View Full Version : Nutrition and neuter questions
01-02-2020, 08:03 PM
I have a male who is about 5 and a half months. Active little sucker, spaz and not quite as chunky as I thought he'd be, but he's still young. He's as smart as a whip and I swear can smell the nuts in the kitchen no matter where I hide them. He is very playful and he does bite - more like love nibbles. It's not something that draws blood - unless you aren't expecting it and it shocks you and you pull away. For me, his mom, I think it's just his wrestling way of playing. Is this something that will get worse as he ages? Is it better to get him neutered at a specific age? If so, what vets in DE do this?
I also have a nutrition question. I give him the squirrel blocks from Henry's. I also have a recipe about other blocks that involve the KAL dolomite, sesame seeds, alfalfa tablets crushed and a whole lot of other things that I've seen in a few other recipes so I know I got this one right. What I'm looking for is something similar but ensures that he is getting the veggies and fruits that he needs. I offer him lettuces, watercress, arugula, escarole and red cabbage because we have an iguana and he eats these things also. I don't give him the kale or the collard greens that he gets, unless Jimmy could eat that too. I will alternate giving him raspberries, blueberries, grapes, dried cherries, crasins, and that's about it. What can I make for him with frozen veggies and then put in a dehydrator? Can I grind up the veggies and mix with applesauce or canned fruit? Something would need to bind it to make a dough to put it.
Thank you for any help and suggestions. I've included some recent pictures of my Jimmy. I've blanked out my face because I'm not if I should show it.
01-02-2020, 11:11 PM
Jimmy is a little darling..! Thank you for taking care of him and loving him. And yes they may or may not get 'meaner" as they mature. Depends on the squirrel a lot.
How did you come to befriend this little one?
I'm inexperienced but your diet sounds pretty good to me. Especially the Henry's blocks. What kind of formula did you raise him on? You may know about the Esbilac issues?
Are you going to try to release him in the spring?
He is precious!
01-03-2020, 05:26 PM
Thank You!! I absolutely love my Jimmy Jim. He is the second squirrel I’ve rescued. The first was about 7-8 years ago when neighborhood kids came running over to my house for me to help. I’m known as the neighborhood Dr. Doolittle! That squirrel (also Jimmy) had fallen out of nest with siblings somehow and cats had gotten to them. Jimmy was only one still living. I was able to bring him around on Esbilac back then. I could not get his infection from the cat bite under control as much I tried. So, I gave him to a local rehabber who yelled at me for trying to help him saying that I had no clue what I was doing. I was very offended because I am a HS biology teacher with A LOT of animal experience; my sister in law is a vet (in TN) and I research and research stuff on the internet. I’ve included some pictures of him and in the ten days I had him, I think I did a pretty dang good job.
Jimmy Jim came into my life when my son almost ran him over at a local park on his bike. Since the first Jimmy I’ve rescued, I’ve taken to the same rehabber a fawn who’s mother must’ve died and then he had been bit by a fox or dog, and to Tri-State bird rescue (a couple miles away from me), three crow babies scared out of their nest by a red-tailed hawk. Cool and scary to watch at the same time. So, with this baby, I thought I’d give it another try, and I’ve been very successful. Yes, Jimmy Jim was brought up on Esbilac and I didn’t know about the MBD that could be associated with it. I don’t believe he has any issues from it. My original question about the fruits and veggies is just me being the worried squirrel mom wanting to make sure I give him the best possible life, starting with his diet.
Honestly, I don’t have plans to release. I am not giving him to the rehabber only to be chastised again, because I don’t know if I could be so nice again. I think he would have to be what I heard “reprogrammed”. He doesn’t know how to “squirrel”. He has no fear of humans, dogs or cats all of which I have. Loud noises do freak him out. I do talk about him and show videos of him in my class especially when we talk about ecology. I try to work him into my lessons as much as I can. I don’t know if I can technically keep him since I don’t believe he is injured in any way as far as I know, unless they all are not as spazzy and goofy as he is. I’m afraid to apply for a license to keep him as an educator bc then I might be on the radar. Right now he refuses the harness, but I would love him to allow it and for me to take him out and him to be calm enough to educated people as I have him out.
So maybe I’ll. Just mix different veggies together with some fruits to make a paste, put in dehydrator and give him that.
01-03-2020, 06:40 PM
I will try to touch on all the points...
First off the diet because that is most important:
There are lots of "recipes" for squirrel food on the, most of them are flawed. When you see ingredients like alfalfa run... run away (or type away.. click away? Just get away) very fast... If this is the joke of a "nutrition" site for squirrels... run even faster. JMO... though most (of not all) here will share that opinion.
I think your squirrel needs more cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and the like. Fruits are more limited... not sure how much of his diet is fruit.
As far as being aggressive... squirrels are wild animals and people really do not have much say in whether they stay more mellow or get more wild. In most cases even if they "tolerate" one person, they more often than not will viciously attack other people (including spouses, children and other members of the household) after a while. Hoping that neutering will help keep him tame and mild is not a realistic expectation. To be fair, I am very against a healthy squirrel as a "pet" unless they are given the option of being free and do not choose that life. If squirrels made good pets in general, there would definitely be many more pet squirrels!
Social Media and the classroom... I strongly suggest you refrain from advertising your Jimmy. It only takes one small-minded person to file a report and once filed they have to follow up and that will not end well for Jimmy. Especially if he is people friendly and unafraid of predators like cats and dogs. Might be a good idea to tell the class you released Jimmy or turned him over to a rehabber for release... they really do not need to (and should not) know about Jimmy. I am not really sure how strict your state is, but fire is not worth playing with considering the price Jimmy might pay. Most states will not allow a healthy squirrel to be kept in captivity, even if you are a licensed rehabber: Most states require non-releasable wildlife to be euthanized.
01-03-2020, 07:00 PM
Was these last pics of your first squirrel?
Regardless, poor baby. Did he get past the injuries?
As far as release, there is a process on this board called a soft release. You could possibly put Jimmy through the process and it's just possible he'd do fine in the wild. As Spanky said, offer him the chance and let him choose. That is if he's healthy.
01-03-2020, 07:08 PM
Hoping that neutering will help keep him tame and mild is not a realistic expectation.
Thank you Spanky! :goodpost
Your words were also the opinion of my veterinarian with his adding "It accomplishes nothing and
it's a cruel and unnecessary procedure to put a squirrel through to appease the human mindset."
01-04-2020, 05:37 PM
Everything that I have read that you have said I know is true and I'm being selfish. Could you direct me to where to find the way to do a soft release? I know that I couldn't do it now although we are having an extremely mild winter. I do want to give him the best life possible.
As for the second set of pictures, I do not know how my first Jimmy faired. I'm obviously hoping that he has done very well.
01-04-2020, 08:19 PM
Here is a thread that has the A-B-C's.... please feel free to ask any questions if you have them. :thumbsup
01-04-2020, 09:14 PM
Thank you Mommasika for considering Jimmy's wants and needs. It's not an easy choice. I know!
But when the soft release is done, and you see him go up in the trees, you'll know that you have done the right thing. And just maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones where Jimmy decides to hang around and come see you from time to time.
01-04-2020, 09:41 PM
When should he be started to get acclimated to outside? What should the lowest temperature be at night?
I understand that there is a small door (4 by 4) to allow him to go in and out when finally released, and I guess there is a big door for me to go in and out. Are those the only doors? Or is there something else for the food to be put in? The reason I ask is I know that there isn't supposed to be any contact, and I know that if I go into the cage, I'm going to want to play with him. Especially if he jumps on me.
What if he decides that he wants to stay with me? Am I or he still going to get in trouble? I hope it works where he is free, but comes and hangs out every once in a while.
I understand that I need to still feed him the veggies, but I also need to make sure he has the wild food. How do I know what he gets from the wild around where I am?
01-05-2020, 08:47 AM
I’ll try to answer some of your questions about release. Do you plan to release at your home? If so, there are a couple of things I have found to work well for me. I live in a neighborhood with no surrounding forests. It doesn’t sound like an ideal location, but squirrels have been surviving in this area for a long time, even without my help. I don’t release all my squirrels here because I worry about over population, but have released some. Some of the ones have stayed either in my yard in nest boxes I’ve put in trees or have ventured to neighboring yards but still routinely return. I completely understand the bond you have with Jimmy and believe squirrels are best living in the trees. I also think you can have both.
I have a release cage in my backyard. It has a large walk in area with a door for me, a small feeding door and a smaller portal release door. Because Jimmy is a singleton it will be to his advantage to be a little older when released which will happen just because of your location. Folks in northern climates don’t release until Spring and there are leaves on the trees for coverage and temperate temperatures. I don’t know what the minimum outside temperature should be before placing Jimmy in a release cage. I hope those that know can answer that question for you.
Once my guys are placed in the release cage I continue to interact with them. I know this goes against what many rehabbers believe, but I know you would like to maintain a relationship with Jimmy, too.The biggest concern for continuing to interact with them is that they will approach other humans. You need to know whether your neighbors will tolerate this or not. Thankfully, I don’t have neighbors that dislike squirrels and many folks in my neighborhood know i rehab so they understand.
When I place my guys in the release cage I move the fleece cube they’ve been sleeping in and put a wooden nest box in the cage with their bedding in it. Many times they’ll continue to sleep in the cube but usually transition on their own to the nest box. After being in the release cage for 2-3 weeks and they’re ready for release I put the nest box from the cage up into a tree in my yard. Because they’re scent is already in it they will typically go to it for safety. The cube remains in the cage in case they want to return to the release cage via the portal to sleep. Your nest box should have predator guards on it to help protect them once it’s in the trees. I have found that this works well for encouraging them to stick around. Of course, there’s no guarantee. The day I release I stay outside and monitor them, talk to them and watch their joy as they navigate the trees and wallow in the dirt and grass. :dance:serene It’s very rewarding to know that you had a hand in allowing them to live the life nature intended for them. I also offer treats and food which encourages them to stick around. :grin3
After release, as time goes on, they may venture further from home, but I have a female who has remained in a nest box in my yard for almost two years. She’s had three litters of babies, of which some have hung around and others have moved on. There is significant peace of mind knowing she’s close by and I’m here if she needs me, which she has....several times.
Photos of my release cage. It’s 6x8x6. The small door in the last photo is the feeding door, but we didn’t design it very well because the squirrels usually stand on that shelf and the door opens in so it’s next to impossible to open it. :tap If you can manage it the little vestibule to walk into is a nice feature, you don’t have to worry about a premature escape.
01-05-2020, 10:32 AM
Mommasika, The post above is very good information from Mel1959 as is the info if you follow the link from Spanky above.
I don't know how much of a worry it will be raising and releasing in your area/state. Don't advertise your intentions too broadly and hope you have decent neighbors that could care less about what you're up to or may even be on your side.
As for release timing, if you wait until trees have their leaves, I would guess mid-end of may, outside temps shouldn't be a problem. And that should make Jimmy around 9-10 months old. A good age for release because he's matured up a good bit.
He will probably hang around his release cage, especially at night , for a while until he gets his bearing on his new world. And every day he will find new food sources on his own while you continue to support and supplement him.
And hopefully he'll enjoy the comforts you give him so much that he will choose to live right there, at which time he's a wild squirrel and not illegal.:grin3
Thank you for caring for and loving Jimmy!
01-06-2020, 07:32 PM
I'm feeling so much better about my decision. I know deep down it's the best for Jimmy. I helped him grow up, and now he needs to be outside. I live in a fairly wooded area. There is a 300 ft protected greenway with a creek behind my house, and there are definitely woods between another development and mine. We have acre lots so there's a little distance between neighbors, and I'm towards the end of a cul-de-sac. I'm just worried about him getting picked off by a hawk or fox, of which there are many, hit by a car or being picked on and not accepted by the locals.
I have ideas now for the outside cage. I'm torn between the wood and the PVC pipe. I know the wood can't be treated. I think that the PVC pipe would be easier for me, and I could make it in pieces at my school and then assemble it completely at home. Kids would probably enjoy working on the project with me after school, as well as a few squirrel nest boxes. I know I saw those plans somewhere.
01-06-2020, 07:40 PM
I'm feeling so much better about my decision. I know deep down it's the best for Jimmy. I helped him grow up, and now he needs to be outside. I live in a fairly wooded area. There is a 300 ft protected greenway with a creek behind my house, and there are definitely woods between another development and mine. We have acre lots so there's a little distance between neighbors, and I'm towards the end of a cul-de-sac. I'm just worried about him getting picked off by a hawk or fox, of which there are many, hit by a car or being picked on and not accepted by the locals.
I have ideas now for the outside cage. I'm torn between the wood and the PVC pipe. I know the wood can't be treated. I think that the PVC pipe would be easier for me, and I could make it in pieces at my school and then assemble it completely at home. Kids would probably enjoy working on the project with me after school, as well as a few squirrel nest boxes. I know I saw those plans somewhere.
It sounds like you have a good plan. We made our release cage in either 4x6 or 2x6 foot sections and then screwed the sections together. It’s basically a modular design and can be disassembled and moved if necessary. The side panels sit on top of the floor panel and the roof panel sits on top of the side panels.
01-06-2020, 07:56 PM
Sounds like a plan to me Mommasika.
Fun to be had by all, and for a great cause!:serene
And your release site sounds good. I know the worries! They are there regardless of where you release. In the trees are where they thrive and are meant to be!
Jimmy will thank you!
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