View Full Version : Looking for a nonrelease

04-08-2020, 03:33 AM
Hi my name is Mary. I am looking to help a nonrelease that needs a home as my baby passed away from a volvous. ( twisted colon) I live in sc amd for now you can have a squirrel. The vet would be cornerstone vet. Practice. I have all the necessities for one with a missing leg, epilepsy, neurological damage etc. All I ask is that you be honest on its ability to accept some one new for a mom. You can p.m. me if anyone is looking to home a non releasable squirrel .

Stay safe out there. We all hope this Corona virus will be over soon.

Sincerely ,
Mary r.

04-08-2020, 04:48 PM
I have contacted a few members in the hopes one of them might have a little one for you. I’ve directed them to your thread.

04-09-2020, 07:05 AM
Mel 1958,

Thank u. I go on this page 4 or 5 times a week. Its heart breaking on the sad stories like wrong milk overfed, bad diet, etc. I just have to keep in mind that good information is the only chance these guys may have. As far as a nonrelease I live n sc and my past 2 squirrels see a good vet in columbia. Only 40 minutes away. They r trying to pass the illeagal to own one thing. I have the set up for seizure babies, missing limb, too socialized to cats or dogs, not much experience with seizure babies but I dont work and have an awesome vet. Also this squirrelboard is always here. I'll keep checking this thread and my inbox . God will send 1 when he is ready I reckon. Been in love with squirrels since 2000. Got to help a friend in indiana with a baby that was found in a garage . Unfortunately mom was found deceased but he is being cared for by her and since theres nothing wrong besides a cut that is healed she is dropping him off at a rehab
Again thank you for going out of your way. My last baby passed from a volvous per necropsy. His story is under rainbow bridge. His name was ozzy. Passed 3/20 this year amd I still havent getting out of the bed since.

Love mary rizner

04-09-2020, 06:23 PM
I got to help a frie.d by phone with a baby for now. Still not finding a nonrelease but it will come eventually somewhere n sc. Thinking about rehabbing to offer help since I dont work . Question is cam someone be a rehabber but only take in 2 or 3 that will need to over winter?. The other thing I worry about is the constant well intended finder that's Waits too late; which h happens too often. Dont know if my heart can take losing them. Especially after finding out how bad it hurts and the hurt doesnt really go away. As far as I know the close test place I can offer help to are and hour away. One place is a big place called Carolina wild life n sc and the other are not so nice rehabbers doing out of their home. Use to help with both but cant take knes mental disability and the other is a user. What's the link to find rehabbers in sc.

04-09-2020, 06:34 PM
Mary, I can feel your pain with every post. I know that special NR squirrel is out there waiting to come into your life. I just wish it will happen SOON for you.

04-09-2020, 07:03 PM


If you attend their squirrel rehab class (a few hours long) you make contacts and be able to help with rehab.

04-10-2020, 06:03 AM
Thank you chirps. I suppose one will come when God is ready. Been in love with squirrels since 2000. As a kid I thought they were so cute the way they walk

04-18-2020, 04:40 AM
Just wanted to say thank you for this board. I have been looking everyday for a nonrelease. A couple ppl contacted with a possible NR but it didnt come into apparitions.
I still am consumed with grief over ozzy's passing to the point I havent saw a friend in 4weeks , barely out of bed , and had doctor place me on wellbutrin.

It's so hard

Mary R

Nancy in New York
04-18-2020, 05:39 AM
This member is in Florida, but she posted this in February.
If you are interested, send her a pm and see if this little squirrel
is still available.
Good Luck. :grouphug


04-18-2020, 07:20 AM
Hi Mary -

It may help your cause to post pictures of your set up for squirrel care... cages, rooms, etc. Sharing pictures of your Ozzy and sharing his story will also allow people to get to know you both better. I am sure we'd all love learning about Ozzy life. :thumbsup

Nancy in New York
04-18-2020, 08:08 AM
Hi Mary -

It may help your cause to post pictures of your set up for squirrel care... cages, rooms, etc. Sharing pictures of your Ozzy and sharing his story will also allow people to get to know you both better. I am sure we'd all love learning about Ozzy life. :thumbsup

Excellent suggestion Spanky. I was thinking the same thing.
A little more background along with some photos of the set up
would be a huge "selling" point, I'm sure.

04-18-2020, 08:38 AM
Great idea. There should be a pic of the cage attached. All his stuffed animals r washed and n ckoset waiting 4 someone and all the fleece cubes, fleece tunnels and loads of fleece 4 comfyness are also washed amd put up. The cat tower is put up along with his hickory branches so the squirrel can run on branches. In the cahe in pic theres a nest box on bottom that goes on top shelf amd stairs going to different levels. Hand made. The cage is 4 ft wide on long side 3 foot wide on short side and 6 ft tall. My squirrels on go in the cage while I am at a dr.

He had the run of the house with total supervision as my next 1 will when I find one. My squirrel got 1 hour sunlight everyday outside in his outside cage while I worked in the yard. I roll the cage with me around the yard.

Unfortunately the state troopers of Florida said no one is going in that state unless you r a rehabber or have family to visit. Dont know how true that is.

Well, theres a description amd a pic of the cage although I never keep a squirrel locked up in it unless I am gone or some family function where visitors are in the house. (4 the squirrels safety and other family member.

Thanks 4 the suggestion

04-18-2020, 09:31 AM
The cage looks like it was built with much love.

A picture of the outdoor cage might be helpful too... and remember, squirrels should not be left in direct sunlight as they easily overheat and suffer sun stroke (time to bump that sticky!). They always need a place to retreat away from the sun.... :thumbsup

04-18-2020, 11:09 AM
Wonderful cage. :clap

You’re correct about entry into the state of FL. Of course, this won’t last forever and hopefully we can resume some form of ‘normal’.
I miss ‘normal’. :crazy1 :shakehead Because of the unusual situation we’re in right now, I wouldn’t think of getting a NR right now. There are just too many ‘extra’ things to consider...like State Troopers at state lines, etc. :eek When this settles a little, things will be easier. Nothing is easy at the moment.

We would love to meet Ozzy through photos. Your love for the little guy is already quite apparent from your posts.

Leslie Ann
04-18-2020, 06:10 PM
Hi Mary,
I am so sad to hear of your grief over the loss of your sweet squirrel. I'm preparing to release my first rescue and have grown to love the little guy more than I would have ever expected.
Your cage is amazing and shows the dedication and care you put into raising Ozzy. Some little non-release is going to have a wonderful life with you. Hopefully, soon. Please take care of yourself!

04-20-2020, 07:43 PM
I cant wait patiently. So I helped 2 baby possums 2 a rehabber only 2 have my car hit a deer. Deer was ok, car needs repair, and I'm ok. My wallet wont be. I think when takeing animals to rehabber it will have 2 be during the day..

I never leave squirrel indirect aun. The outside one has wheels . I work n the yard a lot so I roll her around the yard amd park it under trees so she can be near me. Thus still getting ATLEAST 1 hour a sun a day except for rainy days . Well, reckon I forgot he was gone alone
I wrote like he was still here.
Started wellbutrin its helping a little. I cant even go 2 the grocery store with out seeing all the fruits and veggies I bought him. I have never hurt this bad in my life.

I have lost 12 pounds now from stress and no appetite. I was happy holding those baby possums while getting them to a possum rehabber. Hitting that deer was awful. A drunk guy hit the same car last may.

I cant win from losing. My name shouldn't be mary. It should be Murphy's law. Anything can go wrong it will. It's like " no good deed goes unpunished".

Well thank 4 all the support ya. U r helping even if it doesnt seem that way.

Love mary

04-21-2020, 04:30 AM
Mary, a NR WILL come along. I have let a couple of folks know that you have open arms and an open heart for one. Considering the whole Covid thing, it would be difficult to currently travel, anyway. There is always a need for someone like you that is willing to take a NR baby. Hang in there. :hug

Snicker Bar
04-21-2020, 09:10 AM
Like Mel said, a special one will come at the right time. But while you are waiting... You mentioned that holding and helping those baby possums made you feel good as you transported them. Why not get with this rehabber and volunteer to help? It’s baby season, and these people get absolutely overwhelmed. I myself am not licensed; don’t want to be. I don’t want the hassle of going through all the requirements and legal stuff. But I am willing to help a licensed rehabber and she has put me “on” her permit as a “sub-permittee.” You may have to go through some sort of training either with this person, perhaps a class , idk... Heck just ask :)
These rehabbers go day and night , around the clock with buckets of babies... Travel with them, take them to work, etc . I’ve never met such dedicated folks. I recently took a tour of the local rehabber that has put me on her permit. I was amazed by her set ups.. And guess what? I left with a baby squirre to feed for her lol. She had many newborn possums already, and more on the way. Plus coons.... You get the picture...
Since then another baby has come along to feed and release with this one; we are presently getting a release area set up. But if that isn’t possible where you live, maybe just taking babies to feed ( and return for then release process) would be a huge relief to this person?? Why not try at least? You might be surprised at how much it helps.
When I lost my Snickers not too long ago, I was right where you are . Literally almost paralyzed by my pain. I felt so alone, even with my loving husband and kids here...They just didn’t have the bond I had with her, and to be honest , thought I was a bit off my rocker for being so upset. But people here understand. Others here have been through this many more times than myself, so know you are NOT alone.
God and time will heal your pain, but I would just encourage you to stay busy. And if you reach out to help this rehabber you may actually speed up the process of finding that special NR. That’s exactly how it happened for me. Within two weeks of losing Snickers, I received calls for bottle feeding babies. Literally went from feeling like walking dead , to busy around the clock mixing formula , wiping butts...I was very tired lol, but so busy it was hard to feel constantly sad. These babies eventually grew and became ready for transfer for the release process, but guess what?? I got a call from my rehabber asking if I would take a little para. :) She was so sickly and very deformed with “wonky legs” lol, but she has become such a blessing and joy. Not long after , another little NR para came to help keep her company. And then an amputee...I lost one, and God sent me three. They will never be my Snickers or take away her special place in my heart. But they have new places, their own special spots that are being created as their stories begin.
Sorry this was so long. Have a bad habit of rambling here :( but my heart just goes out to you as do the others who have replied. They have had their own hearts broken too; some here still very fresh hurts . But I’m sure they would agree , maybe helping /learning how to care for some littles ( even if NOT squirrels) could help pass the time, help take your mind off the hurt , and just maybe open the door for a NR right where you are, in your own area :)

04-21-2020, 09:56 AM

SB, that was a well written, spot-on post. :hug As you said baby season is just ramping up. Every day I look on TSB and there’s a new post about someone finding a new baby...and it’s not even May! :eek Staying busy will surely help the time to pass and To help fill the void in your life. :grouphug

04-22-2020, 06:20 AM
Boy is it hard 2 find a nonrelease in sc. It seems when you are looking you cant find one.

Someone told me about a place in nc but with this corona amd North Carolina stricter laws it hasnt been fruitful. I live in sc so I'll have to pray that someone in sc has a nonrelease that needs a home.

My last one passed from twisted colon. I would post pics here but I cleared them from the phone to the computer that only works for playing videos and storing pics.

I never had a squirrel till I was 43. Boy do they bury in your heart deep with their cute ways and snuggles.

Still havent git around to havei g the necklace made with ozzy's ashes. It hurts so bad.

I sure wish vets would see squirrels more often and that ozzie's vet would have been open at night and saw him right away. They didnt give him a appointment till 2:30 even though I explained how hard and weird shaped his belly was.

That day has been a constant nightmare. I have started on some wellbutrin to hopefully help put myself back together.

For future reference if there is anyone that knows of a vet that will see squirrels at night incase this happens again around the state of sc please let me know.

I feel like something could have been done. I really wish vets would do a MRI on squirrels like they do 4 humans with tummy issues.

Knowing how he died did not provide any relief or understanding.

Still broken hearted,
Mary r

island rehabber
04-22-2020, 07:29 AM
So sorry mary r....the worst is when we don't know why. My NR of five years (Owena Owie-Head, in All Squirrels Go to Heaven), died after just a three-day lack of appetite. She was perfect for five years before that, except that she had suffered from seizures her whole life. BUT a seizure didn't kill her -- her liver failed! She ate a perfect diet, was never sick a day in her life. The vet who necropsied her body told me she was perfect.....except for her liver. What the heck? It will haunt me forever. So I get it. :grouphug

06-10-2020, 07:02 AM
Hi my name is Mary. I am still looking for a nonrelease. I am comfortable with neuro, seizure issues, missing limbs , amd I can get my vet cornerstone vet practice to teach me how 2 trim teeth if they have malocussions. Cornerstone vet is located in columbia sc. 30 to 40 min away depending on traffic.

I am a stay at home retired medic. I am attaching pictures of the cage. This is just the inside one. We have the cage that rolls from henerys healthy pets for the outside as squirrels need at least 1 hour of sun a day for their bodies to unlock the calcium they eat amd to make the calcium usable by their body. There are no kids here.

The only time my previous squirrel was n a cage is when I was cleaning, ppl at the house for the squirrels amd theor protection, service guy like air condition guys.

My squirrels may have been spoiled cause they only like the cold, filtered water out the fridge. Theu tolerates the well water but I dont even drink that. I drink Fuji water or deer park. Yes I am spoiled too I reckon but water does have a different taste when it comes to city verses well or different water brands.

As I was saying only in the cage when I cant watch him or her with undivided attention. I pick them up or let them ride on my shoulders when I put clothes up or go to the bathroom.

I think this is why ozzy's death put me in a quick spiraled depression cause he literally was a part of me.

When u see the cage it's just nest box and ramps with a hickory tree stump in the bottom. He liked planking amd sitting to watch the birds outside.

As far as sleeping in there it was up to him. Doors on the cage top amd bottom remained open so he could take his nap n the nest box or fleece cubes. He usually put him self 2 bed there or he would walk to the bed room,mine, amd put himself to sleep in the old dresser I fixed up 4 him with his favorite fleece in all 6 drawers.

As I was saying all his fleece cubes, boa, toys and special things his squirrel god mom amd i bought r all packed up. So the pics is of the cage itself.

Sincerely mary r.315174315175

Pics r sideways sorry I dont know how to flip them

06-17-2020, 06:06 AM
Nothing yet to update. So I am.volunteering at a rehab center. One will come along I hope.

Mary R.

06-17-2020, 02:33 PM
I hope some little fuzzer in need of a forever home comes along for you. I know too well what it's like to be left with a void inside following the death of that "special one". :sad

06-17-2020, 04:58 PM
Someone in Michigan posted one on here this morning.

06-18-2020, 01:00 PM
I'll try to find it.

Sincerely Mary r.

06-18-2020, 01:06 PM
Where do ppl usually post for squirrels that need homes? I am waiting on the one in georgia.cant find the Michigan 1


Mary rizner

Snicker Bar
06-18-2020, 07:06 PM
Hey Mary,

PM me your contact info. I have some info. to share ; a possible option :)

06-19-2020, 06:40 AM
Where do ppl usually post for squirrels that need homes? I am waiting on the one in georgia.cant find the Michigan 1


Mary rizner


I PM'd you the phone number and craigslist email for the baby in Michigan. Fingers crossed!! Were you able to get in touch with them?

06-20-2020, 07:44 AM
Still looking. 1 someone was selling in Georgia was already gone. Just updating

Mary r

06-25-2020, 04:39 PM
There are squirrels listed today looking for homes.


10-18-2021, 11:37 AM
Just wanted to say thank you for this board. I have been looking everyday for a nonrelease. A couple ppl contacted with a possible NR but it didnt come into apparitions.
I still am consumed with grief over ozzy's passing to the point I havent saw a friend in 4weeks , barely out of bed , and had doctor place me on wellbutrin.

It's so hard

Mary R

Join the Squirrel rehab group on facebook. They are always looking for people to take in babies.

11-20-2021, 03:38 AM
Mary, a friendly non release with 2 broken back legs


11-20-2021, 01:30 PM
Just listed, approx 7 weeks, closer to home...

11-20-2021, 02:33 PM
Just listed, approx 7 weeks, closer to home...

Mary, I am in North GA mountains, near NC border. My sweet girl Robbi has sight issues in left eye. Right eye is perfect. Had a bite mark I'm assuming was from the mom - maybe realized she had sight issue and kicked her out. The head wound is healing nicely and she is eating really well and gaining weight appropriately. I thing she will be a non release. Are you interested?