View Full Version : Help. Lethargic 4 month grey squirell.

01-08-2020, 09:38 PM
I have a male 4-5 month old grey squirell. Hes bloated (like hes ate too much) . Very lethargic. I noticed today he wasn't acting him self. He also has a elevated heart rate. He did eat earlier but he seems to be going downhill. Please help! What do I need to do? He did use the bathroom when I picked him up earlier so I don't think that's it. Hes usually very active and a normal healthy squirell. (Except today) Not sure what to do. I don't want to loose him. ��

01-08-2020, 10:09 PM
Hey Brandy1527 and welcome to TSB.

Sorry your baby's having problems.

There's a lot of folks on TSB with lots of knowledge that can help you.

Can you give more info? Any recent photos?

What diet is he on? Do you know about Metabolic Bone Disease?

Can you weigh him in case med dosage is indicated?

Please check back here oftenfor advice!

You said he used the bathroom...poop or pee?

01-08-2020, 10:13 PM
Also, what formula was he raised on? Esbilac?

01-09-2020, 12:07 AM
It was a puppy formula from tractor supply I know for sure it wasnt that formula. . He pooped (it was quite large) I know a little about metabolic bone disease. His diet is fruits and veggies. He loves carrots,apples,grapes,tomatoes,pecans.etc. . He is very lethargic and I'm very concerned. I have no way to weigh him though. He has a sister I am raising as well his name is Rex and she is Roxy. She is doing great so im very confused about whats going on with him. I have noticed he seems to have a elevated heart rate i can see his little heart beating. Hes not jumping around as usual he is just sitting around.

01-09-2020, 12:40 AM
Here is the link to Henry's pets page.
You can read up on healthy diet and MBD, symptoms and how to treat.

Does their diet include a rodent block or just the foods you have listed?
The formula they have been on could be a factor as well.


Keep checking back for more help and keep us updated on your boy.

Is he still bloated?
A scale to weigh him will definitely be needed in case he ends up needing meds.
Pictures can also be very helpful.

Could he have gotten into something that made him sick? How long ago did his symptoms start?

01-09-2020, 04:56 AM
Symptoms started about 24 hours ago. He is still bloated this am. I have already took it upon myself to start emergency treatment for MBD. Im using tums for now until I can get calcium carbonate capsules. There's no significant improvement this morning but hes not gotten worse either. I will see if I can get him weighed but I don't have a scale. I suspect it is MBD after doing my own research and based on his symptoms. He isn't as bloated this am as he was last night!

01-09-2020, 05:56 AM
Here is the link to Henry's pets page.
You can read up on healthy diet and MBD, symptoms and how to treat.

Does their diet include a rodent block or just the foods you have listed?
The formula they have been on could be a factor as well.


Keep checking back for more help and keep us updated on your boy.

Is he still bloated?
A scale to weigh him will definitely be needed in case he ends up needing meds.
Pictures can also be very helpful.

Could he have gotten into something that made him sick? How long ago did his symptoms start?

Reply from Brandy---- he hasn't gotten into anything that i know of. He isn't on rodent blocks can you give me more info on this and more info on a healthier diet please. I'm new to this they are my 1st rescues in 10 years and I sure don't wanna loose them. Roxy is well its rex that im concerned about. All I have for now is tums 500mg I crushed 1 tablet and made a paste as henrys emergency treatment suggested for further treatment what would be my best option to getting calcium in him? I gave him a 2nd treatment last night but a smaller dose and he has had another treatment this am. I crushed it and made a paste and added it to a bit of left over formula i had. Should I also do Pedialyte I have so many questions I want him to improve amd not go down hill. Also how can I weigh him? I have no scale. Also I had to force him to take the treatment he didn't like it at all. But I have seen improvement this morning he is still lethargic and not himself but he has moved around a bit more and when I got him out of his cage he crawled up my arm onto my shoulder which je wouldn't do last night. Also the blocks what are they exactly and will squirrels eat them good? Thanks so much im trying to learn as much as can so they will both be healthy and he can recover. Am I doing all the right things? Oh and his diet mainly consist of what I mentioned so if you can send me a link or something on a better diet please do so. I'm eager to learn! Thanks so much!

01-09-2020, 06:22 AM
Can you give us the name of the puppy formula?

The bloat is worrisome. I think infant gasx can be given, but I don't know how much.
I have only treated for mbd twice and there wasn't any bloat in either.

Be sure that the tums don't contain any vitamin D,
Tums come in different strengths, you can go to Henry's and the labels are listed, and show how much essential calcium is in each tums very.
Again be sure that there is no added vitamin D.

Definitely check for signs of dehydration. You can give pedialyte or make a homemade pedialyte solution.

If they are not on a rodent block, you need to order some immediately. Most people recommend the blocks from Henry's ( the picky blocksand hazelnut block are well liked by most squirrels). They need to eat 2 blocks a day in addition to healthy veggies. Fruits and nuts need to be limited.
While on mbd treatment absolutely no nuts.
They also sell the calcium powder without vitamin D.
When you place an order you can write something in the comment section mentioning that you are a new member of TSB and that you have a sick squirrel.
If they are still interested in formula I would order some fox valley formula 20/50 in addition to the block.
The owner of Henry's is very knowledgeable about the nutrition needs of squirrels. There is a phone number listed on their page and I have spoken to her on multiple occasions.

I hope that this info helps you.

Here is the link with the squirrel food pyramid including with foods to avoid.

01-09-2020, 06:41 AM
Here is the link for the food pyramid https://www.henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/

You can get a digital gram scale at Walmart, target or similar store.

01-09-2020, 07:01 AM
Rex may be in pain if it is MBD. May want to get liquid Infant Ibuprofen. Get it dosed (again by weight) prior to giving it.

A good whole body picture next to a common household item (coke can etc) may help with weight guesstimate until you can get a scale.

And if Roxy had the same diet, you may want to start her on tums as well.

The Henry's Healthy Blocks should be their main food source. It has most all they need.

01-09-2020, 07:37 AM
A drop or two of infant Gasx can be given for the bloat.

The picky eater or hazelnut blocks from Henrys Pets online are usually readily accepted. Feed 2-3 blocks per day along with healthy veggies and limited fruits from the healthy squirrel diet.

You don’t mention if you are feeding nuts and seeds? Feeding an abundance of these can cause MBD and while you are treating for MBD they should be avoided.

You might place a heating pad set on low UNDER their cage where they can’t get to it to chew on it, but where they can access the warmth. MBD is painful and the warmth is soothing.

01-09-2020, 08:59 AM
THIS is the food you want: https://www.henryspets.com/diets/ Choose between the first three items. I would strongly recommend the hazelnut blocks and the picky blocks. These are designed to be TASTY and to also act as both diet and supplement. 2 per day provide all they need as far as vitamins and minerals.

You want to cease feeding nuts and seeds and when he gets his hands on these he will probably eat them well. When he is better he can have treats added back in in SMALL amounts but not now.

01-09-2020, 11:16 AM
Thanks so much for all the information. I have started hearing a clicking noise when i put his little nose up against my ear. What could this be? I don't understand how it could be aspirating pneumonia. He's still about the same today not much progress. Should I be conncerned about this? I will get a weight today so I can weigh him.

01-09-2020, 11:40 AM
Is the clicking coming from his nose or chest?
Do you have any antibiotics on hand just in case?

01-09-2020, 12:05 PM
Hold him up to your ear like a phone and listen to his lungs for a clicking with each breath.

01-09-2020, 12:35 PM
I hear the clicking mainly from his nose wjen i listen to his chest I just hear his heart beating. Im going to get a digital scale today in a few hours after a dr appt. I do have few antibiotics not sure which ones I can look. What would be best to give if I have it? I know I have amoxocilin and cefdinir that is liquid it was for my 6 year old its left over. I can't figure out how to post a photo I'm using my phone as i don't have a computer. How can i post a photo of my little guy? He is currently sitting on my shoulder!

01-09-2020, 12:45 PM
You can post pictures from your phone.
Scroll down to where it says manage attachments, click on it and follow the directions from there....sorry I'm not better at explaining.
I'm not even sure if a antibiotic is needed.

01-09-2020, 12:59 PM
This is Rex .

01-09-2020, 01:17 PM
Oh my. Rex looks bad to me.

Either dehydrated, malnourished, in pain or all three!

Can you put him down and get a picture or better yet a short video showing his movements?

And if it is MBD, try to not let him climb and run and jump as he could easily break bones.

Someone with more knowledge than I will check in soon.

Poor Rex.:hug

01-09-2020, 01:19 PM
If you try a video you can post it to youtube and copy and post the link to it on TSB.

01-09-2020, 01:22 PM
Poor little guy, he definitely looks dehydrated to me.
Has he been drinking and eating today?
How many doses of calcium have you given him since starting the mbd treatment?
Would you like to see if we have a member in your area to see if they can help?

01-09-2020, 01:34 PM
I can't figure out how to do a video. Rex has been a healthy boy but he has lost weight recently.

01-09-2020, 01:41 PM
Im in kings mountain NC are there anyone close by that can help me with him? Maybe look at him and give me advice.

01-09-2020, 01:45 PM
I think lukaslolamaus is trying to get someone with more experience to take a look as well as find someone near you.

Meanwhile she had questions about food and water and calcium intake today? That info may help!

01-09-2020, 02:04 PM
I am moving this to the Emergency Life Threatening forum. lukaslolamaus is very experienced with MBD :great but these symptoms and his appearance in the photos suggest there might be something additional going on here. I would 100% absolutely continue to follow lukaslolamaus's advice for MBD and hope some extra eyes on this might have some suggestions for what else could be going on? Can you get a weight for him?

01-09-2020, 02:18 PM
I'm at a Dr appt right now. Im sick myself. But my little guy is going down hill fast. I have given him 3 split doses today of calcium about 100 mg each dose. I have had to force him to take it. He has refused water and food. His diet has mainly consisted of fruits and veggies. Carrots. Apples. Grapes.(just a few of his favorites) He also recently started eating pecans seems like he has went down since I gave him pecans a few days ago. I'm extremely concerned and would be more than willing to get him to see some one for a check and advice. Im located in kings mountain nc. He had 500 mg calcium last night as I suspected MBD. He has a high heart rate and rapid breathing along with a clicking noise from his nose.

01-09-2020, 02:47 PM
Is he pooping and peeing? Regularly? Today?

I'm at a Dr appt right now. Im sick myself. But my little guy is going down hill fast. I have given him 3 split doses today of calcium about 100 mg each dose. I have had to force him to take it. He has refused water and food. His diet has mainly consisted of fruits and veggies. Carrots. Apples. Grapes.(just a few of his favorites) He also recently started eating pecans seems like he has went down since I gave him pecans a few days ago. I'm extremely concerned and would be more than willing to get him to see some one for a check and advice. Im located in kings mountain nc. He had 500 mg calcium last night as I suspected MBD. He has a high heart rate and rapid breathing along with a clicking noise from his nose.

01-09-2020, 02:49 PM
Brandy, I believe Rex definitely has MBD so you should continue the treatment.

The clicking is a different issue. I don’t think it is wise to wait to determine if this is indeed pneumonia. Clicking, lack of appetite and lethargy are symptoms of pneumonia so treating now is imperative. We can’t wait to determine if the clicking is nasal or chest. They crash VERY fast. When you get home please post the concentration of the cefdinir. Also, is it expired? I believe you mentioned it was a liquid. If it is in date I will dose it based on 300g but an accurate weight would be better. He looks very small from the pic. Is he the same size as his sister? She needs calcium also.

You should order the blocks from Henry’s today. The picky eater block is my personal favorite. All of mine eat it well.

Was he on PetLac formula?

This is the link to the healthy diet for captive squirrels.


01-09-2020, 02:50 PM
One of the problems is that the calcium can't be properly processed when the baby is not eating. It can also upset their tummies.
Has he been peeing and pooping?
I'm wondering if the broken down calcium doses are too high since he appears to be a little guy.
What strength tums are you using again, and they don't contain the additional vitamin D correct?
I agree with Tubedriver that there most likely is something else going on in addition.
Weight also plays a key role in the MBD treatment as well. I dosed my first mbd patients lower doses of calcium due to her size than my second patient.

01-09-2020, 02:54 PM
OK your treating for MBD. The other two possibilities I see may be pain (liquid Infant Ibuprofen), or Aspiration Pneumonia (Antibiotics). While waiting for other responses you may try to see what you can get.

I saw where you posted one ot two on another post but I don't know antibiotics. And pain meds as well as Ab's need to be dosed per body weight. Or maybe someone can guesstimate weight.

Edit: Thank goodness the cal-very has arrived!

01-09-2020, 02:54 PM
This boy is in serious condition! He does appear dehydrated.
If he's clicking he needs antibiotics. If he's still bloated he should be given simethicone. (gasX)

I suspect with Tractor supply he's also been on an improper formula, many times the wrong formula
winds up sitting like undigested sludge in their system resulting in bloat/ constipation. Bloat can kill!
Continuing to feed the wrong formula would not be helping this situation either. A squirrel with bloat
should not be fed until the bloat is resolved. Hydrating drop by drop if necessary may help to move
his system. Please Post a picture of the formula you have been using.

You also suggest he went down further after being fed pecans. If he does have mbd, feeding nuts
would make it worse as nuts draw calcium from the body and likely depleting any reserve he may
have had. If he's been unable to digest them properly they have added to the bloat.

I do hope you can find someone who can assess this little one or even get him to a safe vet.
His appearance is extremely serious and urgent.

01-09-2020, 02:57 PM
If you can’t get him to eat, you can try the calcium in peanut butter balls as described in the MBD protocol.
Of course, peanut butter isn’t healthy but if it will get the calcium into him, use it. Almond butter would be better.

Try avocado. They rarely reject avocado.
Will he take formula? You can make formula with goats milk, heavy cream and yogurt.

01-09-2020, 03:05 PM
Do we have anyone near Kings Mountain, NC who can help or has a squirrel friendly vet contact?

01-09-2020, 03:06 PM
The female is the same size as him. Maybe a little longer. Okay with all the info what do I need to do as soon as I get back home??? I can give dosage of antibiotic when i get home. He is very small. Should i try so.e pedialyte as well?? How much calcium should i give him once I get home. And foods to try and get him to eat. I will also pick up some childrens ibuprophen on my way home. I will check back in with you guys as soon as i get home and go from there with a plan. Thanks so much you guys I will be heart broken (I already am though) if he doesn't pull thru.

01-09-2020, 03:13 PM
Also can pneumonia cause fast heart rate?

01-09-2020, 03:39 PM
I don't have experience with pneumonia or dosing meds.
Be sure to pick up infant (not children 's) ibuprofen and infant gasx if he is still bloated and a scale.
Sending prayers for little Rex, I hope someone close to you can be found to help.
Have you ordered blocks yet?

01-09-2020, 04:37 PM
I have cefdinir oral suspension 250mg/5ml. Can someone estimate his size and send me a dose for him. I just got home I stopped by my local Wal-Mart and found no weight I asked a manager as well. My husband is going out for infant ibuprophen. Ill send a pic od him beside a can so someone can get a better idea od what he weighs. Thanks so much.

01-09-2020, 04:45 PM
Brandy, I believe Rex definitely has MBD so you should continue the treatment.

The clicking is a different issue. I don’t think it is wise to wait to determine if this is indeed pneumonia. Clicking, lack of appetite and lethargy are symptoms of pneumonia so treating now is imperative. We can’t wait to determine if the clicking is nasal or chest. They crash VERY fast. When you get home please post the concentration of the cefdinir. Also, is it expired? I believe you mentioned it was a liquid. If it is in date I will dose it based on 300g but an accurate weight would be better. He looks very small from the pic. Is he the same size as his sister? She needs calcium also.

You should order the blocks from Henry’s today. The picky eater block is my personal favorite. All of mine eat it well.

Was he on PetLac formula?

This is the link to the healthy diet for captive squirrels.


Can you give a dosage based on this pic?

01-09-2020, 04:46 PM
I don't have a scale. Its cefdinir oral suspension 250mg/5ml

01-09-2020, 05:11 PM
Is it expired?

01-09-2020, 05:16 PM
Brandy, I’m going to send you a Private Message.

01-09-2020, 05:20 PM
No its still in date exp 2021

01-09-2020, 05:22 PM
[QUOTE=HRT4SQRLS;1307614]Brandy, I’m going to send you a Private Message.[/QUOTE


01-09-2020, 05:28 PM
No its still in date exp 2021


01-09-2020, 06:19 PM
I’m listing the only resources I know of in NC: Dr. Dan Johnson, Avian and Exotic Animal Care, Raleigh, NC 919-844-9166. TSB member Sissy is in Goldhill, NC and there is another Rehabber that says she can network within NC. I will send you a private message with the other name and phone numbers. Private messages are accessed from the top of the page under notifications.

Edit: I sent the two contacts names and numbers to Brandy in a pm.

01-09-2020, 06:44 PM
Brandy, I know info is coming at you from all directions but your being super-mom right now! Thank you!

Hang on little Rex, helping and healing is headed your way!:clap

01-09-2020, 07:15 PM
I just got off the phone with Sissy, I left her a message earlier this afternoon.
Mel may already gave you her number, but I messaged it again just in case.
Call here asap she is trying to help.

01-09-2020, 08:43 PM
You guys are awesome. Thanks so much for all your help! My sister is a vet tech and gave me the info on lady who is a rehaber 20 mins from me. I took rex blindly without knowing I wouldn't get him back. She was really nice gave him antibiotics right away. But told me it was against the law to give him back to me. I understand she could loose her license but he was my baby. I still have Roxy I and realize now they were on a poor diet so that's changing now. My mission is to keep Roxy as healthy as possible so this doesn't happen again. I will miss Rex so much. Thanks everyone for your help and your support!

01-09-2020, 09:20 PM
I'm glad that Rex is with a rehabber. Is she going to keep you updated on how he is doing?
Roxy is probably confused and missing her brother.
Have you considered reuniting them by letting the rehabber take her in as well?
Keeping siblings together is always in their best interest.
Maybe you can post a couple of pictures of Roxy, so we can meet Rex's sister.

01-09-2020, 09:46 PM
I will definitely try to post a pic tomorrow if she will be still long enough for a pic. I don't want to do that. I know it may be selfish but I was so attached to Rex and my heart is shattered over this situation. I will keep Roxy and love her and make sure she is on a much better diet! I think she is confused and wondering where he is.

01-09-2020, 11:02 PM
I wish you would reconsider about letting them stay together. I know it would be hard, but it would be a very selfless decision. They really do best with a buddy. :hug

01-10-2020, 06:53 AM
Good news Brandy. Hope to hear soon about Rex's progress.

DO you plan on releasing Roxy yourself in the spring?

Nancy in New York
01-10-2020, 07:08 AM
I will keep Roxy and love her and make sure she is on a much better diet! I think she is confused and wondering where he is.

A few years back, a gentleman found a little squirrel in his driveway.
He put out some seed and left it at that. The following day, he put out
more seed, and the little one came back, even though his eyes had not
completely opened yet, he found his way back.
The gentleman found a rehabber, because he knew this was
not normal. Her name is SammysMom here on this board.
A couple of days after she received this first little one, the same gentleman
called her saying he got this little ones sibling.
At this point, both of their little eyes were open.
SammysMom and this gentleman met up and she took the sibling and
put her up to her brother, the photo below was when they were reuntited.
They reached out and embraced. They were finally together again.

Little Rex's world was turned upside down when he lost his mom, then he lost you
and everything familiar around him, he needs his sister and she needs him.
They love and depend on each other. You would be giving your babies back to each
other. Both would do so much better if they have each other back in their lives. So
much less stress on both.
Some things are out of our control, like them both losing their first mom.
BUT some things we can control

The first photo is the little one in the driveway when his eyes were just starting to open.
The second when they reunited.

Please reconsider reuniting these siblings, and helping both of your babies.
We can never take the place of their mom or their sibliings. They need each other.
It's the greatest gift you could give them.

https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-4vFD554/0/21b0cd9a/M/i-4vFD554-M.jpg https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-Mw6S3vG/0/a30136ff/M/i-Mw6S3vG-M.jpg

01-10-2020, 11:41 AM
I got a update on Rex the rehabber told me he is still refusing water and food. She is giving him Pedialyte mixed with formula. He is still clicking but she said she expects that for a day or two while she continues antibiotics. She said he is still lethargic so I'm guessing not much different from yesterday but not any worse either.

01-10-2020, 11:48 AM
[QUOTE=Nancy in New York;1307668]

Little Rex's world was turned upside down when he lost his mom, then he lost you
and everything familiar around him, he needs his sister and she needs him.
They love and depend on each other. You would be giving your babies back to each
other. Both would do so much better if they have each other back in their lives. So
much less stress on both.
Some things are out of our control, like them both losing their first mom.
BUT some things we can control

Nancy in New York, your post made me tear up.

Brandy, please give it some time to process- I know you've already been through a lot, but when you're ready please consider what Nancy said with an open heart and mind :Love_Icon

01-10-2020, 11:52 AM
Your babies have been on my mind nonstop.
Sending prayers for Rex's recovery and Roxy too:grouphug

01-10-2020, 12:13 PM
I got a update on Rex the rehabber told me he is still refusing water and food. She is giving him Pedialyte mixed with formula. He is still clicking but she said she expects that for a day or two while she continues antibiotics. She said he is still lethargic so I'm guessing not much different from yesterday but not any worse either.

Pedialyte mixed with formula is concerning to me

01-10-2020, 01:15 PM
:yeahthat It’s very concerning as the person is a licensed rehabber. I hope the formula she’s feeding is Fox Valley 20/50 and not Esbilac! :shakehead:shakehead

Nancy in New York
01-10-2020, 01:30 PM
Pedialyte mixed with formula is concerning to me

I totally agree. :shakehead

From the Pedialyte site.


01-10-2020, 07:16 PM
Thats what she told me earlier. She said she was a licensed rehabber and told me she had 9 squirells, 2 opossum, 1 chipmunk, 2 rabbits, and a baby dear and also a groundhog. She has her hands full for sure! And she told me all she used was esbilac

01-10-2020, 07:28 PM
Brandy sent me the name of the rehabber in a pm last night. Since it was late, I waited until this morning and sent the name to Sissy.
Sissy knows her, but not really close. Sissy reached out to check on Rex. He is still very sick.
I asked Sissy if she knew rather or not the pedialyte formula mix was being fed or if Brandy possibly misunderstood, but she didn't know.
I asked if the rehabber has been rehabbing long and she said yes and that she is one of the best.

01-10-2020, 07:28 PM
That's not good news Brandy!

The new formula Esbilac is believed to be responsible for many injured and even dead squirrels in the past few months.

If you communicate with her again, see if she could come onto TSB and read some of the stories about Esbilac and MBD.

There's a lot of info on here she could use to help her other babies as well.

01-10-2020, 07:29 PM
Also Roxy is doing great. She has veggies I picked veggies off of henrys list but she is being picky and not wanting to eat her veggies. I also am going to order tge blocks tomorrow as well. Im wanting to become a licensed rehabber and there is a symposium coming up in Raleigh soon. Im thinking about going but its 4 hours away. But im extremely passionate about animals always have been. Any rehabbers that can give me some advice and what to expect if I go? Thanks 😊

01-10-2020, 07:32 PM
Are you going ahead with the calcium treatment for Roxy?

01-10-2020, 08:14 PM
I spoke to Connie on the phone and I misunderstood you guys.I'm sorry for the misinformation. Shes really great and she is doing all she can for him. I know he is in great hands she is just so kind and I know she is full of wisdom we talked for probably an hour last night and she has been rehabber for over 10 years. I do know she is tubing him to get food in him. Because he is refusing food still. Hes still getting antibiotics and she said he will for a few more days.

01-10-2020, 09:38 PM
Are you going ahead with the calcium treatment for Roxy?

Yes I definatly am.

01-10-2020, 09:41 PM
Brandy sent me the name of the rehabber in a pm last night. Since it was late, I waited until this morning and sent the name to Sissy.
Sissy knows her, but not really close. Sissy reached out to check on Rex. He is still very sick.
I asked Sissy if she knew rather or not the pedialyte formula mix was being fed or if Brandy possibly misunderstood, but she didn't know.
I asked if the rehabber has been rehabbing long and she said yes and that she is one of the best.

Yes she is really amazing and has so much knowledge! She has offered to be my mentor as I'm going to start working towards being a wildlife rehabilatator my self.

01-15-2020, 06:55 PM
Do you have any updates on Rex, and how is Roxy?

02-02-2020, 11:04 PM
I just want to thank everyone for the help with Rex. Sorry I haven't updated but he didn't make it 😭😭😭. Connie done all she could!!! Roxy is doing great. I have changed her diet completely although she is a very picky eater! She is being treated for MBD and is on calcium carbonate as well. I sprinkle it over her avacodo. She has a ton of energy now that her diet has changed although shes still a very small girl! I'm working towards becoming a licensed rehabilitator. Connie is mentoring me and I also attended the wildlife symposium is Raleigh. My paperwork for my apprentice has been turned in!. I loved Rex with everything I had in me and I wish I could go back and change things as far as diet and formula. But I still have a piece of him, Roxy. And we have became very close. We play together every single day and I make sure she eats her healthy foods! Thanks so much for the quick responses for those who tried to advise me and help...

02-03-2020, 06:45 AM
Godspeed little Rex! :Love_Icon

02-03-2020, 01:09 PM
I'm so sorry about Rex:sadness
Rest peacefully sweet little boy

I'm glad that sweet girl Roxy:Love_Icon is doing well.