View Full Version : Help 4 brand new newborns

02-24-2020, 06:47 PM
Found 4 newborns, less then a week old. Don’t even have eye slits. Nest was destroyed. Made a makeshift nest to see if mom would return. With no sight of mom, brought babies inside for the night. They were ice cold with zero movement. Thought they dead. Warmed them in my hands and they came back to life. Currently have them in a box, wrapped in a t-shirt on top of heating pad set at low. They’re moving and crying. I’m sure they are hungry. Is there anything I can do tonight? I’ve read that I shouldn’t feed them and then attempt to reunite them with their mom in the morning. Any suggestions would be most helpful. Thank you.

02-24-2020, 07:16 PM
Keep checking here Roxie. Someone will help!

So far, keeping them warm and maybe trying to hydrate may be the best avenue. You can give pedialyte (sp) or there is a homemade recipe on this board.

Hydration (if needed) is usually for 24 hours only. Then they need formula.

Thanks for helping them!

02-24-2020, 07:33 PM
Yes, you can feed them homemade hydration fluid and still reunite them with mom. Make sure they are nice and warm before feeding them. Do you have a 1cc syringe and a miracle nipple? You want to go very slow, drop by drop if necessary so they don’t choke.

You should be up at the crack of dawn to get them placed in a low sided box where mom can find them and retrieve them. Put a rice buddy in the box under a blanket to keep them warm and watch them to be sure nothing else gets them. Mom will come early for them if nothing has happened to her.

02-25-2020, 07:30 AM
Roxie, when they come straight from mom, I will give one feeding of hydration and the 3:1 water/formula a few feedings and transition like they are staying. I feed before I take them out and I have them on a heat source while they are out. I also play a baby squirrel cry on the iPad. I don’t leave them out for more than 3 hours at a time. It is very stressful on these neonates. Wow 4 :eek. Hope momma comes for them.

In my experience, momma tends to come back for a bit older squirrel versus pinkies. I would love to hear other experiences with pinky reunite. Maybe we could use this as another topic at thr Gathering.

Nancy in New York
02-25-2020, 07:38 AM
Found 4 newborns, less then a week old. Don’t even have eye slits. Nest was destroyed. Made a makeshift nest to see if mom would return. With no sight of mom, brought babies inside for the night. They were ice cold with zero movement. Thought they dead. Warmed them in my hands and they came back to life. Currently have them in a box, wrapped in a t-shirt on top of heating pad set at low. They’re moving and crying. I’m sure they are hungry. Is there anything I can do tonight? I’ve read that I shouldn’t feed them and then attempt to reunite them with their mom in the morning. Any suggestions would be most helpful. Thank you.

Here's an excellent source on the care of baby squirrels.
It's 6 concise pages long, with the next button top right.
What part of New Jersey are you located in, just the city.
Do you want us to try to find a rehabber that can take them?

Edit: I just sent this member an email telling her to please
come back on the board, we are trying to help.