View Full Version : Need help with flyer diet
01-12-2020, 03:19 AM
This is my first time posting. I’ve had my southern flying squirrel, Yakko, since the end in July 2019. There is a lot of contrasting information out there about proper diet for a flying squirrel and I’m grateful I have found this because the information iVe found here has already been very helpful.
I’ve been rotating through many different fruits and vegetables, some he likes some he doesn’t touch and I’m worried about giving him too much of one thing. The only things he will consistently eat are nuts and seeds which I try to be sparing with.
The biggest thing I’m trying to figure out is the block food. I have celiac disease and all of the rodent block food I’ve found has wheat or barley in it. With him flying around my room and crawling all over me with crumbs from the food, there’s a good probability that it has contributed to me being ill over the past month. Does anybody have any recommendations? I’d make him food if I could find a recipe. Are there are cat or dog foods that have the nutrients he needs? I can find varieties of those that are gluten free, but no rodent food. Please help.
01-12-2020, 07:48 AM
First--let me say--I know nothing about flyer diets. However; we have two members.... Skul ---and Mrs Skul---who over the years have raised dozens of healthy flyers. They haven't been active & posting for over a year so I do not know if they monitor TSB . Worth a try. If you wish send me a Private message and I can give you their FaceBook info as Skul (Mark) is sometimes on FaceBook. They can answer any diet questions that may arise.
for the FB info.
01-12-2020, 08:16 AM
Hello and :Welcome. If all your flyer will consistently eat is nuts and seeds you heading directly for disaster. Flyers have very delicate bones and a diet high in nuts and seeds is going to lead to a Metabolic aBone Disease. Their bodies need a proper ratio of calcium:phosphorous to remain healthy and function properly. When they consume foods that are high in phosphorous, which nuts and seeds are, the body pulls the calcium from their bones to maintain the proper ration of calcium to phosphorous in their system. This is metabolic bone disease. The bones get weakened and break easily, they can have seizures and hind end paralysis and eventually die, if it’s not treated.
First you have to find, or make a block, that needs to be the foundation of his diet. There are several block recipes in the Squirrel Nutrition section on this forum. I think you could use coconut flour in place of wheat and as long as the block includes the other necessary vitamins from Henrys Healthy Pets and ingredients, I think they would be healthy. It would also be a good idea to reach out to Leigh, the owner of Henrys Healthy Pets, and ask for some guidance in making the blocks. Her phone number is on the Henrys website online and she is very receptive to phone calls for help.
Was your flyer raised on formula? If so, which one? And when did he wean? My flyer is over a year old and I still give him formula occasionally. He also gets, and loves, yogurt everyday. Protein must also be given daily. I only give my flyer a piece of an almond maybe a couple times a week..if that. And occasionally give him an in she’ll hickory or pecan nut to help wear his teeth down. I didn’t see whole grain Oatmeal on this list, but I do give my guy a pinch of uncooked whole oat oatmeal once in a while.
Here is the list of recommended flyer foods:
Healthy Diet for Pet Flying Squirrels
Your pet needs a balanced diet containing the right amounts of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. A healthy diet should include the following, provided fresh on a daily basis:
A variety of healthy vegetables and fruits
Wild foods from outside
A source of protein
A source of calcium
Treats (not necessary to provide daily)
Vegetables: These add fiber, fresh vitamins, and micronutrients. Variety is key! Don't let your pet get hooked on just one veggie.
arugula (Rocket)
avocado (important for fur health)
bok choy
broccoli rabe (rapini)
brussel sprouts
cherry tomato
Chinese cabbage (gai-lan)
cilantro, fresh
collard greens
dandelion greens
field pepperwood
flowering cabbage
garden cress
green beans
kale (important source of calcium)
lettuce (all kinds)
mushrooms (all kinds) (important source of Vitamin D)
mustard greens
parsley (fresh)
snow peas
squash, winter*
squash, yellow*
sugar snap peas
sweet potato*
Swiss chard
*items marked with asterisks * are either high in sugar or have high concentrations of minerals or vitamins and should be fed sparingly
cherries (sour and sweet*)
*items marked with asterisks * are either high in sugar or have high concentrations of minerals or vitamins and should be fed sparingly
Wild Foods: These provide extra nutrients, amusement and exercise. Before you feed an unfamiliar wild food, always make sure it's not toxic! Do not use flowers from a florist because they are often treated with unhealthy chemicals
Safe plants and flowers:
bottlebrush flowers
clover (red and white)
dandelion greens
hibiscus (all parts)
lambs quarters
magnolia cones
maple seeds
moss rose
natal plum
rose hips
wood sorrel
Safe Trees (branches):
black walnut
mulberry (all parts)
palm nuts & fronds (NOT the cycads: sago palm, cardboard palm, etc. are deadly)
pine cones
pine (3-needle and 5-needle pines)
Protein: An important source of protein, grubs or insects must be included in a flyer’s daily diet. Sprinkle calcium powder on insects to reach a proper calcium/phosphorus balance.
egg (hardboiled)
Calcium: A must for preventing metabolic bone disease
calcium powder (sprinkled on fruit)
cheeses (shredded, small pieces, cream)
cuttlebone (sold at pet stores for birds)
deer antler
Fox Valley formula (can be fed to adults) (as powder or liquid)
sour cream
yogurt (plain)
Tooth health food: Thesehelp keep teeth worn down.
chicken bones (cooked)
deer antlers (often available on ebay)
rocks (cleaned)
sea shells
tree branches (see wild foods)
Rodent blocks: Offered as a supplemental food and NOT a main food.
Harland Tekland 2018
Henry’s Healthy Blocks Flyer Formula
Mazuri - rat and mouse blocks (blue bag)
KayTee FortiDiet - rat, mouse and hamster blocks
Treats: These fun foods can help with bonding, but should always be fed in small amounts.
nuts and seeds
dried fruits (raisins, cherries, banana chips etc.)
A box of clean dirt provides exercise, enrichment, surprises to chew on and minute amounts of trace minerals.
Treats: Nuts/Seeds/Grains: To be given in small amounts as treats, no more than two a day.
black walnuts
Brazil nuts
flax seed
hazelnuts (filberts)
oats (raw/dry/unflavored/unsweetened)
pine nuts
pumpkin seeds
safflower seeds
sesame seeds
soy nuts
squash seeds
01-12-2020, 08:46 AM
The biggest thing I’m trying to figure out is the block food. I have celiac disease and all of the rodent block food I’ve found has wheat or barley in it. With him flying around my room and crawling all over me with crumbs from the food, there’s a good probability that it has contributed to me being ill over the past month. Does anybody have any recommendations? I’d make him food if I could find a recipe. Are there are cat or dog foods that have the nutrients he needs? I can find varieties of those that are gluten free, but no rodent food. Please help.
As far as a block, I would recommend that you call Leigh at Henry’s Healthy Pets. It is a small business that makes Squirrel blocks. She has shared her recipe so that they can be made at home. You can purchase the vitamin pack and protein from her. The other ingredients are available at the grocery store. If I remember correctly, the recipe I saw says the wheat flour is optional. In some cases, Henry’s Healthy Pets has made custom blocks for people. She would probably make them for you and leave the flour out. I would highly recommend you get the Picky Eater block. A squirrel that has been eating nuts is very unlikely to eat the flyer block that they sell.
I see that Mel already mentioned Henry’s Healthy Pets. You should definitely call her.
You have to get the diet on track soon. Nuts and seeds will lead to death.
Flyers need mushrooms for Vitamin D. They are omnivores so they have a higher requirement for protein than tree squirrels. You can buy meal worms and Wax worms at pet retailers. Pet retailers also sell a dog/cat treat that I buy. It is called PureBites dehydrated chicken. It is 100% dehydrated chicken. It is a good source of protein in addition to the worms.
01-12-2020, 08:49 AM
GREAT Diet Info--ABOVE..
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01-12-2020, 10:17 AM
Thank you everybody. I’m aware of the problem with nuts and seeds. And I’ve been giving him yogurt with calcium powder and mealworms as well. He’ll sometimes eat bits of the meal worms. The breeder I got him from did not give me the correct care sheet I think because I was dealing with a young employee and he was distracted. He gave me a care sheet for gliders, which I thought was strange but I thought I would research it online and buy a book. I did not know that the information I’d find would be so contrasting. I very much appreciate this forum. I’d been giving him a wide variety of foods since I got him, but I did not know the danger of nuts and seeds until late in the game. I will contact the people you have recommended. Thank you so much!
01-12-2020, 10:34 AM
Hi again,
I found a recipe on here that uses ground nuts in it. And it mentions making it at home and getting it from Henry’s. Is that the correct one?
01-12-2020, 11:56 AM
Yes, there are ground nuts in the blocks because they need to be enticing in order for them to eat them. The part of the recipe that could not be omitted would be the healthy vitamins from Henrys Pets and the protein powder (or egg) and calcium if any additional is recommended. All the good stuff in the blocks helps balance the bad stuff.
Do you know what formula your baby was raised on and did you (or do you) provide any formula? Formula provides 100% nutrition so the addition of it to the diet can help fill any voids in nutrients. :grin2
I have reached out to Envirgo maker of the blocks I feed my flyers to see if any gluten foods are used. My daughter was diagnosed with Celiac Syndrome in 1970. I have spent years tracking down and working around any wheat, rye, barley, and oats. I have some ideas so give me a day or two and I will get back to you.
01-12-2020, 12:56 PM
I do not know the formula that was used. I got him as a three month old and I was only given dry solid foods to give him. I can reach out to them to find out. That is very good to know. I will work on finding a recipe for that as well.
01-12-2020, 01:01 PM
I’m still working on figuring out how this forum works and I’m having trouble figuring out how to reply to specific people. Anne, if you can see this, I very much appreciate your help with that brand of food. I’m fairly newly diagnosed and it’s taken awhile for me to fully understand how serious even a tiny bit of exposure to gluten can be. I had rats before I got Yakko, but they did it track their food everywhere like A flying squirrel does.
01-12-2020, 01:22 PM
Bam84, yes, many older flyers will still take formula. Last year we discovered a serious issue with Esbilac puppy formula which was our “go to” formula for raising baby squirrels. The manufacturer changed some ingredients and squirrels were developing MBD, intestinal problems and dying as a result. It would be good to know if Yakko was raised on that formula. At this point the formula that would be recommended is Fox Valley 20/50 due to his age. Since you don’t know if he’ll take it you may not want to purchase a 1lb bag. I would be happy to send you some so you could try it.
As far as reaching specific people on the board. At the top of your screen there is a heading called “notifications”. When you click on it a link will drop down titled “in box”. If you click on that it will open a new screen that will let you send a message from the box on the left. Once you click on that you just need to put the persons screen name into the recipients box, give it a title and then write a message. When you hit send that message will go to their private message inbox. If you would like me to send you some formula to try you can send me a private message with your address and I will get it into the mail for you.
Heard back from my favorite block manufacturer Tekland. Yes, there is wheat in all their block. I am now looking for my recipes to see what I used as a gluten free baking mix or product. Don't give up hope, we'll find something for you that contains no gluten or corn!
01-19-2020, 07:57 AM
I’m still working on figuring out how this forum works and I’m having trouble figuring out how to reply to specific people.
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