View Full Version : How can I figure out how old my squirrel baby is?

04-05-2020, 07:24 PM
I have a round tailed ground squirrel. I’ve had her about a week. When I found her alone in the desert she weighed 26g and had her eyes closed. Her eyes opened last Wednesday and she is 42.5g and very active. Can anyone help me figure out her age? Also, when can I start introducing hard things for her to chew on? She’s been nibbling on almost everything; cage, blanket, me... so I thought maybe I should give her a teeth chew and introduce the food blocks from Henry’s. Any help is appreciated

04-05-2020, 07:44 PM
Can you post a pic?

04-05-2020, 07:56 PM

04-05-2020, 08:06 PM
What a beautiful baby!

I'm not familiar with ground squirrels but there will be someone here that can help. So keep checking back.

What's her diet like? (formula)

Grey squirrels eyes open at about 5 weeks. That will probably get you pretty close.

Might try a deer antler from pet stores for a calcium supplement chew toy.

04-05-2020, 08:12 PM
Thank you! Right now she is on the temp goat recipe until my order of Fox Valley 20/50 and high protein blocks get here on Tuesday. I have an antler I haven’t given to my dogs. I’ll put it in her cage. I appreciate your help!

04-05-2020, 09:43 PM
Are all your ground squirrels blond?

And again with grays, once their eyes are open you can introduce rodent blocks. They mostly just crumble them up but with time will get it down pat. Keep your baby on the fv until she weans though. Formula first I think, blocks second and veggies a little later.

04-05-2020, 09:53 PM
She is a desert ground squirrel. My family went out to Ocatillo to get away from the crowds. We found her there. Where I live the ground squirrels are a brownish grey and way bigger. I ordered the blocks a couple days ago with the fv so hopefully they will be here on Tuesday.