View Full Version : Safe Emergency TEMPORARY FORMULA for Finders**************

island rehabber
03-17-2020, 07:44 AM

An in-depth discussion at the Gathering of Nuts 2020 resulted in the selection of this homemade temporary formula below. This formula can be recommended to finders who come here looking for help because they must feed the baby they found, while looking for a rehabber to take it. This is NOT recommended as a permanent formula for long-term use by rehabbers; we have all pretty much figured out what we're going to feed this year. This is for that person who can't get the baby to a rehabber immediately and needs to offer nourishment. No time for ordering Fox Valley, Zoologic or anything else -- this can be bought at a grocery store.
*3 tablespoons goat's milk. Powdered or liquid.
Conveniently, most ice trays are 1 tablespoon each; powdered can be mixed per instructions and then frozen into cubes for future use.

*3 tablespoons ANY plain yogurt

*2 tablespoons HWC (heavy whipping cream)

*1/2 egg yolk
Again, this is not a permanent formula substitute for rehabbers or those with NR squirrels. It's what we can recommend to those first responders who MUST feed the baby.

Questions and comments are welcome, of course!!


03-17-2020, 07:56 AM
Yogurt must be full fat and have NO SUGAR SUBSTITUTES. A yogurt marketed for human babies, such as YoBaby is good. They don't put nearly as much crap in the formula for babies and children.

03-17-2020, 09:50 AM
It was discussed that this temporary, emergency formula should be used for no longer, ideally, than 2 weeks. It should buy time until the correct, healthy formula can be received and started.:great

03-17-2020, 10:02 AM
I recently learned something about yogurt that I think will be helpful. I’m sure we are all familiar with the liquid that separates from the yogurt and sits on top. I have always poured that off because frankly, it looks nasty to me. I am not a yogurt eater. I learned that this liquid is called whey. It contains protein, calcium and potassium and should be mixed into the yogurt for added nutrients and a smoother texture.
Who knew? :dono

03-17-2020, 10:30 AM
I have been crunching a lot numbers using the wildagain nutrition calculator, trying to find a more balanced formula.
I have learned a lot along the way about why some cause bloating and some cause diarrhea.

The best ones I have found are:
4 parts Zoologic 33/40 : 7 parts water : 1/4th part heavy whipping cream, or
1 part Fox Valley 32/40 : 1 part Fox Valley 20/50 : 4 parts water.

Both of these have a solids comparison to mother squirrel milk of around 75% (65-75 being the best range for digestion),
and the same ratio of proteins/fats as mother squirrel milk to prevent bloating/diarrhea.

I have seen a lot of rehabbers talking about Royal Canin formula...
... but the nutrition numbers show it is very high in carbs, but low in proteins and fat.
So you wind up with some very fat babies but without a balanced development of muscles and tissues.
Sort of like raising a human child on a potato diet.

island rehabber
03-17-2020, 10:52 AM
I have been crunching a lot numbers using the wildagain nutrition calculator, trying to find a more balanced formula.
I have learned a lot along the way about why some cause bloating and some cause diarrhea.

The best ones I have found are:
4 parts Zoologic 33/40 : 7 parts water : 1/4th part heavy whipping cream, or
1 part Fox Valley 32/40 : 1 part Fox Valley 20/50 : 4 parts water.

Both of these have a solids comparison to mother squirrel milk of around 75% (65-75 being the best range for digestion),
and the same ratio of proteins/fats as mother squirrel milk to prevent bloating/diarrhea.

I have seen a lot of rehabbers talking about Royal Canin formula...
... but the nutrition numbers show it is very high in carbs, but low in proteins and fat.
So you wind up with some very fat babies but without a balanced development of muscles and tissues.
Sort of like raising a human child on a potato diet.

Javarat, I appreciate your research but this thread is for FInders, the General Public who need to feed a baby NOW. They are not going to order things and wait 5 days to feed the baby. Please do copy and post your thread in a new topic add to our previous formula threads. This is Emergency, for first finders.

03-18-2020, 12:25 PM
Sorry about that IR.. I did notice the thread was a sticky.