View Full Version : Word Gets Around

02-17-2020, 12:17 PM

Well now. As described earlier in our flyers posts, we do have a little deer mouse who visits on a regular basis to eat his fill and warm up. I think while he was in the yard one day recently he let slip that there is food to be had at Jamie and Pam's house and that the proprietors are friendly to critters.

The alert that goes off in the wee hours when Deer Mouse shows up went off between 8 and 9 this morning. It is clear that the Oxbow food for rodents is pretty spectacular stuff. Not only did Deer Mouse have an overnight growth spurt, he changed species as well! We're tolerant - we don't judge;-)

The thing is, the house is full. We remember the damage done by these guys at our last house. We're willing to look the other way and even provide food and water through the rest of the winter, but we don't want this guy (these guys?!) living in the house or the attic. The soffits will go on the moment the snow is gone, and we don't want anybody trapped up there and either dying or chewing their way out. We have left an (human) access door at this spot in the house and it is large enough to put a live trap in there.

So, first, what do we have here? Eastern Gray? Keep in mind that this is a black and white photo because it was made with the night vision turned on. Second, he looks healthy and happy to me. Anybody see physical signs of distress, wounds, illness, that we should worry about? Last, how do we proceed to help our guest move on when the weather turns? Are we making things worse by providing food and shelter through the rest of the winter? A significant worry is that he is a she (again, we don't judge;-) and she might be planning a litter in our attic.

We're lost on this one. What to do? How to proceed with everyone's interests in mind?


02-17-2020, 12:58 PM
It looks like an eastern gray. Hard to tell if it’s male or female, but I don’t see any protruding nipples...that’s a good sign. It doesn’t appear to have babies...yet...if it’s a she. Is the food in your attic? Maybe place some food outside your attic and a nest box outside in a tree to provide someplace other than your attic that’s warm and safe.

02-18-2020, 11:15 AM
Jamie, your posts are such a delight to read! Thank you for being so entertaining. Your care and benevolence toward all your critter friends leaps off the page.

Oxbow . . .spectacular stuff . . .growth spurt . . . changed species . . .

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

02-18-2020, 11:48 AM
Chirps, I feel welcome here, and free to be my smart aleck self. That is a gift of gifts. thanks for your note!


02-18-2020, 07:58 PM
I recently had to write a blog post for a real estate company that sells homes in Florida, where wildlife can be considered a nuisance to new home owners moving down south for retirement from more urban areas. Gig economy- what can I say? Having been born in the Appalachians and then living in Fl most if my life, I'm used to both attitudes of 'live and let live' and 'this is my house, you dirty varment!'.

I've never really worried about critters taking up space in my attic or garage, as sometimes happens, but in researching the subject before writing about it, I found that light and music can be good deterrents. Once the weather is hospitable enough you can leave a light on and set a small radio up to play music all day. Actually, talk radio might be even better (what critter wouldn't be terrified of Rush Limbaugh yelling at them constantly?! :laugh) Start putting the food source elsewhere and pretty soon your new giant deer mice (!!!) will prefer to avoid the light and noise to eat elsewhere.