View Full Version : New baby....fleas

03-14-2020, 09:42 PM
My neighbor's parents found a baby squirrel in a nest inside a bucket. He was cleaning out an old building. His dad thinks he saw mom but not sure. Just one baby gray about 5-6 weeks old. Eyes open.

I have him now and bathed him to remove one or two dozen fleas. He looks very healthy and is not terribly afraid. We are going to try to reunite with mom in the morning. I'm hoping she was moving a liter and got scared off by the activity.

He's not acting hungry or agitated and is asleep on a heating pad right now.

Question. If mom was still around would he be covered in fleas? Or would she not keep them picked off?

03-14-2020, 10:07 PM


03-15-2020, 12:31 AM
Awww, how precious! Maybe she has fleas too and couldn't keep up with them? I often wonder if "moving house" has as much to do with getting away from an infested nest as foiling predators.

03-15-2020, 06:02 AM
Little one took 1 cc of 50/50 ped/water and about an hour later 2 cc's of gmf slightly weakened w/ water. Don't want to overload little belly.

I think he is a she. :Love_Icon Slept all night fro around midnight til 6:00 am. Bout to get her out and try to get her to pee and feed more gmf.

Temp this am is right at 50 deg. and rain all day. If we put her back in bucket with dry nesting materials and leave her inside where she was found, how long could she stay and be ok alone? I don't want her to get cold while waiting on mom to hopefully show up. You can see in pics she is pretty well fully furred but she sure did enjoy her heating pad overnight.

03-15-2020, 06:07 AM
Any reason her heating pad can't be placed under her bucket?

Nancy in New York
03-15-2020, 06:24 AM
Little one took 1 cc of 50/50 ped/water and about an hour later 2 cc's of gmf slightly weakened w/ water. Don't want to overload little belly.

I think he is a she. :Love_Icon Slept all night fro around midnight til 6:00 am. Bout to get her out and try to get her to pee and feed more gmf.

Temp this am is right at 50 deg. and rain all day. If we put her back in bucket with dry nesting materials and leave her inside where she was found, how long could she stay and be ok alone? I don't want her to get cold while waiting on mom to hopefully show up. You can see in pics she is pretty well fully furred but she sure did enjoy her heating pad overnight.

I'm so glad you are caring for this little one.
One thing. I don't think she needs the pedialyte. She
looks to be in excellent shape.
I'll bet you are enjoying a little one in the home again.
Good luck with reuniting, just watch her really closely. (I know you will)
Can you play the baby squirrel cry while she's out there. That typically
attracts moms if they are in the area.

03-15-2020, 08:32 AM
Criitermom, I don't think there is power n old shed. They were cleaning it out to tear down.

03-15-2020, 08:36 AM
I'll try tha Nancy. Thanks!