Will try the hydration.

04-18-2020, 02:06 AM
Update on our baby female squirrel
We have been continuing the brac diet and since Wednesday with new fox valley 20/50 powder. This is Friday night. Her stools are formed but soft. They are halfway between liquid and where they should be. On Wednesday we gave her first picky block and she shredded it up and there was no change in her stool. Thursday night gave we gave another picky block 1st one of the day, and at the next feeding she refused to eat formula. Turned out she was super full and by the next feeding she only ate 2 syringes. Friday morning was her next feeding and she ate fine. We did not give her any healthy blocks Friday. ANY SUGGESTIONS? ? Also, her weight

92 1st weight 835 am april5th
96 grams weight April 7th 2020
98 g or 100 g 945 am April 9th
100g april 10th 5cc
94g 96g 98g all showed at around 710 am april 11th
101g april 12th 2020 725 am
102g April 13th 2020 737 am
106g april 14th 2020 855 am
April 15th 2020 1st healthy block
109g April 16th 2020 740 am healthy block
111g April 17th 2020 1130 am

Is it going up like it should??

04-20-2020, 08:41 AM
I have added new questions and I would be really thankful for answers.

04-20-2020, 08:49 AM
Where is your post with questions? Why don’t you ask the new questions here?

04-20-2020, 08:52 AM
Where is your post with questions? Why don’t you ask the new questions here?

Here it is:


04-20-2020, 09:18 AM
It looks like her weight is going up and that is a good thing. How are her poops?

04-20-2020, 09:28 AM
The weight gain seems very slow to me. Are you still offering hydration between feedings? Has the diarrhea subsided at all following the BRAC diet? Does the diarrhea have an odor to it?

04-20-2020, 07:22 PM
Critter mom is awesome. Just put all your questions amd under under your post or use the link she provided. Need to know age, how long you had her, what formula she was on, if you started any food other than formula( theres a certian age for that) how her poop looks how often she poops, and how often she pees. Cant remember the age of your squirrel but if she's peeing on her own amd it's a girls. It's easy to collect.

I collected ozzy's and pnut( one boy 1 girl) in am by placing them on the white kitchen counter. Squirrels get a certain face and tail stance when they pee.

Private message me if you want my number. I have printed the file on here for quick reference in case I find another nonrelease baby.

Also where do u live? My vet at corner stone in iron sc is awesome.

But most the time I dont need one cause all the admins are so good. Most are rehabbers and probably some vets on here.

Dont give up . Do what critter mom said to do. Sje knows her stuff

04-20-2020, 07:26 PM
There are also some questions for you on your original post, which is here: https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?64417-new-baby-squirrel-has-diarrhea-Help&p=1313841&highlight=#post1313841

Actually, since you have so many other posts on the old thread, I would go back there and use it instead of this one. It allows people to go back and read what you have done to date.

04-20-2020, 07:28 PM
Look I had 1 that couldnt have the fox valley 20/50. The royal canine puppy replacer was the bomb. But please if u change milk follow the squirrel board advice on how to dose that change.

It has 2 be a slow change cause her tummy cant take a all n 1 switch. The squirrel board has a link 4 this I believe in the non urgent section under forum. Go 2 forum that's white word ,touch it. Then look 4 how to change milk.

If your busy i can go look for it 4 u. Tell me here or p.m. me

04-20-2020, 07:35 PM
I would use the hime made hydration method. Pedilyite is so bad for their kidneys. A frie.ds passed amd necropsy was performed amd the kidneys took a bad hit. Good luck . Keep us posted

Nancy in New York
04-21-2020, 05:52 AM
I just combined all of these posts with the posts from her original thread.
I will send a pm, and tell her to respond here.
This member hasn't been back on the board since she asked for more help yesterday morning. :dono