View Full Version : SO MUCH HELP NEEDED!!!

03-08-2020, 08:23 PM
We've had two squirrels, for about a week now one has just passed just a few hours again and the other is just now showing signs of pneumonia, we really don't want to put this squirrel down, but we don't have the medicine for this squirrel, please if you are willing to help send a PM, and help, even advice of strongly appreciated.

Ps. the squirrel is a male and he is 3 weeks old if that's any help.

03-08-2020, 08:28 PM
Thanks for helping these babies.

I'm no expert but others on this board are, so CHECK BACK OFTEN!

Meanwhile, can you get any antibiotics? Even left over human meds? Someone will dose it for you if needed.

Also, a pic or two and diet list may help with diagnosis.

PS Are you keeping them warm?

03-08-2020, 09:01 PM
We've had two squirrels, for about a week now one has just passed just a few hours again and the other is just now showing signs of pneumonia, we really don't want to put this squirrel down, but we don't have the medicine for this squirrel, please if you are willing to help send a PM, even advice would strongly be appreciated.

Ps. the squirrel is a male and he is 3 weeks old if that's any help.

We've done all we can right now, he's currently wrapped up in a little blanket and he's taking Pedialyte every 2 hours throughout the night to help with his diarrhea and bloating we also have a heating pad for him set to just warm, and the heat in the house right now is on Emergency heat.

Nancy in New York
03-08-2020, 09:09 PM
What are you feeding this little one?
We have had terrible problems with the Esbilac formula.
It's responsible for the deaths of many little squirrels last
What size syringe are you using?
Have you tried to find a rehabber in your area?
Check with friends and family for Baytril animal ab. or Cipro human ab.
Augmentin human ab. or Clavamox animal ab.
All you will need is one pill.
Make sure the heating pad is set on low and under the container
he's in. Also make sure he has plenty of blanket pieces
he can climb up onto if the pad overheats.

I have to go off line in a little while.
Others will be here to help you.
Please answer the questions I've asked, it will help
us determine what your little ones problems are.

03-08-2020, 09:09 PM
What formula are you feeding? If it’s Esbilac, Goats milk Esbilac or PetLac you need to stop. There have been many problems with all these products. You want to make your own formula. The recipe uses goats milk (fresh in the refrigerated section is best) if it’s powdered or liquid canned you must reconstitute it according to the package directions first.

Homemade goats milk formula
3 parts goats milk
1 part heavy whipping cream
1 part full fat yogurt (if you can’t find full fat get one with the highest fat content there is..no artificial sweeteners)

Mix this together and feed it warm.

03-08-2020, 09:21 PM
What formula are you feeding? If it’s Esbilac, Goats milk Esbilac or PetLac you need to stop. There have been many problems with all these products. You want to make your own formula. The recipe uses goats milk (fresh in the refrigerated section is best) if it’s powdered or liquid canned you must reconstitute it according to the package directions first.

Homemade goats milk formula
3 parts goats milk
1 part heavy whipping cream
1 part full fat yogurt (if you can’t find full fat get one with the highest fat content there is..no artificial sweeteners)

Mix this together and feed it warm.

We started homemade goats milk formula today, but we were told not to feed him till his diarrhea clears we've been giving him Pedialyte

03-08-2020, 09:32 PM
What are you feeding this little one?
We have had terrible problems with the Esbilac formula.
It's responsible for the deaths of many little squirrels last
What size syringe are you using?
Have you tried to find a rehabber in your area?
Check with friends and family for Baytril animal ab. or Cipro human ab.
Augmentin human ab. or Clavamox animal ab.
All you will need is one pill.
Make sure the heating pad is set on low and under the container
he's in. Also make sure he has plenty of blanket pieces
he can climb up onto if the pad overheats.

I have to go off line in a little while.
Others will be here to help you.
Please answer the questions I've asked, it will help
us determine what your little ones problems are.

We don't those medicines, but we do have prednisone

03-08-2020, 10:14 PM
Prednisone will not help. NINY was asking about those meds in case your little one has aspiration pneumonia. If you hold him up to your ear like a phone do you hear clicking with each breath? If you do then your little one needs an antibiotic. Aspiration pneumonia can kill fast if this is what it is. Call around to see if you can find just one pill.

What were you feeding prior to the goats milk?

Pedialyte should not be given for longer than 24 hours. Switch to water after that time.

03-10-2020, 10:24 PM
How is your baby doing?

03-17-2020, 04:53 AM
Saw your post. How is your baby doing.