View Full Version : Think my baby Nutella is "wilding up" and ready to start a soft release soon!
02-16-2020, 07:36 PM
This is my worst nightmare is to be asking these questions! But I have got to do it for her ! Spring time is near and I know the time is getting close but when is the right time to start Baby Nutella's release ( she isn't a baby anymore, but is still my baby) . She is now 7 months old. I am a complete mess while thinking about this process! I would love to keep her forever but deep down I know she would be happier in the trees. I worry because has never socialized with another squirrel before and she hasn't been outside but very little and she was very young . I'm from Pennsylvania so our winter's are cold so when it was warm she was just a pinkie . Our says are getting better and some nights still cool so I know I have some time before I start the release just would like to know what I should be looking for to know when she is ready..
She has detached her self from my husband and for the last few months she would only accept me and we both knew that was coming . Yesterday surprised me . Never would I have thought she would bite me. Its always been in the back of my mind but just didn't think she would do it, but I'm sure that's what we all have said . I get she is wild animal and it can happen but it was out of nowhere and it was not prevoked she jumped from the top of her shelf at the back of my head. Not sure if when she leaned on me I jumped and it scared her but she literally attacked my face and bit me . She got me right on the bridge of my nose . Both sides, right in the corner of both eyes, I have a puncture wound . I feel like it was unintentional, even if it was I don't blame her and I am not mad at her! I am a little frightened to let her out now! She has always been out of the cage when I'm home but have noticed her pacing the bottom of her cage a bit more when I put her back so it's killing me to watch her in there today because I'm afraid to let her out in case she is "wilding up" and may attack me again. I have been sitting next to her cage talking to her, she doesn't seemed frightened or alarmed I'm there she just sits there and listens to me talk. This is the baby girl that would want to be wrapped in my arms to go to sleep at night. She just recently stopped and now goes to sleep on her own! Just not sure what to do now since I have a little more time before I can let her be free! I don't want her sitting in that cage all hours of the day! I can't do that to her!
Is there things that's I can start preparing her for so that I know she will be successful with the release! I'm not sure how you guys do this over and over! I'm bawling just thinking about doing it.. she has been my everything the last 7 months .. she is such a beauty and has been one heck of an experience , but I want her to be happy whether it's here with me or up in the trees! Any help is appreciated ! Thanks in an advance !
02-16-2020, 08:35 PM
Your story sounds exactly like my story. Everything is the same, except where you got bit. The unexpected biting is what propelled me to move forward with release. I was scared and had a difficult time trusting that she wouldn’t do it again. I live in Florida and this took place the end of March so I didn’t have a lot of time to ponder or prepare. It also meant that my girl didn’t have to spend much more time in the indoor cage before moving her to the release cage.
It sounds like she is going through her first estrus cycle. While this takes place you need to protect yourself if you let her out. It’s normal for them to be more aggressive at this time. The fact that you are feeling apprehensive will also help you distance yourself from her.
It will make you feel better to know that after my girl was released she was much friendlier with me and I didn’t worry so much about her biting......until she had her first litter. :shakehead
02-16-2020, 10:32 PM
Some dollar store safety goggles will help a little. Psychologically AND practically.
Ooooh, I feel so bad for you both. Don't be too upset about the cage floor pacing. Seems like people were just recently discussing that on a thread here somewhere. Something about squirrels pacing in an open cage, or in a cage they could come and go from. Another thought-- by any chance had you used a different deodorant/soap/shampoo/laundry detergent just before the attack? Time and again that has proven to be a trigger for a lot of squirrels. Crossing my fingers it's something like that and you may still have a bit longer with your sweet baby's baby personality.
02-17-2020, 12:39 AM
Thanks for loving her!
If you have an outdoor cage you could start letting her spend time outdoors. Just a little at a time and maybe in an area where the wilds would visit. Gradually let her stay out longer on nice days and bring her in when bad weather is coming.
Then maybe when weather and tree cover are better you could do the soft release protocol.
Good luck and we all know how you feel. It's terrible, scary and exciting at the same time.
Just wait until you see her free for the first time in the trees. You'll know you did it right!
Any pics or videos?
02-17-2020, 10:19 AM
Thank you for the encouragement. I'm truly beside myself without having all the contact as I did before. I did let her out to play last night! I couldn't take it any longer! Watching her pace and make her little squeaky noises to get my attention just broke my heart! I felt like I was punishing her and it was for something that wasn't even her fault! She did was a squirrel should have done.. She seemed like her old self! I was a little jumpy and skiddish with her and I know she noticed! This releasing process is going to be very hard for me. But I just have to remember the moments I have when I put her back in her cage when we're done playing and she paces for a little while and then she finally lays downs and stares out the door... It makes me cry, not because I had to put her away because if she was out in the trees and free she wouldn't have to feel that way. It's just moments that come and go and the battle between my own feelings because I know what the right thing to do is but I love that little munchkin so much! It's hard to think about life without her! It's amazing how these little guys make u feel!
I'm glad there is somebody else that has the same situation! Thank you for the support and encouragement!
I didn't change anything that I am aware of. I'm very cautious with the change of smells... I did go through this with her one other time, not biting but she was really scared and couldn't figure out why til someone on here had mentioned the changing of soaps. So I will never do that again!!
So last night before I brought her out I did a quick scan to make sure everything is normal nothing that could trigger any more biting and low and behold I found a nut! Not far from where I was standing when she leaped onto my shoulders and I jumped and then she bit! She doesn't get very many nuts so when she does, it's treasure to her!
I have many pics and videos.. About 900 of them.. not exaggerating! I'm not joking when I say I am I love with her ! She is what I look forward to seeing when I get home from work! Love her to pieces!❤️
02-17-2020, 10:46 AM
Ah, maybe it was the nut! I hope so. Plausible explanation and it could mean things will be back to normal for you both. My biggest fear was for my baby's safety. I kind of figured she'd stay around but was scared to death of what could happen to her. And also scared she wouldn't stay around.
Yay! 900 videos? We LOVE videos! :popcorn
02-17-2020, 11:37 PM
02-18-2020, 08:03 AM
Nutella is beautiful and looks great! Good job Mom!
02-18-2020, 10:56 AM
Nutella :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
02-18-2020, 05:34 PM
She is, I could just cuddle her all day if she would let me ! She just recently stopped letting me rub her to sleep.. Miss that time with her and now that we had that little incident(well it was a big incident, a half a centimeter and that puncture wound would have been in my eye) but by all means it wasn't her fault.. Luckily I'm fine! Two little puncture holes and two black and blue eyes, but can say I would do it again if she was happy and wanted to stay with me!
babbling on.... Anyways Sorry for such a large image .. Didn't post anymore because they we're uploading so big! Can they be uploaded smaller ? Any advice on loading videos?
Also being that she is going on 8 months old, is that going to be hard on her when I start the soft release? If it seems to be, when do I say enough is enough and bring her back in .. I feel like she is going to like it out there! Don't get me wrong, I will let her decide that but I also don't want her to be scared and feel like I abandoned her! Also I cant just release in my back yard I have to take her to my in laws! So that will be again another new place! I feel like this is going to be hard not only on me but her as well!
How wrong of me to give in if I didn't feel she was ok during the soft release and just keep her forever? It's not illegal here and besides the little cage pacing and our little incident which I think when she startled me I freaked her out, she seems happy and content! If the release didnt work out I could give her my spare room to prevent the pacing! I could just be nervous and she may want to be free! Who knows! I just want to make sure im doing it right and how Im supposed to know when she isn't happy out there!
Sorry for the long post! You guys are the greatest, would have never of made it this far and to be honest Nutella probably wouldn't be here if it was for you all! I'm thankful for you guys!
02-18-2020, 09:57 PM
Do you have an outdoor cage she could spend some time in now and again? Maybe where she could have thru cage interaction with wilds. See if she acts scared.
No chance of release where you live? If not you may want to do the whole soft release at her release site. She needs to be familiar with smells, noises, wild critters, local dogs etc.
I can't help you with the keep or release question.
I THINK if they are healthy they naturally want to be free to be squirrels. I know it's gut wrenching but setting a wild thing free is probably the single most loving thing you can do. Love them enough to give them a chance.
If she doesn't like it, and lets you know, you can let her stay home with mom!
Leslie Ann
02-19-2020, 09:54 AM
I love Nutella's name. I live in NY and am looking ahead to Jasper's release. I can identify with your story and your love for her. It sure has been an interesting adventure to raise one of these precious creatures. Jasper is also a singleton. He was brought in by my father's cat the day before Labor Day. I will follow your story as your release time may be a bit before mine, depending upon where you are in PA. I live in Western NY, where the weather is crazy unpredictable in the spring.
Thanks for sharing Nutella's story, and yours. It's good to hear from another newbie (my assumption) who is nuts over her squirrel.
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