View Full Version : Loose stool and no energy

01-12-2020, 02:52 PM
So all of a sudden this afternoon Zebula was sleeping hard, loose stool and low energy once I finally got her up. I gave her a small amount of pepto but for the life of me can’t figure out why all of a sudden she is feeling sick. She’s moving fine, just not her normal zippy self. I cleaned her bottom cause she was draggin it but she just not her normal self. Anything I may be missing?

01-12-2020, 03:08 PM
For the time being, I would begin giving her hydration - warm it up so she will drink it and try to offer by syringe if she will still take that.

They recently went outside, didn't they? Could she have eaten something she shouldn't?

01-12-2020, 03:12 PM
For the time being, I would begin giving her hydration - warm it up so she will drink it and try to offer by syringe if she will still take that.

They recently went outside, didn't they? Could she have eaten something she shouldn't?

No they have never been outside I just move them from upstairs room to downstairs cage. I will try giving her fluids. She has been drinking today so not sure if I should add anything specific to it. Her brother is having no issues so I’m scratching my head. I did give her a few more sunflower seeds than him but can’t see how that would be a problem.

01-12-2020, 03:13 PM

She never sits still like this and it’s been 20 mins.

01-12-2020, 03:29 PM
She has peed on me twice, which isn’t anything new but these two times it was a lot more than her normal marking pee. I put her in her cage and she drank from her water bottle immediately. Now she is in her little ferret nest . Should I continue to check on her or let her sleep it off? I’m so worried I’m gonna walk in there and she be worse off, worst fear!

01-12-2020, 04:10 PM
What's her diet like?

Are you aware of MBD?

01-12-2020, 04:13 PM
What's her diet like?

Are you aware of MBD?

She gets 3x HHBs a day, romaine, snap peas, sweet potato and blueberries occasionally. I gave her sunflower seeds earlier today as a treat, so I’m hoping it’s an upset belly. She is exploring my bathroom with me now but she won’t eat her block, which is concerning cause she absolutely loves them! I am aware of MBd but don’t think that’s it since she loves her blocks.

Diggie's Friend
01-12-2020, 10:33 PM
Hi, glad you have sought help on TSB.

Do you happen to feed raw sweet potato?

01-13-2020, 11:01 AM
Hi, glad you have sought help on TSB.

Do you happen to feed raw sweet potato?

Yes I do, should I cook it? Thankfully she is back to normal today so I think giving her seeds was the culprit.

Diggie's Friend
01-13-2020, 10:50 PM
You could be right as sunflower seeds are a source that is commonly found to contain fungal toxins. To help protect your squirrel from these toxins as lower levels, milk thistle seed extract is a source that lends protection to the liver. You will need to use a 1 ml 1cc syringe needle syringe to include 1 needle drop daily to yogurt, or baked squash fed daily.


The reason I asked is for reason that:

"Raw sweet potatoes are highly toxic for rats so you should never feed them to your pet intentionally."


Even so listed as ok to feed cooked beans to squirrels, since they cause gas in the intestines during digestion, pass on them also.

raw sweet potato contains cyanide-forming compounds. Raw red cabbage and Brussels sprouts contain an anti-nutrient that destroys thiamin raw. Artichokes inhibit protein digestion. Green bananas inhibit starch digestion. Green potato skin and eyes contain solarize (toxin).... rhubarb high levels of oxalates which bind up calcium

Also:FONT=Arial] Lamb's quarters, clover, chards, spinaches, amaranth, pigweed, purslane, cassava root, bamboo shoots, beet leaves, beets, Pignolie, pinenuts, candle nuts, almonds, cashews, Black walnuts, Brazil nuts are very high in oxalates and have a higher Phosphorus ot Calcium ratio. These are not good sources to feed to rodents according to rat research studies.[/FONT]

Diggie's Friend
01-13-2020, 11:40 PM
Some feed this baked, and since it is so sweet the squirrels really like it; yet unlike tuber roots squirrels consume as part of their natural diet are not like sweet potatoes and yams that were bred to increase their sugar/carb content. Since excess sugars in the diet promote calcium loss, I don't include them in my research diet for tree squirrels since this goes against the goal to retain calcium.

When cut up and boiled it may reduce the sugars sufficiently, as it does the cyanide compounds and the high oxalic acid level it has raw and baked.

A healthier alternative for these species is baked Butternut and Acorn squashes that are commonly available. These are lower in carbs, and much ower in calcium reducing oxalates also. Baking also increases the amount of Beta carotene this source contains by measure, as well as the indigestible starches is has raw, making it easier to digest and providing optimum nutrition from this source baked vs. raw or boiled.

Once baked the squash can be easily scooped out and stored in silicone baby food trays with multiple sections. Then when you go to feed, you just pop one out the night before and place it into a small plastic covered container in your fridge. Then in the morning remove the contain and put it out to warm up further prior to split feeding it AM and PM as a daily staple. Unlike Sweet Potato, these squashes have an excellent Calcium to Phosphorus ratio, a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber when fed baked also.

This is one of the silicone storage tray sets available on Amazon.com
