View Full Version : Sick? Mouth or eye problem?

03-30-2020, 11:53 AM
Shiloh isn't herself. Her eye has been discharging a clear substance. Her teeth have white bumps (never had before). She keeps her mouth around something consistently (not her normal). She hasn't eaten yet today, didn't eat yesterday, only ate avocado Saturday. Friday she ate block and vegetables on my lap from my hand (very sweet normally). She started lots of marbly grumbling the last week when she ate (not normal) Mouth area, eye seem sensitive, but not unbearable to be touched. She is staying in her bed and the few minutes she comes out her head is down. Seems lethargic today and yesterday. Any suggestions as what to do or if something might be happening with her eye, mouth teeth? Please help.

03-30-2020, 12:14 PM
She does look to not be feeling well, poor girl.

Are her upper teeth are okay? From the picture they look like nubs, but I think that is just the picture and her lips are not pull back... and the tip of the lower tooth we can see looks to be properly worn / blunted by the corresponding upper tooth so I assume both are worn. I thought it would not hurt to ask to make certain.

Any chance she may have eaten something she should not have... house plants or anything? Have you clean her stashes out recently... sometimes they squirrel something away and then eat it past its prime and don't feel well.

Any chances of an insect bite or sting?

03-30-2020, 12:38 PM
Thank you for the reply.
Her upper teeth do look like nubs. They aren't normally like this. Attached is a photo from mid November when I had concern for how her top left tooth was growing (not normal for her). I watched it and it seemed to finally correct. Can something be causing her teeth to be nubs?

No house plants or anything I can think of. She only has access to her outside cage which is 8Hx5Wx4D and her inside bedroom 16x20ft.

Her room and cage stashes have been cleaned. However, she might have something in her second bed that I can't get to.

He mouth seems sensitive and intuitively I'm leaning towards the eye, teeth, mouth problem. I just don't have the knowledge of what it could be.

I don't feel any bites from insects, but she does go outside most days.

03-30-2020, 02:03 PM
Has she had any vague respiratory symptoms like sniffles or runny nose? Does she crack open an inshell nut?

When the incisors stop growing it usually indicates a serious problem called odontoma. The teeth stop growing outward and start growing backward at the root. This bony accumulation gets larger and larger until it invades the sinus cavity. The only way to diagnose it is with an X-ray of the head. The only treatment is surgical removal of the incisors. It is an extremely invasive surgery.

You might want to check the roof of the mouth. Look for a puncture in the palate. When the bottom incisors don’t meet the top and get filed down, they will grow into the roof of the mouth. The bottoms would need to be trimmed. They do look long to me... actually maybe just the one.

03-30-2020, 02:51 PM
She has not had any sniffles or runny nose. She does get nuts in shell, but tends to hide them and eat when she finds suitable.

I have been checking her entire mouth (let's me do anything to her) and didn't notice any puncture wounds on the roof of her mouth at all. I will trim her bottom teeth to see if this helps her. I have never had to trim them and she currently is staying in her bed, not coming out and being aggressive when I go near (not her normal behavior).

Any ideas on tactics to get her out of bed so I can grab her? She's swift and smart.

03-30-2020, 03:31 PM
She has not had any sniffles or runny nose. She does get nuts in shell, but tends to hide them and eat when she finds suitable.

I have been checking her entire mouth (let's me do anything to her) and didn't notice any puncture wounds on the roof of her mouth at all. I will trim her bottom teeth to see if this helps her. I have never had to trim them and she currently is staying in her bed, not coming out and being aggressive when I go near (not her normal behavior).

Any ideas on tactics to get her out of bed so I can grab her? She's swift and smart.

I’m glad there are no respiratory symptoms. When odontoma are present, they will stop cracking nuts because of pain. I wouldn’t do a big trim. Maybe just take the tip off of the longer bottom incisor. You will need to wrap her like a burrito in a fleece wrap.

I really think she needs an X-ray. It’s the only way you will know. The short top incisors, the weepy eye and the overall seeming ill are all hallmarks of teeth issues.

In Connecticut, I bet you don’t have a vet, right? Maybe someone can make a recommendation.

By the way, I forgot to ask about the diet. What does she eat?

Nancy in New York
03-30-2020, 04:24 PM
I don't feel any bites from insects, but she does go outside most days.

When you say she goes outside most days, do you mean in a cage, or is
she an indoor/outdoor squirrel. (meaning without a cage)

03-30-2020, 04:51 PM
Thank you all.

HRT4SQRLS, X-rays, wow. No I don't I a vet:( She eats her 2 Henry's Picky Eaters Blocks, endive she loves, butternut squash, yucca, sweet potato, sometimes she like baby cauliflower and broccoli, snap peas, mini tomato now and again, slice of corn (stopped giving it), crimini mushroom piece, grape or apple piece treat, snack some days is a mix of cheerios, rice chex mix, chopped nut, dried cranberry, sunflower seed, Kaytee veggie mix (?). She has been giving me trouble coming in from her cage so the only thing that would get her inside was a peanut (not optimal).

Nancy in NY, yes Shiloh is an indoor squirrel and also has a cage outside to get fresh air and sun. She goes from inside to outside in a small dog carrier with me.

03-30-2020, 06:25 PM
Excellent diet! Great job mom. :clap

03-30-2020, 07:21 PM
Please help. I can NOT get to Shiloh to trim her teeth and help her. She still hasnt eaten any of her food all day. She is barking at me, annoyed and being cranky aggressive. How in the world do I get her? I tried everything. In her room she likes to sleep on top of a cage in one of these beds, which is high near the ceiling. Please help me, to help her. Thank you.

03-30-2020, 08:21 PM
Don’t worry about trimming the teeth. As long as there isn’t a puncture in the palate, everything is fine for now. Is there a favorite food she can’t resist? You might have to let her settle down. If she is angry, leave her alone.

03-30-2020, 09:55 PM
UPDATE: Shiloh finally came to me with persuasion from a jar of hazelnuts out of the shell. I snuggled her as she is a very sweet girl and loves hands on contact. I took more photos of inside her mouth and still can't see anything. I was able to trim her left tooth, but have to get the other one tomorrow. She keeps my finger in her mouth and when on her tongue she squeels. I also got her to drink some water and take some endive leaves and block. When she was eating she gagged and makes me think it's still something with her mouth. Her eye is still watery and she doesn't look well:(