View Full Version : Another Injured Wild

01-14-2020, 04:17 PM
It's been a bad week for our backyard buddies. Bob is just over a year old and one of our original two backyard visitors. Bob nested with his mom nearby for his first year and was an everyday backyard visitor until instinct kicked in and he went off in pursuit of a new territory and new females. He last came to visit us in early November and every day we’ve kept an eye out for him. Miraculously I spotted him pursuing a female around New Year’s about half mile from our house. As a bob-tailed squirrel with very distinctive traits, I’m positive it was him in his new territory. He looked injured when I saw him but so did the many other males pursuing the female in heat. I didn’t worry too much because Bob has recovered from numerous injuries with help from TSB but he did have a very odd looking wound on his side. I hadn’t seen him again until today when he showed up at our house. He was moving very slow and looked bad. I lured him into our backyard but he only stayed for a minute to eat some pecans. He still had that wound on his side with all the fur missing around it. He was also missing fur around his eyes front legs. He was hobbling but hard to tell which limb he was favoring. It appeared as if more of his tail was gone and may have had an injury underneath his hind legs that I couldn’t see. His energy seemed to improve after eating a few pecans. I grabbed as many pics as I could. Could his condition simply be from territorial and female fights? Or does this look like something else? Sorry the pic quality is bad, he didn't want to get close to us even though he used to eat from our hands. :(

01-14-2020, 05:17 PM
The injury likely abscessed and broke, that explains the
missing hair around it. Besides the injury, this baby has
Unless this boy was a regular visitor that could be treated
daily, I personally would trap and intervene with treatment.

01-14-2020, 07:48 PM
My first thoughts mirrored Step's. He needs help if you can trap him. Revolution for the mange and clavamox for the abscess.