View Full Version : Help with pregnant mommy!!!! CRITICAL INJURY!!!

03-19-2020, 05:21 AM
I’m freaking out! So found this crazy fat squirrel in the middle of the lane kind of staggering like it was drunk! I get my ride to pull over and I swoop her up in my hoodie and examine her more thoroughly! Yeah it looks bad, but it worries me more that there’s a good chance she’s pregnant(large teets, heavy, biggest thing I’ve ever seen maybe)! Considering she was in the road mighta gotten nailed by a car— bloody nose, one side of face swelling- even worse— definitely has blood in septum etc., hard breathing/wheezing-closing eyes off and on. Called couple places, one lady in Frisco who’s 24hrs, she suggested to first try the local wildlife rescue and luckily they were willing to stay open a bit longer to await my arrival. One big problem, it’s now 4 or 5 hours later and I’m stuck till morning due to some unexpected car problems! Not sure how long she’s got but I got her in a warm room-box- dark,quiet,and a towel.. she will jerk and attempt to move around but mostly just chillin- the blood isn’t thick-mixed with snot- only from nose, has mouth open for past hour, depending on how far along she is could the pros save her baby?!? Or babies???! how could I be sure she hadn’t just had the babies instead?? And is there anything else I can do?! Have had some experience with squirrels but if I’m monitoring her until morning id be grateful for any further tips!!! ——- ivy T. / north CA:sadness:embar:panic:frustratedx:bricks:Flag:Sha m:troll:sqrrl11:drama

03-19-2020, 07:21 AM
Does it appear the nipples have been nursed? There is usually a bare, hairless ring around the nipples if they are nursing. If she is that heavy it is possible she is still pregnant. Fox squirrels are common in California and they are quite large.

Treating for shock is really all you can do tonight. Dark, warm and quiet.
You could offer hydration fluid if you have a syringe.

Homemade Rehydration fluid:
1 cup warm water
1 tablespoon sugar or molasses
1 pinch salt

Thank you for helping her. A simple act of caring speaks so much about your heart.
Be very careful. Sometimes they are shocky and lifeless but will rebound and be very agitated. They will bite very hard.